I don't really have anything else to say I just thought I'd share this experience with you all. Why do people like the Wii music so much...
Despite the title it's not that serious guys View attachment 47623 Introduction: What is Duolingo? Duolingo is a website and phone app who's mission is for everyone to be able to have access to learn different languages through technology, in a fun and creative way! We've all tried it, right? I know I have - making a New Years Resolution to learn a new language before giving up in a few days, but that's because I found nothing was working for me personally. But with Duolingo learning is fun, free, and fast. I've already learned over 200 words and it's only been less then a week! Duolingo is a lot of fun on it's own - so why not make it more fun by having a little competition with your friends, while encouraging them to continue learning a language. Sometimes motivation from your friends can go a long way! The Mission: (What we're doing exactly) So after talking to a couple people in my Discord Server, my idea is basically to have a leaderboard similar to the one for KHUX. There will be a single leaderboard for everyone who would like to participate, to have an individual score, and also Teams if y'all wanna partner together or alliance to destroy your competition. This will not only motivate people to continue, but you could also get some fun rewards out of it! (If this goes on long enough I'm thinking a Pin but the staff will have to help with that). You can also post in this thread if you need help, like if you're struggling with learning a certain language or a certain category within a language, or just need help getting to your daily goals. We're all here to support and motivate each other while having a little fun! The Leaderboard: (How it works) If you go to Duolingo.com, you can see the amount of EXP you've earned for the entire week, as shown here. View attachment 47626 All you have to do is send this to me and I'll update your score on the Leaderboard! Please screen cap your entire screen though complete with the date/time/etc on the corner so we know you aren't cheating >: ) But if you do decide to "cheat", that's on you, and you wouldn't really be learning right? After these numbers are given to me I'll create a fancy little leaderboard in like... excel or something, I don't know but I'll make it look pretty, and then we can see who's won each week. Then, we can also see who's top for the month as Duolingo also gives your monthly score! You could also do mini challenges given to you by me. For example, I may want to see who can finish the Practice for Basics 1 the fastest. So you could take a picture of your screen with the start screen on one half, and a clock that shows the seconds on the other. Then, after you're finished, you could screen capture the end time with the end screen, like so: View attachment 47627 View attachment 47628 That was pretty bad because my audio wasn't working but you get the idea XD You can also see it says practice again in the corner so we'd know that you actually pressed the practice button instead of doing something else, like an actual lesson. The people who would want to would send in their time would send me screenshots like so, and I would manually give them EXP for the leaderboard (since like, I can't put EXP into your Duolingo account Lmao). I also want to give out EXP based on your streak! You can enable your duolingo to give you a streak challenge for every day you reach your goal. For every 5 days you get on your streak, I'll give you 10 extra EXP! The Thread: (So what do I do now) In the meantime, you can talk to each other, brag about how much EXP you're getting, tell us why you're learning the language you're learning and interact with a bunch of people trying to learn another language! That's pretty much it. The week ends on Sunday at 0:00 UTC, which is 8:00 PM Friday, Eastern Time (ET). Please get your numbers in by then! You can either send them to me, or become my friend on the app. If you're friends with me on the app I can see your weekly score and total it myself. Calxiyn: Calxiyn Chris: Tafatho Kaisa: Kaisa Marushi: Plush Chrome Strawberry: ??? Huginn: Kevin Midnight: Midny Cat: Cat~ Agent Aussie: Agent Aussie Leaderboard for August 13-20 View attachment 47659 View attachment 47660 Leaderboard for August 20-27
Hey everyone! I briefly mentioned on the Discord I'm using an app called Duolingo to learn how to speak Italian! So I had an idea for anyone that wants to learn another language or is already doing the app: That we could have a thread where every day we post the EXP we got from the App and have a leaderboard of sorts for a friendly competition! The other thing we could do is that at the end of each lesson when you're done, you can practice. We could all see who finishes each practice the fastest. For example you could show your phone screen and a timer in a picture at the beginning of the Basics 1 Practice round, then in the completion screen. Whoever is fastest will get EXP for the leaderboard. Duolingo also makes a club and I haven't done this so I don't know if the club itself has a leaderboard but if so that would be easier, and if not we can do it how I mentioned already! Duolingo is a really fun app when it comes to learning a new language. I've only been using it for the past week and I've already learned all this: View attachment 47620 View attachment 47621 Each one of these sections has 3-7 levels, each level teaches you 5-8 words. So if you do the math with that I'm way over 100 in just a short time XD @Marushi @Higher Being @Midnight Star
