lawl. It's funny one of the songs I'm doing is like one i've know for like forever, and I used to know all the words right, but they just flew out of my head.
This wonderful mannnnn:
A guy from the sims.
I'm preparing for a singing contest at an anime convention i'm going to and you are required to sing in Japanese for the last two rounds. Singing in japanese is harrddddd. Well, to memorize it at least.
ohcrap furry behind them.
lmfao. I love that he gave them that name.
Haha. You have to take Sex Ed. I get my schedule thurssssday.
What about ketchup chips?
Aw, how cute.
omfg. It's ducky.
I posted the same thing that I did in this thread: Like last week on dA to see if I can get more hits. And so some smart ass people to be sarcastic and stuff, and so I replied, "stfu loser" and now I'm getting totally bashed for saying that, but it's not like he tried to help me at all did he? I don't know **** about computers, so it's not like it's their place to be such ****s. -shakes head- God.
Your camera is awesome btw. At least it's not as bad as this.
It looks so shop'd though D:
omfg. Godric. sooooo cuuuuuutttte~ And Eric. I JUST got into it. Watched the first season in like 3 days, and got caught up yesterday. True Blood vamps make Twilight vamps look like pussies. I think I just exploded. -slinks back in shame-
I had a KHV dream once. It involved Darky and Mish, 'cept Darky's name was Cleveland. idk.
Yes, but not anything before that, no.
o.O I was just saying. I've never talked to you before nor even seen you here.
Now, why are you talking to me?