Its one of my first Kingdom Hearts music videos, and I had a lot of fun working on it This song is 'Take Me Away' by Globus I really love this song, and it fits Kingdom Hearts really well. If you guys have any song ideas let me know :)
CAREFUL MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS! So Ive been thinking about the ending of Kingdom Hearts 3D. Also about Lea/Axel getting a Keyblade. And then Sora failing his test. Also in the secret ending when Mickey and Yensid were taking about Kairi, and then Riku bringing Kairi to them, got me thinking. I think that before Kingdom Hearts III comes out they might make another game to train Kairi, Lea/Axel and Sora to be a Keyblade masters. I mean, Sora needs to finish the test sometime and now that Master Yensid has figured out that Kairi has a Keyblade, he might as well put her to the test also. Not to mention Lea/Axel needs to learn how to use his Keyblade. Maybe even if not in another game just to train them all, it will be a starter to the Kingdom Hearts III. But I find one more thing interesting. The team still needs to find Aqua Terra and Ventus before fighting Xehanort. So my theory is that Kairi, Sora, Lea/Axel are their training and mark of mastery. They could be going to have to go on their Own quests to find the other Keyblade Masters. We would get to play as Kairi Sora and Axel going after which ever Keyblade master they're assigned to find. But it could even be something else, like training and fighting each other like Terra and Aqua did in Kingdom Hearts BbS. And maybe the same system in BbS were you could be more then 1 character. I would be sure either way Riku would get to go with them as a helper Character like Donald and Goofy in Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2. And it would be the prefect game to help the SoraXKairi romance, that kind of needs a little help. Plus I would hope that Sora would get to pass the test one way or another. But then again, he could fail because he was to busy making Goo goo eyes at Kairi... Tell me what you guys think of my theory :) and maybe you guys have thoughts of your own on the secret endings and messages.