@Glen In all seriousness. Hey everyone. I figured this is probably a reintroduction since it's almost been... 9 months which doesn't feel that long after setting up my profile back. Also I know I'm supposed to talk about who I am, not what I was doing but actions speak louder then words so... During Christmas break I kinda locked myself in a hole while I decided to write a book. Actually like, 3 different books. I wrote way over hundred thousand words during the entire month of January and none of them actually went anywhere because I decided to start rewriting one of my old books over again. I had one book about these four sisters who have to fight each other to the death for the throne, the other one was Sword Art Online if it were better and people weren't actually trapped, and the other one was a romancey thing that I actually queried and got an agent for.... Then the agent left the business so here I am unpublished and whatever. And I started writing a another two books that weren't related to those first three but THAT'S the writing part. Then somewhere in between writing myself to death one of my subscribers on my YouTube channel said "You should make a discord server", I said "k" and now I have 300 people to look after. My YouTube channel got really busy which isn't a bad thing but my highest Patron and Patreon right now has like... over 80 video tickets which he can use to either buy videos separately or do 20 livestreams and that's just one person... so yEAH. After all that happened I organized a bunch of RWBY YouTubers to raise money for clean water by doing livestreams on my channel with them as guests everyday. Then Hunter and I did an LGBT one by ourselves. View attachment 47614 View attachment 47615 Then somewhere in between that Prom happened. Then Grad happened. I also got into all the school I applied for, but I'm going to Ryerson University for Professional Communication Studies and PR Management. It's a family school so we kinda had to. Then the summer started. Anyway for those that don't know (Plums will know he was my reference) I'm working with the Durham Regional Police Service. View attachment 47616 If you click on that picture that's us but like View attachment 47617 That pixely blue hair over there. That's me unfortunately. Anyway you'd be surprised how fast working with the police this way changes you. They totally whipped me into shape. To be honest they kicked my ass. We still do a lot of fun stuff like a summer camp (But we get paid), but we've also done CO-OP placements, Leadership Training, CPR and First Aid. I feel like the Leadership training especially changed how all of us see the world, it was an intense 5 days about learning what it's like to be an emergent leader, a transformational leader, what makes a good leader etc. The Police units have shown us first hand what they do, and it's a lot of dead people you don't get to unsee unfortunately. But all this has done is reinforced my willingness to become a police officer. They do so much for the community and to help people it's honestly astounding how much the public doesn't get to see. We got to shoot some tasers and pepper spray at stuff so like it's pretty neat. And so pretty much all that's happened. And I think that's a pretty good rundown of what I've been doing to become who I am rather then who I am more simply. I hope to talk with you guys again soon. So where's that game of Mafia, Glen?
Hey there all you Kingdom Hearts kids! We're finally wrapping up the results (get it, WRAPPING, like CHRISTMAS BECAUSE CHRISTMAS IS IN 5 DAYS YOU GUYS?!?!!), I'm here to give you the complete, fully official 100% results now, so let's see who our lucky members of the Kingdom Hearts Videos User Awards of 2016 are! Favorite Banned Member Last Year's Winner: Makaze Last Year's Runner-up: The Muffin Man, Loriah Not here? Not a problem (since they're all back!)! These users have a special place in the hearts of the Kingdom Hearts kids! Tale proved to be the most popular, with Makaze and Cat following suit. Favorite Event Last Year's Winner: N/A Last Year's Runner-up: N/A We partied like it was the End Of The World (get it it's a KH joke you see) this year! The defeat of the false king (aka blaine) and Castle Oblivion were your favorite raves, with KHV User Awards and The Great Summer ‘16 Return (AND WE GON RIIIIDE) following close behind Manliest Man Last Year's Winner: Kitty Last Year's Runner-Up: Krowley Swift as a coursing river & with all the strength of a great typhoon, these users are mysterious as the dark side of the moon. In other words, pretty dang manly -- so manly, in fact, that if you ever come near their muscles, you'll melt in a puddle of admiration and incredibly high levels of embarrassing perspiration. Kitty reclaims the crown, and proves once again to the the source of all testosterone, but Krowley and Dr. Lux also man-aged pretty well. Master Debater Last Year's Winner: Makaze and Misty Last Year's Runner-Up: Sebax Proudly possessing polemical prowess, Makaze continues to presently proved a powerful point-presenter. Plus, Calxiyn practiced particularly profound proposition posting. Hammiest Member Last Year's Winner: Ars Nova Last Year's Runner-Up: Amaury and Cat Either these members are REALLY HOT BLOODED, or you'd be likely to see them on a plate for Thanksgiving dinner. Maybe even both. Maybe especially both. KHV thinks Marushi takes the crown, dashes to the top of a skyscraper and delivers a powerful speech to the country on the beauty of caps and how to be strong... IN THE REAL WAY! A little ways in the background, you could vaguely hear the words "later, buddy" as Ars Nova blasts off into the sunset. Cutest (Fake) Couple Last Year's Winners: Amaury X Llave and What X The Fuk Last Year's Runner-Ups: Cat X Lenzo and Calxiyn X Glen Here on KHV, we take our joke ships seriously. Very seriously. If your ships do not align with that of the Admins, you will be erased from this plane of existence and subjected to 1000 years in the deepest, most soul crushing Sora/Master Xehanort fic your little heart thinks it fears most. Boy Wonder X Captain Arch are sailing strong as ever, but the Ars Nova X DigitalAtlas ship is closing in. Snarkiest Member Last Year's Winner: Glen Last Year's Runner-Up: Fearless and Hayabus You give these people sass, and you can expect your great-great grandchildren to catch these hands from beyond time and space. Jiku Neon has the sharpest