Uhhh..Shhh.....They didn't know I was a hobo.xD And your mom, Jenova, she rocked my sox until she went with Sephiroth and had Cloud.
Allright, everyones been added.
Ah, Roxas, your black hair is awesome! You kinda remind me of Haley Joel Osment a little....Nice pick, dude.
We all of 'em, NRA. Rich, poor, ghetto. The whole mix.
You've been added. (Six words for Tallian) Edit: It was locked.-_-
You've both been added! We gangstas!
Don't make me go crazy white boy all over you,:D
As it says, request your gangsta pass here! I'll add you to my list. I can't remember everyone who has one so I'll just start with me at the top. 1.Tallian-Spamming Gangsta 2.Darkwatch-The curly-haired gangsta 3.XxAxelEightxX-Gothic gangsta 4.No_Reality_Allowed- Ghetto/Gangsta 5.Rikku-Gangsta Rap 6.KairiSoraKeyofLight-Too cool for school gangsta 7.Mish-Machine gun gangsta
Hahahah, NRA got dissed by DW!!! Hahahaha, bow down to my wrath, lmao.
Misty=gangsta. element=gangsta. MistyMighty=gangsta. Nuff said. You guys are funny.
I should report him for the heck of it. Down with the NRA. gangsta meista pimp!
Dang, sorry I'm late. *Hands you gangsta pass*
Hey, I got one. You suck your moms balls Crono. Hahaha, owned, lmao. Edit: Posts don't count here, lmao.
You gotta be freakin' kidding me............No, I'm serious, you shall be flogged for making this.:D :p xD Answer to first question: They think VBulletin is better. Answer to second: Yes, she has a bf, named Arc who is a boy. Sara's a girl. Lock this now.
My hobbies.Hmmm............Saying Mish is hott every post. Flaming/owning/burning/dissing members with Crono. Making goofy threads and spamming.:D
.......Six words: Perveted. Really hilarious. Obsessed with Deathspank. Hott Mish:p !!
I guess your right......................................................................................................................................................................................Your going to get so flames for what you just posted. Ready Crono?
Funniest moment? Kairi's mom is so fat people train for the olympics by running around her. BURNT! OWNED!DISSED! <I consider that funny......
Speak the truth!xD Kairi's mom is so fat, she took one step in Japan and all of them peoples screamed,"Godzilla!" BURNT! OWNED!AND DISSED!
She speaks the truth. Dang, KairiSoraKeyofLight just owned Kairi so hard!