because she can play sims 3 and I can't.
Cocoa puffs are nasty.
Ah. Okay that makes much more sense then. I'm not sure what graphics card i have atm, but I have been trying to get a new one.
or maybe because from certain angles in the dark lighting Bill looks like Murdoc Niccals, only hot. XD
why do I love this show true blood so much? D:
I want to read the manga so bad. I'd rather buy it though, so I can read it at school. I hate reading manga online.' i have both soundtracks for the anime~
Your avatar is amazing
Especially when you streamed it. And Rocky Horror Picture Show, which I love but it's like, wtf? Not strange, but amazing none of the less. loltylerdurden
A tiny bit. That's not one of your best avatars. :/
Electric Cellos are awesome too Yeah, but I have no idea what note is supposed to play for each string.
I'm not sure if it will run or not, but when I do try to run it that it requires either GEForce4 4400 or Radeon 8500 or greater. I tried to find how to download them, but I have no idea what i'm doing and why I need them. Help?
Ahhhhh that's where I've seen it looovvve that movie
lol kinda like in air gear when it's like ''yeaaaaaah body'' That song is lolzy
I actually like the song.
Yeah, i'm in the theater master's class.
Omg where is the gif in your sig from. It's so familiar.
The show is sexual it's self.
Lol. If the style is right, you could like, " that's a girl, honey. She just has small boobs and looks a little manly."
I miss having a borders in my mall so I can get yaoi.