Just played it today. Amazingly destructive. I didnt know whether to gun down the enemies or blow up more buildings. If the rest of the same is anything like that, then I'll totally be getting it.
Pfft, There's nothing other than FFXII >:3
Slighty reduced quality but smaller nonetheless.
http://cronokingsforum.myfastforum.org/index.php ahurhurhur
I can has calling you nao?
Venat: Eliminated! :3
Well I never looked up the past of that topic, but I would guess that it runs back to our past in the Christian churches and such. Early civilizations had female toplessness that even today still exists in the more older cultures in Africa and such. But after the missionaries started taking over places and enforcing their religion, toplessness slowly became more taboo. At first it was just women because young girls lacked actual breasts, but eventually it spread so that even girls had to be covered up in public. Nowadays its considered indecent exposure and against the law, but recently there's been groups of women who are trying change things. They believe that women should have the same rights as men when it comes to exposure, and have even gotten some places around the U.S. to allow public breast feeding. Its all the usual double standards crap.
So many delicious traps missing from that beautiful collection.
Well, Story-wise I'd go with Super Mario RPG. In Super metroid its a pretty basic land on planet, find a metroid hatchling, Space pirates steal it, and she has to get it back. Nothing major really happens, its the gameplay that makes the game so great. But Mario RPG has more of a satisfying feeling after you beaten it. Plus Geno is pretty badass.
I suppose it would really depend on what kind of game you feel like playing at the moment. Saying one is better than the other is impossible, and both are a considerable length if you do go out of your way and collect all the extra stuff. It all boils down to whether you want to play an action/platformer or an adventure/rpg more.
The Admins.
Immortality all the way. I mean sure after a millenium of searching for knowledge I'd get bored and spend a decade trying to kill myself, but once I get sane again it'd be a blast. Plus for all I know, we all could just be reincarnating everytime a new baby is born. The only problem I could see would be people thinking the gift is more satanic then godsent and I'd get labelled as some kind of demon. And living forever with a body ravaged by attacks against me would be annoying.
Oh, this is before blondie gets boobs >:
Lets hope that helps~
Ahurhurhur, pikachu's a comin'
Your dog looks awesome. When do you teach it to dance?
Fixed :D