Well, hope it's nothing too serious and hope you get through this tough time Sara. Come back soon. :D
DW- The result turned out awesome. Sunderland- Good colors and nice effect. Cloudo- Different spin on it and it looks really nice. Sorry ZC, but the colors were battling eachother and the effect just didn't support the stock.
Sorry for my lateness, but... *takes a deep breath* Mish- you were off topic. Kairi- That was flaming, not explaining why you hate Naruto. Darkandroid- Same as Kairi. Now that that's done with... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What I dislike about Naruto is... 1) "Belive it!" since it's way overused.(Good news: It's used less later. :D ) 2) The large amount of fillers making it long.
Okay guys. This is not really a competition, since there is no way to win(ie. unlimited amount of buddies). So, until given good reason I think this should be locked. I would myself, but my account's on the fritz. Btw, to be on topic, I have 8. :D
I like the style that you use. It's really nice and gives it some flare. The font is not incredible and desrves more with the text that is displayed. Great job, though. :D 9.75/10 for both.
Great job. It turned out great. Like Rikku said, it could use some text, don't know what but it could. But even without the text it's a great tag. 9.5/10 :D
I like it. The effects were awesome, the music was good, and you stayed true to the song. There were a couple small problems, mostly transitional, but besides that it is really well done. :D 9/10
This is an Update, so don't start telling me I double posted. Since no one seems to want the last two spots, I am planning on starting The Experiments on Monday the 16th at 2:30 (Central time). This will give anyone who wants to join a chance and also get us started. PM's will be sent about this to all participating members. :D
I'm really busy this week, so as soon as I finish your request I'll post it. :D ~Locking for now~
Rides out the backalley of the store on his Boney Grunty. "Yee-haw! Thanks Sara. Now take me to the dungeon entrance Boney."
Cheal had already reached the Chaos Gate and was waiting for Roxas to finish getting ready. He noticed that some wierdo had been in the area and suddenly started screaming, just before walking over to the gate. "Problem?" Cheal asked the twin blade, who looked like he was troubled by something.
Yeah, making it 99.99%. :D Still, you have some competition.
LOL! Yeah, same here NRA. I only got one after so many people bothered me into getting one. I go on it once in a while and I have like 36 friends, but I don't really get the point of it. :D
RikuReplica, this is a Battle Royale RP. Weapon as in actual weapon(ie. gun, sword, knife) or something odd(ie. armor, computer, tazer). Number means the number that you are in the class. Only numbers 5, 10, & 11 are left open. BTW, this is not a KH RP in any way... :D
Name: Cheal Background: Main Weapon: Bow and arrows Secondary Weapon: Two daggers Character's Stats: Strength level:10 Magic level: 10 Wisdom: 10 Agility: 10 Experience: 50 Level: 1 Rank: Soldier Guile: 5 Archery: 3 Aiming abilities: 0 Characters Element: Plants Appearance: Cheal Goal: Gender: Male Race: Part Human; Part Demon Age: 18 Alignment: Good Special abilities: Green Thumb: Cheal can touch the ground and control any plant that is in a five mile radius. Although once touching the ground he can't move his fingers from the ground for a short time. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'll work on this some more, but I got a question. 1) What is the plot/setting/story of the RP?
Wow, Kairi. I really didn't picture you to look like you do. I sorta looks emo/goth, since I am wearing a lot of black this year, but I'm not. New pic of me coming soon. :D
Doesn't matter to me. Go ahead. :D To remind everyone, I'll PM everyone when we are ready. :D
Happy Birthday General.(Saying now, cause I might not be on tommorrow.) I have my birthday on December 11th. So... long... to wait... :D
Michael, if you didn't see it when Crono had it in his signature. :p BTW, no one call me Michael, Mike, Mikey, etc, cause I'm Cheal to you guys. :D
Zexion looking shocked threw down the roses and the wig and ran back into the closet. ((Ha! :D I just made a funny joke about Zexion coming out of the closet. XD))