That's why I said I might not get one.
I dont even have a myspace yet....yet.... i might not get one.:(
Isn't that one Advent Children?
I'm New as heck! I only came here about a month ago.
K thanx i gess..............
I have stayed up until 5:45 A.M. Beat that!:D
The Gir Dancing one!:D
Get that from my username?
Me I would be Kairi.:D
Groom: Roxas Bride: Namine Pianist: Sora Boy who carries the rings: Axle (XD) Flower Girl: Kairi Priest: Zexion of the Twilight (cannot change) LOL That was pretty fun!:D
One of my friends, she thinks Roxas's should be Tucker, Roxas Tucker...hummm.
Hummm...I don't think he will but that would be quite cool. + that's a little to big to be his and oddly shaped....
I have the lyrics to alot of songs if you want any ask me and I'll try to find them.:D
Sound's like he dosnt like Disney
Please!!! Can you tell me PLEASE what ZOMG means? I would have to say my fav Harry Potter movie would be the 4th.
What I know She's nice, funny, lives in northern Calie, and her b day is Feb. 3rd, 1994.:D
Kind-of... Well, I should say boring, well pretty boring i gess, I mean it can be fun, but... any way so I pretty much only like recess...:o
Awww AWWWW Internet Love! How sweet! Really!:) :o
It's a joke. I dont really. Me and my friends use to pretended we had crushes on vid charactors, and me and my best friend (Katie) fought over Roxas...