oihwdhqwer oiyoieyr fofty oyroe4tryo tryowyt 42>hahaha, i just owned u in spanish.
Your momma's so ugly, even God's scared of her.
Xehanorts lover. Cuz he's mansex for u.
What the???? You triple posted, lmao.
Mish's bff.
Yo momma so stupid she threw a rock at the ground and missed.
Your moms so fat in school they called her,' Mount Everest,' and tried to climb her.
Haahahah. I have one question..Are you obsessed with DS?
Grillz and brownies.
Oh!!! BURN-in the fourth degree!xD Ameturaseu's mom is so fat she's fat......Crap that was really lame.
Xehanort's lover
Yeah, lesbian colors.xD Your momma so fat, Ametarasue, that when she runs, wearing a yellow dress, down the street people jump on her thinking she's the bus.
Hey! Inless you have something nice to say get outta here:p :D !
wjdehwqrohrf odfyqo oyr pefyoy yryr3py< That's gangsta slang for' Rox all over my sox'
I didn't date Mish a year ago. Is it hot in here or is it just mish?
MP3's are much better than i pods.
You can't get close to her, I've tried. She has a lot of security. I got sent to the hospital by trying to walk on her lawn. I tripped over one of her dogs and busted my head.
This is Mish in the mornings: [/COLOR]
Haahahahahaha! Oh-my-gosh! Crono just owned everyone! Even me and I didn't post nuttin! Hahahaha. I have a funny picture I'm guanna post. BRB.xD
Your so gay, your straight....:D xD Roses are red, violets are blue, Kairi's the best graphic maker!!!