Wolfie :D
Quite demented indeed. Too many jabs and high kicks getting to you? Daaaw, you're still so adorable :'D Tons more better than your school uniform lol.
This one looks quite fun. It looks like what you'd expect from PixelJunk but without it being redundant. And this will be the first one were you can actually take action :D
Only on weekends. News is slow then x:
Darn, I thought you got a life |:
You got bored lmao~
Well thats what happens when you live in the future xD. Plus you know how it is, Girlfriend > Video games > News > Random brit o:
I know right? Its even better than Frank Fontaine~
I wouldnt know xD. No one I knows around here plays it. Although some ******* Ryu user is spamming again D;
Marblecake. So delicious.
I was too busy watching Marvel vs Capcom 2 o:
Twewy of course.
You know I dont break promises D<
Ha, Im calling you that from now on. Mine was cronoking. I know, so different from now right?
No, its for that other chick xD Of course its for you! I owed you remember?
Ew, you're wearing my present D: Good thing I didnt give you your other one >:3
You should try using a computer.
Its been a while since I played but I think they give you a message about going to sleep in a bed or something.
Shivering Isles is crazy fun. I cant believe you're only just playing the game though lol. Remember to rest in a bed once you get the necessary experience, otherwise you'll never level up. Took me a while to figure out that one.
Ah, no problem. You're welcome~