I don't use magic that much so I choose Goofy
who had seen Kenshin? I seen all the episode.
FF7 AC: Cloud (in his bike and his 6 swords), Kadaj, Loz, Yazoo, Aeris (dead) , Cid (fighting), Rude, Reno, Red XIII (A.K.A Nanaki), Barret FF7 DoC: Vincent, Lucrezia, Weiss, Shelke, Azul, Rosso, Nero, Cait Sith, Reeve FF8: Squall (calling him Squall this time not Leon also with long sleeve jacket and no red spots), Rinoa, Seifer (fighting Squall like Cloud and Sephiroth), Selphie (grown up), Irvine, Zell, Edea, Laguna FF9: Zidane, Vivi (original), Amarant, Garnet (A.K.A Dagger), Steiner, Kuja, and more FF9 characters FFX/X-2: Tidus (grown up and be with Yuna), real YRP (the fairy was stupid idea), Wakka (grown up), Auron (revive and in his glasses), Seymour, Lulu, Jecht, Braska that what I want for KH3
I think so. CoM is a card game battle.
look at this vid-_- everybody sayin that Vincent pwns Cloud:] Cloud VS Vincent
hey i thought everybody knows that Vincent is cooler than Cloud
round table pizza, kfc, and jack in the box
"Touch the sky" by Kanye West
Cloud just said he hate Square-Enix
omg look at this, Cloud is jealous over Vincent bcuzz Cloud said he stole my role http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E03a45HCza4
im watching over 170 - 176 episode
here a weirdest funniest thing i ever seen http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TRDkBiz4qg
Vincent cuz hes my best FF character.
so anybody play this violence mature game?
FF8 is a good game
listening to Jay-Z and Linkin Park - Encore/Numb
who played DoC? I beat the game. good game
Bleach is cool. I like Ichigo
I watch Pokemon but don't watch it no more