hey who want to say something mean to this hideous man kwaichi on youtube kwaichi Edited by arc to fix double posting: hey comment anyone. if you guys got any comment then post here don't just ignore like that it real annoying i hated when people does that
here my pics MY PICS
I dun have a pic of me so all i can do is this
do any of you guys think that Bush is really Hitler.
I like Gaara of the sands
thx:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
who likes my AMV down there on my sig
hu'd had played CS. im good at that game
is FF13 is goin to be the last FF games?
who had played a 3D game call GTH. It already closed so can't play anymore
yea ComedyLiker23 list is awesome man
I like the game pokemon but I don't like the show
who can make a cool Vincent AMV, clips from AC and DoC and song D technolife by UVERworld?
of course there gonna b a disney character for the next kh game
here this DoC LE screenshot for the mobile Lost Episode
http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient-ff&ie=UTF-8&rls=GGGL,GGGL:2006-32,GGGL:en&q=ffkh there alot of me and some of you guys know me at youtube
mine is Ultima Weapon cuzz it got bigger strength than other keyblades in KH1
here the codes I always use (M) RWWY-W5QR-8MA82 CZEU-6Z2K-11RAY AYUU-N20U-GRFRM Seymour YT38-YJED-0F897 8UQH-1851-EZQPC In Party UZNG-KEE9-QTJUB ZCMP-F1AC-6YGPU Not In Party GR8D-H3BD-ZQFR9 710E-EBXB-PWT8H Aeon In Party Codes 093Z-Z98K-WJT1G Ifrit NMCF-RDQ4-G1XNY 8UQH-1851-EZQPC In Party ZEU6-DZ7Z-DM9EP 6FPC-FEG3-2KACD Not In Party 30H8-EJ8U-8Z0MH 9PAB-4C67-FJXF5 Ixion J3JM-Q8GH-5Q14M 8UQH-1851-EZQPC In Party TJBW-HN3G-0YU8B KGN3-82BJ-0UGN8 Not In Party U4D4-AQDF-2B1K8 V45G-MR6J-DTMQ0 Shiva W4NJ-WY00-QZH1H 8UQH-1851-EZQPC In Party Z6NE-U161-YH65Q 94TR-H783-MMGH8 Not In Party R6H8-YT7B-YRZQU BRDE-50JT-KUG3Z Bahamut 1NQR-U6ZY-GBMPT 8UQH-1851-EZQPC In Party 3RBG-VG34-AAHQ9 T2D4-6P0G-ZW6GT Not In Party J8X8-415X-MTC61 XT9Q-1558-X31FY Anima 5XMB-X4JY-H1HAG 8UQH-1851-EZQPC In Party C93E-11V3-WCKUH J2CF-JGXT-MX25Q Not In Party Z5XB-B67B-DCFUP 7F9T-GC8U-KWMV8 Yojimbo 3M4H-AYAB-8QXUQ 8UQH-1851-EZQPC In Party D9PG-QN88-M7BAR KQ49-B23C-ZCRRP Not In Party EREE-YDYK-RK09R X6DB-BUUT-PEWF1 Cindy Magus QDKX-ZTCV-X4VJ1 8UQH-1851-EZQPC In Party C8HK-W41W-VW278 60X4-HX5J-1MYZB Not In Party J0WP-FA68-Y6VDF MAER-KH7U-NVDV0 Sandy Magus 4BCM-11XU-P1MAZ 8UQH-1851-EZQPC In Party 2BUK-TKYZ-EFEB3 459F-QDGW-3BMR2 Not In Party 8BFZ-F1U6-CKQAJ K2ZM-YPUT-NTD1R Mindy Magus 7TP0-WUKF-7HYRD 8UQH-1851-EZQPC In Party 71NQ-WG5A-YY5WJ CPG4-CU5M-NPKB3 Not In Party TQ89-9GD8-J4GDQ FGHR-767D-D7NZH
wow the new Advent Children remake
I don't know why DS don't go to KH-Hacks anymore. and that Saddam Osama guy, he was spamming the forums with all these Deathcab for Cutie sucks.