Cant it just be a zombie? I hear Raccoon city has a virus that brings your loved ones back to life.
Done :D
Dont let it sleep forever, it might die on you.
I wish. I'd have to go on my wii to play that. But who walks to their room nowadays?
Rise from beyond the grave! [IMG]
Too many syllables, doesnt really sound as good.
Can't it be both?
Aye. And congrats to you too Famous!
Well then that's a confirmation. Now we have proof that Famous does indeed rock.
Famous rocks~
Ha betch, invis-thesesnuts
~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Those pretty much sum up the show.
Well I suppose its good he recognizes you as one of the parents, even if its the wrong one. He could've picked Applesauce or DJ Ruffy Ruff.
Man, he's grown so much since the last time I've seen him. So did he inherit all your awesome powers too?
Of course~
How's that baby?
So do I! For now at least..... x3
Where's the orgy space? |:
Well...... At least I know what a a Klondike bar is D:
lol, bum soap.