crap you got me i thought it was a game dangit.
they look alike there sig words are the same and the words above there avatar are the same.
guitar hero is really fun.
i must know.
teach me now!!!!(plz)
(srry for doubel post) its 4:25 were i live(florida)
can you tell me how to make sigs teach me your ways.
very very very sad.
i think its stupid and i dont wanna break my tv.
oh so you wanna fight ok then its a CHALLENGE!"gets my blade and shuves it up your butt" next time think before you mess with me.
Dude Your Freakin Sweet!.
i went to eb games and i played a free trial of gutair hero and its so fun when i get my ps2 im proambely going to buy it ^____^
its a golden chain with a dollar sighn.
can anyone give me 2 sigs that have cloud in it and say my name and a avatar that has cloud in it with my name plz do this!
i would die @_____@ what would you do if i kissed you for no reason.
im sad because im getting a present from my grandma and she lives in florida when she comes down to my house(4 hours away) shes giving me a ps2 and when she gives me that i get to play kingdom hearts2 but i have to wait till friday or saturday to get that and my golden chain.:(
your being rude
actually use the other one because the blue one looks like cinderella ^_^
that is a marvalous dress but we have to go as a disney character thats the rules for the formal.