tongue round town! Don't expect 61, Makaze, Beucefilous and Jube to let you off easy, either. Nicest Member Last Year's Winner: Maka Last Year's Runner-Up: Sabby, Tale and Aelin FireHeart One of this year's friendliest members, Midnight proved herself quite outgoing as the community's nicest member this year, as well. KHV believes Marushi is incredibly kind too! Best Section Last Year's Winner: The Role-Playing Arena Last Year's Runner-Up: The SpamZone A section? What does it mean to be section? Oh god, don't tell me it involves a C section? Ha Ha Ha. Now that the unsuccessful joke has been made, KHV believes the Spamzone is where it's at! The The Role-Playing Arena is a pretty swell place, too. Biggest Flirt Last Year's Winner: Beucefilous Last Year's Runner-Up: Kitty and Calxiyn "Your eyes, are an ocean. Your breasts, are also an ocean." "Do you call that a pick up line? ...Huh? What do you mean I'm blushing and my clothes have hit the floor? L-listen here you hentai!!!" According to KHV, Ars Nova and Calxiyn have a way with words that's too hot to handle ;) . Cat~ also knows how to work their way around the room. Weirdest Thread Last Year's Winner: N/A Last Year's Runner-Up: N/A A Thread? What does it mean to be Thread, let alone the WEIRDEST Thread? KHV thinks that Color or Colour constitutes as the weirdest thread on the site, but *ÖNEMLİ MESAJ isn't cleared of 'weird' either. Worst Thread Last Year's Winner: N/A Last Year's Runner-Up: N/A A Thread? What does it mean to be Thread, let alone the WORST Thread? Well for the members of KHV it's clear as day: Regarding the recent drama is the WORST thread on the entire site, with Change In Ownership on it's tail Biggest Fan Last Year's Winner: Cat~ Last Year's Runner-Up: Misty I'M YOUR BIGGEST FAN I'LL FOLLOW YOU U҉̦̩͍̻͈̩̲̳͞N̷̡̻͎̯̗̳̖̟̲͓̭̱̭̫̟̮͞ͅT̟̥̰̬̜̠͙͕̮͇͉͜͟͝ͅͅÍ̵͕͇̫̘͙̞͟͡͝ͅͅL̸̨̀҉̹̘̫̼̫̝͉ ̷̢̛̟̙̲̮̺͟͝Y̧̤͍̭̥͉̻̥̰̘͍̹̳͈̞̠͠͝O҉҉̷̹͇̖͍͎͓͙Ų̡̺̬͙̥̩̼̮̀ ̛͔̞̝͕͖̥̘̝͈̟̮͔̹͓̲͖̕͢͜ͅͅL̸̛͚͙̗̺͎̲̦͎̮̜͎͈̦̘͘͝O͠͏̨͈̺͚̗͍̱̜̦̮̱̭̫͈͜͜V͏̙͚͔̮͔͈̦̰͖̞͕́ͅE̛͚̲̙͙̬͍̫̪͔̩̱͡ ̶҉͕̫̘̫̤̘̻̰̻͓͈̟͔͍M̴̷̞̭͈̬̘̻͈͉͚͎̖͢͠ͅE̛̞͖̲͖̮̞̝͕͜͡. These members have shrines for their shrines of the shrine's shrine, and don't even get them started on their babies. KHV thinks Cat~ is quite supernatural amongst fans (she's won three years in a row now!), although Hero of Time is always down to clown with his JOJO. Best Forum Game Last Year's Winner: N/A Last Year's Runner-Up: N/A KHV isn't just a video game forum, we play other games too! KHV enjoyed playing Mafia this year, alongside Unchained X leaderboard Best Profile Last Year's Winner: Lenzo Last Year's Runner-Up: Calxiyn Don'tcha wish your profile was hot like Jayn's? Tribbles is also a favorite this year. Funniest Member Last Year's Winner: Skyheart Last Year's Runner-Up: Llave The ability to make people laugh is no joke! The KHV community gives props to DigitalAtlas for handling such a grave responsibility without any funny business. Ars Nova, Jube and Beucefilous also wasn't clowning around about turning frowns upside-down this year! Friendliest Member Last Year's Winner: Glen Last Year's Runner-Up: Hero of Time, Tale, and Maka This year, KHV concluded that you've definitely got a friend in Marushi! But as the years go by, a friendship with Kingdom Hearts530 will also never die. Best Username Last Year's Winner: What? Last Year's Runner-Up: Krowley and Glen After our Jesuses (Jesusi) were felled by the evils of old blue administrative name changes, we've been looking for usernames to lead the way back to The Promised Land. KHV has given out a prayer, and our savior DigitalAtlas has answered at long last! Accompanying him is his disciple Shuhbooty Whimsical Woman Last Year's Winner: Hyuge Last Year's Runner-Up: Calxiyn According to KHV, Ghost is winningly whimsical -- or should I say, win-sical? Stardust isn't without whims, either! Biggest Post Whore Last Year's Winner: Amaury Last Year's Runner-Up: libregkd Ain't no one gonna break Amaury's stride; Nobody's gonna slow Iskandar down, oh no, they've got to keep on postin' ♪ Member You’d Like to Know More Last Year's Winner: al215 Last Year's Runner-Up: Princess, lenzo, Tale When it comes to our regulars, KHV agrees that Judge Sunrose has remained mysterious far too long. Really now, what's behind that mask, Zero? Tale and Ghost are also quite enigmatic. Best Bromance Last Year's Winner: Cat & Ienzo (CatKat) Last Year's Runner-Up: DigitalAtlas & Ars Nova & Makaze Through thick and thin, these users stick together, kinda like peanut butter and jelly. Or soup and salad. Or life and limb. Or dreadlocks. Okay, maybe not dreadlocks (plagiarism penalty prevention: that was a monkey island reference whoops). Whatever the case, KHV thinks Ars Nova X Digital Atlas X Makaze are pretty bromantic or (Tribromantic), and Beucefilous X Skyheart, DigitalAtlas X Ars Nova, and Boy Wonder X Captain Arch seem to have quite a bond as well. Hottest Members Last Year's Winner: Hyuge Last Year's Runner-Up: Calxiyn These members certainly proved themselves attractive -- just be careful not to catch fire. The community believes that Magick has exceeded the boiling point. Be careful around Day~Dream and Tale too, lest she give you a sweet case of the vapors. Biggest Otaku Last Year's Winner: Janime6 Last Year's Runner-Up: 61 NYANI? Some people simply find anime a kawaii hobby or interest, but these users' dedication is truly sugoi. 