I hate you making these threads.
Sorry dudes I'm no longer playing the Halo Trial.
Anyone have it? My username is SpartanTK421.
Fecking Epic!!!!!
Then don't read 'em simple as that.
Every Man For Himself!!!!!!!
Hey Thar Foxxie Loxxie.
Sara I always hated you,I always hated you the most.
Crap,Arc I'm gonna miss ya bud : (, I hope you come back.
I feel your pain my friend.I'm loooking it up on veoh right now.If that fails then I have to wait until they put it on thier website.
Rooster Teeth means business,they forced youtube take down one of the episodes.
Oh no not another unban Roxas thread.
I'm guessing this is the last Super Smash Bros. they'll ever make.
But I can't watch it : ( *doesn't have a 360*
w00t I'm a failure!!!!!
i herd u liek mudkips
I need to finish The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya before the new season comes out. I'm been slacking out on it. Luckily I finished watching Lucky Star.
The first black Jesus >:3