I never saw Superbad, and refuse to see it, mostly because it's one of those movies that everyone's like, "YOU HAVE TO SEE, IT'S SO FUNNY", and if the general public thinks it's funny, it's generally not. Ala Step Brothers.
That just makes this video all that much better: I wonder if her boyfriend knew about the penis.
It starts in 7 minutes, that answer your question?
http://www.livestream.com/whattheshitisthis Rescheduled for 6:00
The movie I was streaming last night inexplicably stopped halfway through, so I'm starting the movie over now for people who want to see, and then in about 1 hour we should be getting to the part where it stopped, so people who wanted to finish it from last night can actually see the ending. Stream starts at 5:50
I present to you: Cin's Nightly 2 hour Streaming of Majora's Mask Until he Beats the Game: The movie Join me on my perilous adventure through clock town. Last night we barely did anything. I did a bunch of hard shit that I couldn't do without being really really boring, in the end I got like 3 heart pieces and a (large)quiver of arrows. Tonight's adventure: WE TURN INTO A GORON My stream channel: http://www.livestream.com/Whattheshitisthis
Ostriches are also bad asses. Their bites hurt like a bitch, and to protect themselves, they usually kick. Funny story, lions leave Ostriches the **** alone, because most of the time, and Ostriches will actually break the lions jaw, making it unable to eat and essentially killing it. More often then not, they actually kick the jaw off.
Alright, I'll admit that was humorous.
Ha. Ha. No. It starts in 7 minutes. Does that answer your question?
Streaming the anime movie: Mind Game http://www.livestream.com/Whattheshitisthis Stream starts at 10:05
I'm pushing 4 years buddy, it's only downhill.
I present to you: Cin's Nightly 2 hour Streaming of Majora's Mask Until he Beats the Game: The movie Join me on my perilous adventure through clock town. Last night we attempted Woodfall temple, the first of 4 difficult dungeons. We got the hero's bow, and fought Odolwa, in doing so, cleansing the swamp of it's poison and saving the Deku Princess. However, to save countless boring retries, I raced the Deku Butler and played Koume's target practice off screen, getting the mask of scents and a heart piece. Tonight's adventure: I'm not really sure what we're doing tonight. I suppose we'll figure it out. My stream channel: http://www.livestream.com/Whattheshitisthis
Stealing NRA's livestream trend idea. You should be ashamed.
I present to you: Cin's Nightly 2 hour Streaming of Majora's Mask Until he Beats the Game: The movie Join me on my perilous adventure through clock town. Last night we saved a witch, then saved a monkey, and then ran though a swamp to hit an owl statue after learning how to turn into a torrent of feathers and teleport wherever we please. Tonight's adventure: WE ATTACK THE TEMPLE, CLEAN SOME WATER, FIGHT A BLACK GUY My stream channel: http://www.livestream.com/Whattheshitisthis
I wasn't into Muse much, never really tried listening. That might change after listening to this. But they did release their cover art for the new album.
Oh god, why would you lie to her like that?
Seems a bit too simple for you, honestly. Not liking the all-yellow color scheme, maybe try adding some stronger colors, reds or maybe a green. Just seems to light to me, borders seem to make the sig very unbalanced, just because the focal point is also on the left side, try making the border go all around the sig. I don't know why, I feel like there should be birds in the background or something. Maybe a plane.
11 people need to stop watching me
No, I'm fucking serious.