61 and Hero of Time took the otaku cake this year, but Cat~ and Bushy is close behind with his -monogataris! おめでとう~ Cutest (Real) Couple Last Year's Winners: Llave & Cherry Berry Last Year's Runner-Ups: Calxiyn & al215 You spin my head right round, right round, with the doki, doki doki doki. KHV thinks Makaze and Saxima are too cute for this world. Llave and Cherry Berry are also lil cute precious dear sweet chicken nugnugs. Strangest Member Last Year's Winner: Beucefilous Last Year's Runner-Up: Jackdaniel0 Some members stand out from the crowd -- in a somewhat interesting way! Whatever the reason, the general consensus seems to be that yeah. okay. no. is pretty strange, Amaury and Jiku Neon has his fair memorable quirks too! Biggest Kingdom Hearts Fan Last Year's Winner: Krowley and Calxiyn Last Year's Runner-Up: Misty and Cat~ Kingdom Hearts certainly has its fair share of dedicated fans, but here at KHV we think Krowley deserves the crown. Tale is also quite captivated by the series, both in adoration, and puzzlement at how there can be so few girls in a multidimensional coming of age tale spanning classical Disney stories typically headed by women yet mysteriously void of any of their prominence in the greater narrative! Best Thread Last Year's Winner: N/A Last Year's Runner-Up: N/A A Thread? What does it mean to be Thread, let alone the BEST Thread? There are a lot of choices, but KHV pulled through: The Lounge: Official Spamzone Community Thread, The Gang of Intergalactic Ninja Vampire Space Pirates, and GATHER ‘ROUND, CHILDREN are the BEST threads on the entire site, with Recent Events & The Future on it's tail
Edited by Admin
For the past few weeks, I've had this nightmare that is accruing and I don't really understand it. It's always me another person running away from something - not physically but like, packing our bags and trying to flee my house for example. When we are outside are house trying to reinforce our defences or escape, there are always people in a car or on the side walk just staring at us. They're not scary looking, they're never violent, they just stare, and that tips me and the other person of that we have been compromised. I'm assuming these people are spies of some sort trying to kill us or "get us". This dream always leaves me extremely paranoid and upset, and I'm worried because it happens so often. Every time I have it it's like my brain is trying to continue the narrative, the first night the dream started, the second night myself and the other person in the dream called our online friends to help us, the third night we barricade the doors etc etc, you know what I mean? I have scary dreams on a regular basis, but they're never the same one with a continuing story like this. I don't mind getting stabbed in my sleep time to time, but this dream is scarier then all those for some reason, and I don't like it just repeating. How do I get rid of it? Does this dream mean something I'm not seeing? Is it important to me somehow? At least, is there anyway to try and deal with the emotional stress the dream causes?
I just finished writing my NaNoWriMo Novel called "Sonya's Been Shot". I'm looking for some Beta-Readers and reviewers to take a look at my novel. Hunter and I are going to put it through editing first, and that may take a few weeks. Basically we're planning to do 3 edit sessions ourselves before we give it to Beta-Readers, and then edit based on their suggestions. You don't need to necessarily be writers, but I would like to have a few writers take a look at it for advice as well. I don't have an application or anything to be filled out, but at the end of each chapter you read I'll need you some questions. An example of what I may ask could be found down below. Obviously if you find something isn't working, I'll ask questions to follow up. Spoiler READABILITY: Does any chapter of the story drag? If so, which part? Are there parts that you skipped to get to ‘the good part’? Do I over-inform (info-dump) anywhere? Did you understand every phrase / term I used? FLOW: Does one scene lead logically into the next? Do the scenes flow smoothly from one action to the next, or did they jump as though something was skipped? Is there enough downtime between intense scenes to allow it to build to the next? THE WORLD Can you see every action clearly while reading? If you went there in real life, would you recognize the places? Did you have to reread any part of the action sequences to understand who was doing what? DIALOGUE: Does the Dialogue sound realistic for the individual characters? Could you see what the characters were doing while talking? Could you see where the characters were while talking? CHARACTERS: Could you see what each character looked like clearly? Do their actions and reactions seem logical and realistic? Could you feel the emotions between the characters? Does the story stay focused on my main characters? Were any of my characters too much of a jerk or too aggressive? Were any of my characters whiny, wimpy, or overly dramatic (when not intended to be)? Are any of my characters too stereotypical? Who did you like best and WHY? Who did you hate and WHY? Who got on your nerves and WHY? Do any of the characters get in the way of the STORY? If it sounds like you can do this, fantastic. But I'm sure you're wondering what my book is about: Sonya's Been Shot is a LGBT Young Adult novel that centers around two female characters, Chloe and Sonya. Sonya never imagined her boyfriend would be the executor of a school shooting. She never imagined his actions would leave her paralyzed. But she isn't angry at him. She's angry at Chloe, who had been her friend since before she could remember, who she blames for ruining her life. And when Chloe comes to see her a month after the tragedy that befell her, Chloe throws her life into chaos once again. The two girls go through the long history they share together, showing each other both sides of the long narrative that contributed to the fate they have been condemned to, for better or for worse, and try to discover if they can move past it. If it sounds like you are interested in a novel like this, feel free to post down below telling me you'd be interested in being a Beta-Reader. If you have any questions about the novel, I'll try to answer them without spoiling anything for you. I will say though, as a trigger warning, there are parts of this book that deal with suicide and sexual abuse in detail. If you can't read about these topics, please don't push yourself to. If you feel like you can't continue at any time for whatever reason, it's okay. Your feedback up until that point, whether it's the first chapter or the first paragraph will be appreciated.
