Goddamn red *******.*shoots Spike with shotgun* W00t suck it red!
Now that was fail.
In before lock.
You gotta admit the graphics do look interesting.
In the end it was really just a reality show.
Mari's On Mari's On!!!!!!!!!!!*heart Attack*
Sweet Nra is a on,now it's a party.
*walks through CtR country of dictatorship*
You quoted a commercial that had nothing to do with CtR why?
That's telln' 'em BTW your sig is too big.
Don't worry I took care of it. A screenshot I took of it's ugly corpse.
Never mind.It's working now......OMFG HEADCRAB!!!!!!!!*head humped*
My thoughts exactly.
I'm walking through Nova Prospekt(sp) and I'm about to enter this room,loading screen appears.Once it loads the whole is screwed up.I'll post a screenshot.
What a coicidence,I'm going through that lesson right now too,but don't expect me answer for you;is no good.
Wow 2 pages. Didn't expect that much from this thread. Anyway something's wrong with with a certain part in HL2
I'm gonna play Half-Life 2.
Whatever happened to him?