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  1. Akio
    Don't know if I'll win, but I'll edit mine here tommorrow. :D

    Here's my entry:
    Post by: Akio, Oct 4, 2006 in forum: Competitions
  2. Akio


    I have it set to record, and I can't wait to see what happens! :D
    Post by: Akio, Oct 4, 2006 in forum: Movies & Media
  3. Akio
    "What was that guys problem?" Cheal said as he shrugged his shoulders. He turned back to the group infront of him.

    "You gonna show me that problem that you've been having?" He asked Roxas.
    Post by: Akio, Oct 4, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Akio
    I kinda agree, but it was no ones fault... *looks at DS*... and we know that everyone tried to solve the problem... *looks at Sara*. At least it wasn't what I thought... :D
    Post by: Akio, Oct 4, 2006 in forum: Community News & Projects
  5. Akio
    Zexion had gotten downstairs and was waiting at the table for quite some time. Seeing no one on his way down, being that he always tried to avoid going past the others rooms, he asumed that they were all still in bed. A fork in one hand and a butter knife in the other, Zexion banged his clenched hands on the wooden table that he was seated at.

    Knowing that no one was going to be down for hours, due to their daily rutine, he threw the fork and knife onto the table and poured himself a bowl of cereal. Before heading to the fridge he grabbed a spoon from one of the many drawers that were installed in the kitchen.

    As he reached the fridge he could smell something sour in the air. He opened the door and quickly relized where the smell was coming from. The milk was about a week past its expiration date and no one bother to throw it out or get a new gallon. He rushed over to the sink, turning on the water and forcing himself not to gag, he dumped the curded milk down the drain.

    With no milk, Zexion gave up on the cereal and decided to just go and see what was taking everyone else so long to get down and make him breakfast.
    I think this is the only RP going anywhere. :D
    Post by: Akio, Oct 4, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Akio
    Come on people!!! We only need... a lot more people to join and then we can start. :D
    Post by: Akio, Oct 4, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Akio
    ... What do you mean that you haven't improved???

    You are at least back to normal(used loosely) and are making some awesome sigs/avies/userbars. :D
    Post by: Akio, Oct 4, 2006 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  8. Akio
    Morning was an odd thing at Castle Oblivion. No sun to wake the ones sleeping, only a heart shaped moon that always shown above them. Alarms could be heard around the castle, moans and groans following them soon after they were gone.

    Zexion had already been up for several hours working on some brain teasers that he had recently gotten. They had only taken a short amount of time, but he enjoyed the somewhat challenge of the whole thing. He got up from a three legged chair that he had been sitting in and began to head for the door to his room.

    Being that he loved the challenge of a brain teaser, he had a labrynth that constantly shifted installed into his room. Easily walking arond the maze he reached the end in a new best record, only taking him five minutes, fourty-two seconds. He jumped in excitement at the thought of a new personal best, and quickly went downstairs to see who was already awake.


    Long beginning, huh? :D

    Btw, I don't think God-Modding is allowed, right? *coughDarkandroidcough*
    Post by: Akio, Oct 3, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Akio
    I agree. It looks somewhat scratchy with those lines. Other than that though it's an awesome sig, so far. :D
    Post by: Akio, Oct 3, 2006 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  10. Akio

    At birth, ten children we're taken from their parents and brought to an experiment lab for testings. The scientists wanted to see if they could create a better type of human. The children had grown up in the labratory until they had turned ten; then they started to do the testing. Each child had one same test, and five different ones. As the tests we're finished, the scientists started to notice the changes occur on the kids. The kids we're each placed into different cubicles so they would live normally as their species would. Each morning the scientists would check up on the kids to see if something new had happened to them, and each morning something would happen. They had made not just one other creature, but ten different species. Most of them we're more powerful then humans and there was no way humans could defeat them. The scientists soon figured it out and moved them to different cubicles; the same but with unbreakable glass. The scientists locked the doors on the cubicles and told the children farewell, and that's where our story begins...
    Keep it PG-13- Meaning not a lot of violence or fowl language.
    No Godmodding- No controlling others characters.
    No God Killing- I have final say in all deaths (Ie. no "Well I sliced you in half and now you're dead").