I started to think about this after remembering something that happened when I was little. When I was a kid, we a giant play area in the basement. I'll paint the scene for you: First, we had a giant pink barbie castle: Spoiler Don't let the picture fool you, it was GIANT. It took up an entire coffee table that was behind one of the couches. Then, there was the couch in front of it: That would be the "village" area for these dolls. Then the couches on either side of it would be the other "village" areas, connected by "bridges" that my sister and I made. In the middle of the basement, there was a small pink table, a little "island". This was all "ground level". The floor and the OTHER castle on the floor Spoiler was the "water" level. All the mermaid dolls would go here. This was the normal everyday setting where these stories would take place, a Kingdom by the sea, and a mermaid kingdom on the floor. Suffice to say, no one ever was able to actually sit on the couches or walk through this area - it was 100% all dolls. The couches were all different parts of the Kingdom, too. The main couch where the castle was were for the festivals of the kingdom, the single couch was a standard house area that all of the dolls would use for a house "scene", and the second biggest couch would either be used as a forest area or beach as a backdrop for secret meetings between the dolls. But why am I telling you all this? I'm trying to show you how thought out 7-year-old Cal's layout was for every single story she ever made in the basement. And this is just for the average, everyday "doll session". Things got even crazier when multiple "realms" were introduced (once I got fairy dolls and what not). But I digress, you get the idea. Everything was extremely specific. And it wasn't just the kids acting out the movies they've seen with dolls, either. It was all original stories, sometimes using the characters from the movies (for example, my Belle doll was still Belle, just in a different universe), or having the character play a different role (The Belle doll playing the role of Marlene the assassin) I would give anything to be able to go back in time and see what kinda of crazy stories I made, because even though I can remember some of them vaguely, I will never be able to remember them all in great enough detail that I could come up with an outline for a story. I spend a lot of time down in that basement making stories, none of them were ever written down. They were original stories, cross-overs, and some of them were probably "fanfiction" (I remember this one story where Sora was in love with Ariel, but Ariel was in love with Eric so she turned into a human, leaving Sora so brokenhearted he tried to kill Eric) when I didn't even know fanfiction existed. I played with these dolls, I made these stories until the very last year of elementary school. So what happened? My Nonno would kindly smile as he came down the stairs, the sort of smile that you would give a 8 year old with a soother: "you're a little bit old for that, aren't you"? But he never said anything to me, so I didn't think anything of it. But I did stop speaking outloud. Usually I said all the character lines outloud to myself, or sung their songs, instead I did everything in my head. I was trying to hide. My sister would start to make fun of me for playing with dolls. She would tease me about being "too old", but when I was her age I still played. I ignored her. But eventually it wasn't just my family, or my sister, but also strangers. People would come over to the house, see me playing and pull my mom aside and ask "Is Cailyn 'okay'?" They didn't mean "okay" as in feeling well, it became obvious to me they were asking my mom if I was a "special" kid, because I was going into highschool next year and I was still playing with dolls. So slowly, I stopped playing. I remember the first time I heard a stranger ask my mom if there was something wrong with me, I felt sad. I didn't want to play anymore. I went upstairs and I did something else. Then next time we had to clean the dolls up for a party or a get together - they never came out again. I think I stopped because people made me embarrassed or ashamed, and so I didn't want to feel that way anymore. I joined Roleplays and it was enough to keep my creativity going, enough to keep me from giving up on creating stories all together, and recently I started writing again. But I don't think I've retained the amount of imagination and creativity I had as a kid. I don't have the same endless bounds of imagination I did as a kid anymore. It's important to grow up, but does part of growing up necessarily need to be to stop playing? This isn't just a question with dolls either, it could be with anything their child enjoys that they seem to think is "childish": Dolls, action figures, lego, pokemon cards. Now luckily, I looked up this question online "when should I tell my child to stop playing with dolls", and I've seen two types of answers: "Don't tell her to stop! There are worse things kids could be doing these days let her have fun!" or "the normal age is 12. your daughter will be bullied if she doesn't stop soon, you're an awful parent if you continue to let her when she gets to highschool" These are paraphrased with gray areas in between, but this made me feel better. Obviously this isn't a big enough sample size to know how many parents force their children to stop playing with toys, but it made me feel better knowing that the comments I saw were mostly of the opinion that they should stop when they're ready, and making them feel bad for it could be harmful to them. If my child was my age now, and wanted to play with dolls, hell I would play with them. Because I think by forcing them to give up these things we are killing their imagination and their will to create. I can only speak for myself and what happened to me, but I can tell you that I cannot make up stories as easily as I know I could when I was a kid, or as easily as I see my cousins do when they play with their dolls. I think if I had continued using that part of my mind and continued to play, I would have been better off for it. Now I've written a lot of different things, many different stories that are original and fanfiction, but I know it's missing the essence of what I used to have. I don't think it's damaging to let children continue to play with dolls or play pretend, or whatever they play with into highschool. I think if anything, it's healthy for them to do an activity they want where they are escaping from reality for a while. And unlike writing, no one is going to see you. Creating the stories you do with your dolls is for you and yourself, no one will criticize you for a line or make you feel like your story is bad, because it's all for you. For me, I feel a lot of pressure writing, it's definitely not like playing with toys. I wouldn't want to be responsible for making my child give up something they really love, especially if it's not some unhealthy obsession. I would want to embrace it, and like I said, play with them. I don't know if it would stop them from growing up properly, if anything doing something with them they enjoy could bring us closer together. I think they should stop when they're bored, because otherwise I would feel like I was hurting them by making them ashamed of something they loved, and I would be afraid I'm hurting their imagination. If you would, what age would your make your kids stop playing with their favorite toys/games, whether it be dolls/action figures, playing "pretend" outside, etc?: Could letting children continue on with playing into highschool+ harm their development? Do you think by forcing children to stop playing we are killing parts of their imagination and creativity?
