"takes of roof of the house and throws gernade"
mookie you are beautiful tonight your like the charms in my dreams.
FINE THEN YOU WANNA GET DIRTY LETS GET DIRTY!!!!"walks out side and comesback inside with a truckfull of mud and throws it everywere" yeah!!!
hahannuh me and mookiethekeytodestiny are coupels put us on the coupels list."takes pic of me and mookiekeytodestiny" ok mookie heres your fanta
"cleans up maris house" there it as good as new ")
wait mookie can we get out picture done?
yeah i did so im going to go have some refreshments and wait for everyone to get here you wan tsome if you do ill get you some.
rings doorbell and walks inside i cant wait to see my date we will be happy to see eachother.
plz leave me alone ok and i wont get banned for a six word rule.
actually i take that bake i think of demeyx for somereason.
im going with mookiethekeytodestiny but sunderland is the only one left so you have no choice.
a sad person.
thank you.
stop with the qoutes and shutup im so tired of you.
i know im the ruler.
stop spammin this thread up i mean really was we here to talk about dumb people or mr.boom and mr.bob it was mr.boom and mr.bob so plz say somthig about that
what the titel says
i wll miss nra after i kill him for taking my soul.