gonna go play some Half-Life 2 now.
That's real classy.
So Rook when's your next album?
he he that's really cute.
Tell those brats to bring me some too.
The cake is not a lie.
Xemnas_14 will be baked and then there will be cake.
No fighting or you won't get any cake.
Jade Rhade would you like some moist delicious cake?
No more cake for you fatass.........you were also adopted.
Screw chocolate I have some moist delicious cake for you.
Do you want some cake?
I have baked a cake it's so moist and delicious.
Jerkfarmer .
That's what makes the game interesting and besides it's a fun game.Don't judge a book by it's cover. Are you playing the Xbox 360 version?
Who touched Sasha?
I have a brother who has autism he's a pain to live with but I love him nonetheless.
My grades weren't that great either.
I'm playing Team Fortress 2 now! You can buy the Orange Box and play with me.