I want to do a RWBY play-through with the game, Sims Medieval. If you guys don't know, you basically make your own sims to put in premade fantasy roles. I want my sims to be RWBY characters, but I can't decide which RWBY characters should fill up each role! That's where I'm hoping you guys who watch RWBY can help me. Here are the roles: Monarch: Knight: Physician: Spy: Priest: Monk: Wizard: Blacksmith: Merchant: Bard: My question is, which RWBY character should go in each role and why do you think are they perfect for it?
The purpose of this thread is all in the name! This is a thread where you can describe what you're currently working on, and also request help or ideas from others in the Writers Nook! You are not meant to post your entire pieces of writing in this thread, but if you're struggling with wording or how something may sound, feel free to put it in here. If you want to share your whole chapter or whole poem, do so in the threads you usually would but link it here for us to see! If you've posted it elsewhere (Wattpad or FF.net etc) you can do the same! Confused? It's okay, I'll start! Right now, I'm writing a new novel called Astral. It's about a girl who goes into acoma, and her boyfriend learns how to use Astral Projection to make sure she doesn't die in her dreams so she can wake up and come back to the real world. I'll probably request some help when I figure out what I want to do for it, but if anyone has some ~cool~ character name suggestions I'll take them!
My birthday is next week, and as Hunter savagely reminded me I don't have any friends lol, so instead I'll be doing a Birthday Live Stream!! When will this be? I'll be streaming, hopefully with Hunter lol, all day on Saturday from around 1PM(or after whenever Hunter and I finish our RWBY videos)-10(or more if you guys wanna stay up). You don't need to stay the entire time of course, but I would love for people to just pop in and hang out with us!!! Do I need to bring a present?: lol no because your presence is enough ❤️❤️ What will we be doing? We can play games together like CAH, Town of Salem, Don't Starve Together, etc etc, talk, gossip, have fun, I'm not picky XD for my RWBY peeps we could also talk about RWBY Why are you doing this: like I said, I don't have enough friends for a party this year XD. Plus, I've made more friends on KHV then anywhere else, so hanging out with you guys would mean the world to me!!! I would love to have a virtual party with all you guys around, it'd be the best present ever!!
http://www.youtube.com/user/KHVchorus/live :3 COME HANG WITH US edit: I don't know why it's just a link but I mean, you can still click on it :3
...But I don't know what to do with it? Since I "won" NaNoWriMo, I get a free copy of my novel from a company called "Fast Pen", this doesn't count as publishing or anything so it's not like I can't get my material published by a publishing company afterwards, they just give you your own little book to make you feel warm and fuzzy inside. So now comes why I don't know what to do with it: I could keep it for myself, in the event I don't actually get it published that would be the only chance for a free copy I really would have. But at the same time I think that's a little bit selfish, since I mean, I already "read" it. Where I'm thinking about putting it is in my school library IF they let me. I hope that would encourage the other kids in our school to write and like, follow their dreams and all that stuff, if they see a current student/former alumni of the school has their own book in the library, that LOOKS published, and it would promote NaNoWriMo and other educational programs. (I also kinda want to show off to my classmates while I'm still here lol) So what do you guys think, if the school lets me stick it there, should I let them have it? Or should I keep it for myself as a reminder of my accomplishment?
@. : tale : . (And others) who must be fuming at the Hamilton Twitter bullshit. Im here in spirit. I'm so pissed tho rip America.
View attachment 45777 View attachment 45778 From this list, pick two. (They're all on Steam so if you're not sure what one of them is, you look them up.) Deciding by tomorrow/Saturday
Fearless thought of that... get it, Q and A, like Question and Answers. Hahahaha It's time for the KH-Vids Podcast! As you can see we've gotten new Staff Members as of late, and now you get to find out more about them! Your (lovely) Podcast Host @Calxiyn is joined by @Heart ❤ , KHV Site Reporter, and @Fearless , KHV Site Moderator, to talk about them, their life, and in some cases their love life. This Podcast reveals tons of secrets about your two favorite Staff Members so you won't want to miss it! Your browser does not support the audio element. Download Episode #114 (MP3) Subscribe to us on iTunes or through our RSS feed Interested in being a member guest on the podcast? Fill out our form here and gain access to our Podcast forum. Ask us a question by visiting this page or sending an email to podcast@kh-vids.net!
