Sorry I dobble posted!!! :(
I want to tell but yet I REALLY don't.
Stright Girl.
I haven't seen her in a long time......... odd.
No. I've seen it don't!
My dad sent that to me... your playing another trick. MEANNIE!!
*Whole face turns red* ... * Dies*
* Blushes and puts hand in face* Do I HAVE to?
So do I.!!!!!!
LOL So do I.:D
Mind if I do die of laghter?! :D XD XD XD XD LOL LMAO OMFG!!!!!
...I'm not going to tell.
Thank-you that was this years outfit.:)
Here is a pic of my from 2 nights ago. It was when me and my friend modleing my halloween outfits.
Misty how could you!? LOL JK:D
I sthat a good or bad thing?
I love that band to and you 1. song for them is mine too!!!
I hope not!!
My December~Linkin Park Haunted, My Immortal, Bring Me to Life, and Tourniquet~Evanescence Kinda bored.
Roxas, thanx for the help!!!! :D