"of out nowehere i hug mookie and i blush" was that good?
look if you dont like it dont post but if you do the post your making me angry
ok no alchahol coming right up "he gave the drink to haunnha" hope ya enjoy
ok yesterday i got hit in the face and a littile of the skull with a tool like its a twier or sumthin 2. my friend threw a hammer on the ground and it slammed on my foot. what happend to you? do not post if you dont like the thread.
hey mookie im going to make you a glass of shampeann here it is
yeah it wll star a flame ya let it die.
well your not one let this thread keep going o flamming just deal with it you babys lol
ok whats annoying about darkandroid let me see um what your doing right now is annyoing.
nooooooo its good ok just go with the program.
name the most annoying thing about the person above you. begin warning do not flame ok i will kick you srry a$$ out of here no flaming!!!
well im going to go play the wii for a hour ill be back.
heres there preview http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L55eYkswPgI&NR
hey haunnah the limos here mookie lets get in the limo"walks in the limo holding mookies hand her hand was as soft as the wind" ok were here mookie lets have some shampanee.
ok in an hour got cha im going to take a nap for an hour mookie if thats ok with you"sits on chair and goes to sleep for an hour and wakes up" is the limo here yet?
i see haunnah in the corner she look heart broken i go over there and cheer her up. hey haunnah cheer up you know he will come and besides if he dosent then hes a fool to miss out on a girl like you:) come on mookie lets go watch some tv you can sit in my lap.
can someone give me the link to the kh-2 cutscene of that part?
mookie i cant stop thinking about how beautiful you are your so charming.
mookie you bored cause if you are you can play my psp portabel.
look at mookie like a flying dove. mookie when im with you i feel like im on a cloud and if were not anywere fancy but if your there its always charming.
lets get our pic done mookie smile!:)