Hey everyone! I've been collecting tons of prompts, from Tumblr, my own collection and even some I've made myself! I hope that these prompts inspire you to write. I'll make sure to update when I add more to the list, and new additions will be shown in yellow. This is only the beginning of a huge list we can all make together! If you do write anything with these prompts, make sure to tag me in your short story/writing threads. If you have an idea for a prompt or a new section to be made that you woud like me to fill prompts with, please let me know by replying below!! Spoiler: Crime Prompts I’m in a gang and you’re too precious for this world but you still hang out with me. One day my gang activity gets your hurt so I completely cut off all ties to keep you safe. You were being chased by the cops so you jumped into my car and yelled “DRIVE!” We’re assassin’s and we were hired to kill the same guy I’m an assassin and tried to kill you but it turns out you’re not my target sorry about that We’re assassin’s hired to kill each other. We fell for each other but the mob told me to kill you Spoiler: Fairy Tale Prompts You’re a civilian and I’m a knight. We fall in love and are the cutesy couple ever. A enemy kingdom attacks our kingdom and in the heat of a battle you’re kidnapped (or killed) right in front of me while I’m unable to do anything about it. Your country is trying to take over my country, and you’re making it difficult to hate you because you’re so attractive We’ve been engaged since we were born and this is the first time we’ve seen each other You’re a royal and I’m an assassin and I have to kill you but another assassin is trying to kill me and you just made us both SOMETHING for the wedding and so we can’t kill each other or try to kill you because there are people EVERYWHERE We’re kind of the head royals of this kingdom and rebels just stormed the castle and oh look at that you’re dying Spoiler: Magic/Supernatural I sold my soul to bring you back to life after your untimely death and I only have a month left with you so I’m trying to make it count. You’re a ghost who’s trying to get to the after life so I’m helping you out but I fell in love and now I don’t want you to go but it’s too late. You keep having strange dreams that turn out to be us in a past life and you’re determined to find me again but in this life I’m already dead I’m you’re guardian angel who’s been breaking the rules and keeping you alive longer than you should be and as punishment I have to watch you die. I’m a vampire that has a moment of weakness when you’re near by and it doesn’t end well. The Grim Reaper is no longer able to claim lives directly. Instead, when your time is up a mark appears on your body and it is the duty of every other person to kill you on sight. I fell in love with you three lifetimes ago and I’ve been looking for you ever since but I’ve been starting to give up and my friends’s new crush has your eyes and oh god I’m not going to steal someone’s date just because I’m hoping you’re the person I met in a past life (jk yes I am) I’ve met you in every single lifetime and I always hope it will work out but it doesn’t but I’ll still keep finding you again because those few days/months/years together with you are always so worth it I meet and fall in love with you in every lifetime at the same age but your age is always different so it never works out and for the first time I’m meeting you when we’re the same age and I’m horrified that I might **** this up I skipped like four cycles of reincarnation and I know you’re pissed at me for leaving you all those lifetimes but it wasn’t my fault please please will you take me back We only remember each other in alternating lifetimes so every lifetime we have to find one another and convince each other that we’re soul mates but half the time I won’t believe you and half the time you’re already dating someone else I made a deal to save your life but at the cost of all your memories together and I’m acting like it doesn’t bother me. You’re a ghost and you can’t go to heaven because you have too many regrets so you chill with your ex-lover. I’m immortal you’re mortal and we kind of fell for each other but this is gonna get real complicated when you’re 80 and I’m still in my 20s Spoiler: Real-World Prompts I’m a firefighter and you live near the station I work at and we talk/flirt with each other a lot. One day me and my team get called to put out a fire and it’s your home ablaze. You don’t make it out. I broke your nose while we were playing basketball I hit you with my car and drove you to the hospital I needed a drink of water after my shower but I forgot that I opened the blinds to my balcony and you just saw me walk into my kitchen naked. I was trying to ask for directions and you accidentally pepper sprayed me cause you thought I was your stalker. Spoiler: University/College Prompts I’m really passionate about this cause and I will give you this flier if I have to shove it down your throat We’re having a vicious battle over the only left handed desk in the room My roommate's boyfriend is staying over so I’m asking you to sleep on your floor It’s pouring rain and we have to deliver our final paper but we’re stuck under this awning together until it stops. I have to photograph someone for class and you’re going to be my model I have to take someone’s blood pressure for class and you’re going to be my victim All our friends are drunk and we’re the only sober ones It’s 3AM and I’m studying, I’ve lost my grip on reality and I think I saw a ghost, you’re the only one here so I’m relying on you for protection You and I are the only people who came to this club meeting. We’re the only people who ever talk in class and we like to FIGHT This professor has one TA slot and we’re gonna fight for it. You’re baking cookies in the communal kitchen at 3am and I’m angry but also really hungry My computer crashed and you’re the student worker at the IT center You’re the only one who actually responded to the desperate message I sent to the whole class about needing the notes You’re not the roommate I requested and I hate you You’re not the roommate I requested and I’m glad You have just witnessed me cry over the ending to my favorite game before class began please don’t ever tell anyone about this. Subsection: Halloween/Fall: We met at a pumpkin patch because our siblings were fighting over the same pumpkin We’re making pumpkins We’re decorating