It's alright man, I'm not judging you. I'd have to look up how to take a screenshot on a Mac too.
I've had that before, must be a ton of seeders.
It seems people have been reposting my findings quite a lot lately.
Called it.
I'm not a fan of this thread at all. Oh look, Mirai's here. You're all getting your asses kicked.
Fuck you. I looked at this thread, saw no one had replied for half an hour, and said to myself, "Well at least KHV knows a thread to stay away from when they see one." So fuck you. Get out.
You don't seem to understand that a story has no purpose without some media of telling it, the story's purpose is the game's purpose. And the Game's purpose was to tell Zack's story in a much grander scale then what we'd seen before. Zack was a very ominous character till Crisis Core, Cloud supposedly based his life around Zack's stories but we knew very little about Zack. Plus, Square wanted some fucking money. And we basically chucked it at them in fistfuls.
The purpose of Crisis Core was to elaborate on the story of Zack Fair. And Square wanted more Dorrars.
You must enter a title/subject! I dreamt one night, my mind far from mine And I'll tell you the importance of the very first line See I'm never caught dreaming if I'm ever caught sleeping I'm dead to the world, watch my relatives weeping I'll sleep through a bullet, I'll sleep through a train I've slept through an earthquake, and quite a bit of pain But somehow in my slumber I awoke in the night I looked up to see not 1 but 2 lights Red and deep they glowed with a violence Yet illuminated a figure of extreme innocence A fox stood over me, its breath on my face Though I didn't feel fright my heart seemed to pace I was soaked to the bone with sweat from my skin And the Fox seemed to deafen in an indescribable din As it barked over me, my heart seemed to stop I could feel my chest wrenching with a groan and a pop It's white teeth appeared fast and it lunged at my face I stared helpless into it's throat while my mind started to race Where would I go now that I've died? If I told god that I loved him would he know that I lied? My mind disappeared in the dark of the room And it's eyes remained open in the infinite gloom Years later I awoke in a few minutes time I tried to open my eyes but they weren't mine I lifted my hands to my face and all seemed to be well But my eyes were held shut by some sort of spell I felt fur on my leg, I assumed it the fox But to my surprise a bark wasn't it's vox It said to me in the black of my eyes That it was the Devil and it'd broken my ties To what I called my body, what he called my chains He said "God wants a word, it's the worst of your fears." Though my eyes were closed, in the cold I felt tears I asked "What do you know of fears, what do you know of lies?" He said "You've told me them all, son, your fear's in the skies!" I said "What do you know of God?" He said "What I know of lies." I heard a movement in front, but a push in the back I started walking blindly into a world darker then black My footsteps made no sound, but the devil's were loud He must have worn shoes, I guess I wasn't allowed We didn't walk very far, he said "This is it here" But I felt in my heart that God was not near He knocked on a door of thick metal casting Despite what was beyond, the ring was long and lasting He opened the door, the hinges sounded of rust And I coughed as as I started drowning in dust A gust of wind blasted outward and knocked me back But I hit a wall which the room till now seemed to lack It started moving forward pushing me toward the door And the winds got stronger then they'd been before The wall met the door frame and I was inside The Devil grabbed my neck as some strange sort of guide He threw me down on the floor, again, no sound was heard I sat up in my place, and said not a word The Devil broke all the silence, and said "GOD, I AM HERE" And a chorus of voices screamed in response, "I AM HERE". The Devil grabbed my neck again and this time he squeezed I said "God, I am here" with a cough and a wheeze. The voices called out again with a quiet indifference "I am here" What was only a feeling had seemed to appear This room was large, too large to be real And all worry or longing had been forged into steel In the sword of my love and the warmth of the sun And I'd forgotten the feeling of needing to run I said "God, I am here.", again without fear And the sea of voices again said "I am here."" I asked "What do you want?" And the Devil just laughed For whatever was said, God responded with half "Do you want?" "God why do you mock me and the world?" The sound of his voice twisted around my head in a laughing twirl God chuckled in response to the Devil and leveled with "Me and the world?" I asked "What is the meaning of life, my lord?" The Devil laughed louder at my futile attempt God said "Meaning of life?" though My lord was exempt The end of my sentence was drowned out in the laughter A whole universe of voices continued thereafter I refused to say anything else Till the room full of laughter had dwindled to yelps I understood now that god was an Echo A big empty room just as cold as the snow He threw back at you what you wanted said But the sound was deformed and broken and dead And all the love that I'd felt was just in my head And my heart sank in the silence like a full ton of lead The Devil grabbed me by the neck and threw me back into bed And i opened my eyes, what was dark before, was bright now instead I'd lost all that fear, all my worry had fled I said "GOD I KNOW YOU AREN'T THERE AND I'M SCREAMING AT SKY BUT I LOVE YOU AND KNOW YOU ARE ME AND MY LIES NO LONGER WILL I STAY IN THIS BOYISH DISGUISE THE WORLD IS MINE, NO, NOT MINE, BUT OURS AND WE THANK YOU FOR BREAKING ME FREE FROM MY BARS IT'S A LIFE THAT WILL BE FULL OF NOTHING BUT LAUGHTER AND IF I SHOULD DIE I'LL LAUGH WITH YOU IN THE AFTER I know now you're not there, I no longer will fear No, I am alive And I am here."
Mmm, I posted this many many months ago. I can't actually find the thread, though.
It's not the same without the Penguin.
Meh. Damnit.
Thanks KHV. You've built me up and knocked me down too many times to count. ;o
lol facebook.
Well yeah.
Or is Rugby just American Football for Nutjobs?
Is anything inexplicable? Or is it the thought or want to reason inexplicable in itself?
It's morning already? The older I get the younger I feel Maturity deludes imagination Augments the illusion, I wish I were real The bigger I am the smaller the world It seems to shrink by miles a day And yet any distance is too much now The longer I've lived the shorter the minutes Nights and Days have lost their meaning It's so bright at night, Days seem so dark And they've bled together, hours into Days. Days into Weeks, Weeks into Lifetimes. And none of it even rhymes. I'll have to work on that With what I have left of the inbetween world Because where I am sat Time and space curled And it bent my perceptions, and it snapped them in half And this endless day sings And my pen seems to laugh And I'm only aging to realize We're all too young for this