Meh I like to say buttmunch but in a good why. Like sometimes i'll say to my BFF "Hey buttmunch" And she usaly says "Meh" LOL XD:D
I gess Thanx I gess...
Not much I dont know much about you...(your above me)
My Friend Thinks My friend thinks Roxas'es shold be Tucker... Roxas Tucker...hummmm... I gess it sounds okay....
My Age Sadly 11...:(
My name is... Darian but I go by Darius.:p
Meh Meh...Now I think he shouldn't have a gf. Or a bf! Ewwww! I dont think Sora LOVES Riku! EW!
I think... Riku should be with Rikku:D .
K That's pretty funny...and odd...and ya...:D...YA! So...Ya...I don't know what to say... :p LOL :D
i dont know
I say I say clouds coolest!