for Halloween Spoiler: Science Fiction Prompts We live in a futuristic era where you’re a scientist and I’m you assistant. An experiment goes horribly wrong resulting in my death. You try to put my brain in a robot and it works but it’s not the same. You’re a super villain and are contacted by the make a wish foundation because a kid is your biggest fan I rescued you from that science lab after you were kidnapped and now you’re ****ed up Spoiler: Romance Prompts I’m fake dating my best friend so my parents stop asking me to date. This cute bar person draws pictures on my cup so I come in every day to see them We’re don’t have dance partners so the teacher sticks us together You always seem to be my pizza delivery person, you should eat with me I always see you at the museum I go to so I drew you and you saw I think this is a date but you think you’re getting interviewed for a job I flipped a coin on a “coin flip every choice for a week” dare and that’s why I’m dating you We’re supposed to be on a blind date with someone else but we accidentally sat with each other Bought me at a charity auction Where for whatever reason, your clock is stuck/frozen/it’s not counting down anymore but it hasn’t reached 00:00:00:00 yet and you’re freaking out because this hasn’t happened to anyone before. Reverse one where the clock starts at 00:00:00:00 from the moment you’re born and stops counting the moment you meet your soulmate, so it’s like a reminder that “It took me 19 years, 11 months, 20 hours, and 13 seconds to meet you, you ****, and you do it by spilling coffee on me, thanks, now my laptop’s broken—what, you’re buying me a new one? Okay.” Your soulmate clock is actually a countdown of how long your soulmate has left to live and holy **** you have to find your soulmate soon because your clock says you have three months left (for angst maybe). Alternate version of above where your clock is a countdown of how long you and your soulmate have left to find each other or else you both will die because the universe is sadistic af—and if you find your soulmate you get to live longer. Another alternate version of above where you and your soulmate’s clocks have each other’s life spans on it but you can give your time to your soulmate if you want to so they can live longer. Again, because the universe is sadistic af. The soulmate clock is actually something breakable and you accidentally break yours or vice versa. Alternate version of above where someone purposely breaks their soulmate clock so they can be with someone they fell in love with that isn’t their soulmate/they are strongly opposed to the whole soulmate idea and want to defy the system. Your clock is counting down too fast (as opposed to everyone else’s) and you have no idea what’s going on anymore. It’s been a busy week and after finally having some time to yourself, you just happened to look at your soulmate clock and see that it’s already at 00:00:00:00 and you don’t know when that happened because you don’t religiously check your clock either. You have a compass that leads you to where your soulmate is. You and your soulmate have identical tattoos on your wrist about the date when you’ll meet each other. You remove your tattoo because you hate the idea of someone dictating who you can be with for the rest of your life and the person who’s removing it happens to be your soulmate and they’re torn between letting you know and just not bringing it up because you kind of went there because you didn’t want a soulmate and vice versa. You and your soulmate can communicate with thoughts and your soulmate happens to be a math major and you really need help with this test right now. The Red String of Fate exists, and only some people have the ability to see the strings, and these people can actually cut strings and knot other people’s strings in to alter the soulmate laws. Your best friend’s wedding is tomorrow and they know you can see the string. They ask you to help them defy the laws of the universe and help them be with the person they love even though they know that’s not their soulmate. You know they love each other so much so you help them, even though the person your best friend’s marrying/your best friend is your soulmate. Spoiler: I hate you but… then we fall in love/become friends I hate you but we’re both best friends with this person so we see each other all the time I hate you but we’re both in the wedding party I hate you but we’re partners because the teacher loves chaos. I hate you because you’re also trying to be on Student Council and we’re running for the same position I hate you but you desperately need help to pass this class and I can’t decide whether to teach you the wrong material or actually help you I hate you because we’re fighting for the lead and one of us isn’t as good as the other I hate you because every time you eat here you try to get me fired Spoiler: One Word Prompts: (Thank you Heart!) Prince Culture Clutter Identity Save Scars Musical Chairs Stars Fire Water Hungry Sleep Flying Fireworks Celebration Glasses Broken Away Arrows Lightning Books Light Dark Time Worry Love Kisses Birth Nail Music Heart Nobody Loss Sadness Blood Butterfly Work Teach Bored Tired Cuts Burns Pens Art Pots and pans Stubborn Fright Scarred Stories Air Metal Joy Numbers Necklace Flowers Fall Beacon Hope Faith Reconstruction Flowers Hat Dye Sun Neptune Heat Magic Life Murder Demon Grave Spoke Rose Whispers Forever & Always You &I Idols Dragons Sold Duck Snowstorm Sandstorm Chase Death Pants Lies Truth Target Keep Wanted Search Engineering
Hey everyone! Pixel-Maniacs sent me two Steam Keys for their new game "Can't Drive This" that comes out tomorrow! I wanted to give this away to one of you guys - but there are a few rules: 1. They gave me TWO Steam Keys so I could play with someone online while I record the game, which means you must be willing to do a couple videos with me ;P if you can't stand hearing my voice for an hour or so, and you don't have a working microphone and headphones you're out of luck. 2. The Key is a Steam key so obviously you need to have Steam lol. 3. When you reply to the thread say something along the lines of "I'm in!" so I know I can put you in the raffle. By Tuesday I'm going to pick someone and PM them asking if they still want to do it. If they don't reply within 24 hours, I'll move on to the next person, and so on and so forth. This is the game! http://store.steampowered.com/app/466980/