You don't look bad, Rikku. Stop putting yourself down.
That threat was about as good as my Forums.^_^
Ummm..........Uhhhh...........Er.......I'm trying to think............Ah, I need Crono here. He's the master at this stuff. I'll get back to you on the joke.^_^
Thanks for cleaning, Arc. You rock.
Awww......She's shy. I'll give you a cracker if you come out from under there.:D
Yeahhhhhhhhhhh! What? Okayyyyyyyyy. You rox, I'm even giving you a free ghetto pass.
Fine...You a gangsta, but you hurt my feelings.:D
Crap!!!! You just have to point out my flaws................................................................Your mean. I'm not talking/posting to you anymore. Consider your gangsta pass taken away!
Yeah. It's from the orginal song "Can't catch me ridin' dirty.' Thats it. Nomura just released it a few minutes ago to the world on Japanese tv screens. Luckily I was there for it. Enjoy!
Whats your favorite hobbie? Mines......Playin' B-ball gangstas.
Jak and Daxter sucks! No way! Just kidding.
Can;t catch me white and dirty, can't catch me white and dirty. I got my sourcream to the dizzle to the hizzle I got all that in my chain, I gots nothing from the rain feel the pain. Can't catch me white and dirty. My musics so loud, I'm swangin'. I'm ridin' dirty, pimps.xD Dude, don't sweat it, the military won't let that happen.
Can;t catch me white and dirty. I got my sourcream, on the hizzle to the dizzle pop bizzle.
Crono and Arc bringing awesome back! Yeah!xD Wow........Mish has lots of competition now........Everyone should recount their votes.
Course we'll miss you. Especially me. You my gangsta pal and awesome friend, you won't die.
You know Sara is guanna kill you.xD Arc, tell Sara to post a pic! I gotta see if I'm right! I'm wrong about everyone else.:D
I can read that chiberish, lmao.:D xD Needstogetalifeandlearnhowtomakesigsandavvysandtrytobenotlame.
Dude, thats so lame! You coppied Crono! BURNT!xD Yo momma so fat, when I get bored I use her as a moon bounce.