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  1. Akio
    Both are really good, but the second one is a little better, cause the light is toned down a bit. The first just is overpowering, in my oppinion. :D
    Post by: Akio, Sep 28, 2006 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  2. Akio
    Arriving back at the Lambda sever chaos gate, Cheal quickly headed to the items shop, knowing that he was going to be going to some higher leveled dungeons soon.

    "Welcome!" The man at the counter said as Cheal walked up. "Need anything?"

    "Just 5 speed charms and 3 healing potions."Cheal said handing over some gold.

    The man went into the back and placed the requested objects on the counter.

    "Thanks."Cheal said, as he walked away, back to the chaos gate. He walked over to the edge of the wall and watched the moon reflected in the water.

    ((BTW, I thought you said in your profile, Sara, that your character helped out Kite. And if Pluto's kiss hasn't happened yet, then wouldn't that mean that Kite is still... alive? And he's not done with his "quest"? I don't know, but you're staring to confuse me.))
    Post by: Akio, Sep 28, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Akio
    Hey! It's all in the RP. I take whoever is best and befriend them. :D
    Post by: Akio, Sep 27, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Akio
    Name: Michael G. Dudra
    Age: 16
    Background: He grew up in a foster home, after his parents died when he was 10. After that he went into denial and acted like nothing ever happened, but he still has nightmares occationally about the whole thing.
    Appearance: 5' 9", brown hair, dyed lighter ontop, and browns eyes. He normally wears a gray shirt, black pants, and a tan, oversized sweatshirt with brown sneakers.
    Relations with other members: If I see them as someone useful, I'll be their friend.
    Preferred weapon: A Technological weapon, like a super powered tazzer gun
    Strategy: Befriend others and then divide and conquer
    Number: #3
    Gender: Boy

    ((I'll most likely be one of the first, since I'm no good at these sort of RPs :p ))
    Post by: Akio, Sep 27, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Akio
    Cheal sat on a rock which hovered nearly twelve feet in the air. He had come here, Lambda Chosen Distant Great Seal, every day to watch the sun set atop the rock. It had been several years ago that he had gotten trapped in "The World" and he had come to terms with what was going on. The sun, now below the horizon, seemed to make him wonder about what had happened outside of the game, but this soon pasted. He turned from the now gone sun, jumped from the rock, and gated out.

    ((Please add: Weapon: Twin Mizuchi to my profile))
    Post by: Akio, Sep 27, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home