     [B][U]Experiment Form:[/U][/B] 
    Played by: 
    Character name: 
    Good, Evil, Neutral: 
    Powers: [Only up to five powers] 
    Appearence: [Peferably a link to a picture] 
    Writing Sample: [Just be at least semi-literate] 
     [B][U]Other Form:[/U][/B] 
    Played by: 
    Character name: 
    Weapon: [Military only]
    Appearence: [Peferably a link to a picture] 
    Writing Sample: [Just be at least semi-literate] 
    [B][U]Characters Needed:[/U][/B] 
    [COLOR="Red"]Prince of darkness[/COLOR] 
    [COLOR="red"]Lycan [/COLOR]
    [COLOR="Red"]Fallen angel[/COLOR] 
    [COLOR="red"]Master/Mistress of the animals [/COLOR]
    [COLOR="Red"]Earth controller [/COLOR]
    Wind elemental 
    [COLOR="red"]Ice elemental[/COLOR]
    Anything Else
    Character Profiles:​


    Cheal---- Ris Dorvile

    cronoking---- Piotrem Darkwood

    Drunken Roxas---- Zengetsu/Zeanhort

    Darkwatch---- Zorox

    Demyxu---- "The Romantic Feline"


    Cheal---- Ako Whitlef

    XxAxelEightxX---- Vira

    Drunken Roxas---- Scarlet Robe

    Rouge Angel92---- Rain

    Kairi---- Yoko

    Roxas-chan---- Pururin; Doctor Ocach

    Okay, since I've played this once before, I'm gonna be multiple people. So, after all of the experiments are filled this can start. :D

    Experiment Form:
    Played by: Cheal
    Character name: Ako Whitlef
    Age: 15
    Race: Ice Elemental
    Good, Evil, Neutral: Good
    Powers: Control over ice, able to freeze water into weapons, & turn her body into water/ice
    Weapon: None, but can create anything out of water.
    Personality: She is kind hearted and dislikes to fight. She sees all violence as pointless.
    Appearence: Here

    Other Form:
    Played by: Cheal
    Character name: Ris Dorvile
    Age: 21
    Job: Head Scientist
    Weapon: N/a
    Personality: He is extremely strict and does not like failure. He is not the kind of guy who you want to get angry.
    Other: -
    Appearence: Here
    Thread by: Akio, Oct 2, 2006, 30 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Akio


    I'm in Highschool too, but I have all electives this year so it's pretty fun. :D
    Post by: Akio, Oct 2, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Akio
    Well, she was Girl 10 in KHVR, but totally died. T_T
    Post by: Akio, Oct 2, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Akio
    Wait!!! Does that mean that you plan on writing a sequel?! Man that would be awesome, as well as acurate to the original. ;)

    Anyways... I still stand by my thought of Sara, Arc, and Cin/Roxas-chan. :D
    Post by: Akio, Oct 2, 2006 in forum: The Playground
  14. Akio
    Well, CHRIS, you should know that... You're awesome and your sigs are WAY better than mine could ever be. :D

    Yeah, so... His names Chris, ususally refered to as cronoking, not chronoking, cronoking. More soon.
    Post by: Akio, Oct 2, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Akio
    Well, he used to be Diz, then FFFanatic, and now Tallin. Umm... he thinks I'm better at making sigs than him, but I'm not. And when I figure some more out I'll post 'em. :D
    Post by: Akio, Oct 2, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Akio
    Was on the old forum as well as many others.
    Post by: Akio, Oct 2, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Akio
    Thanks guys. :D

    @ DW: You're right about the lighting, but it is really hard to get it just right. The text is something that I always have a problem with though, so I'm getting some new text now. :D
    Post by: Akio, Oct 2, 2006 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  18. Akio
    Whoo! That means only two spots left and then IT starts. :D
    Post by: Akio, Oct 2, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Akio
    I kinda went on a new style lately and made a couple new sigs for inspiration, while making the userbars for admin./mods/fh. CnC please.







    Thread by: Akio, Oct 2, 2006, 13 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  20. Akio
    Well, it turned out awesome. I give it a great job and a 10/10. :D
    Post by: Akio, Oct 2, 2006 in forum: Arts & Graphics