True, but you are still watching it. She meant like physical books
I didn't change my name. I'm so cool beans.
I want a melodica.
XP I'm hoping to full colour the large small dwagon version on the right and do a full body of his human form~
I would try to learn if my guitar wasn't missing a string and out of tune. I'll stick with the keyboard.
haha. Only summer homework I have is for theater and it's not that bad.
Convo on facebook: Me: oh girl I have to get you into yaoi it hot shiiiizzzz Her: lol ok i'm game Me:Do you like anime? Her: i've read it b4. i dont dispise it. but ya know.. it's not, like, every part of my life. Me: .... you don't read anime. Her: no, but i have. and i'm neutral about it. (that means, i will read it.) Me: No. You don't read anime. Like, you can't physically read it. You watch it. Her:MUTHAH LICKER! I'VE READ IT B4! I KNOW HOW TO READ ANIME!!! you read it right to left..... and the spine is on you're right, not the left. Me:
something great and amazing
34%! At least you cared enough to post, loser.
Which means, no.
You should change it again to Cininininiiininininininininnnn. :] or i.liek.little.boyz.also.4eva.
But do you have the voice of a David Bowie Damon Albarn baby?
-dies laughing- prroooooofffplzkthnx
10%! ;o GO STEAM GO
how so?
Lol I'll nominate you if you nominate me XD