Hey, who's GG? -_-Oh, I get it, GG for coca puffs!xD My birthdays not for another few months so nobody buy me nuttin yet.
If I try to burnt somebody again, I'll be banned.xD Any credit card numbers guys?
*When I was in my house watching tv.* *My sister comes up to me and asks* Sister: Does this look good on me. Me: You ******ed monkey. Yeah.....That's it.
Wow....Basically said what I was guanna say. Preach on Guxas.
I'm kinda broke right now. Can someone send me there credit card number?:p :D
Oooops, I meant to put orientation, my bad.xD Mish has tons of competitors now. I'd be posting more pictures if I were you mish.:D
I've read both books. But he's gotta hype down on the strange, magic spells. What ever happened to the gangsta Harry Potter spells!? His are like this: hindaya ioy oqyp p qp <How do you remember that? I like the books, will go to see the movie.
No, it was a one deal thing actually. I gave my soul to Death to bring you guys back. Now I walk this world forever. You guys still rock though.
Fine, I'll get one soon.xD I'm not trying to spam or anything, but that pie is making me really hungry. Sister's graduation? I went to one of those a month ago for my sister. She's studying for exams now, poor sister of mine.
Yeah! Roxas-chan revealed exclusive! Nice pic.
Welcome to the Forums. Post lots, obey the rules, and stay cool. Here's a cookie.*Gives you a cookie* Now go out there and post.
How did we become the infamous BoardWalk Hobo's you ask? We came here and we've stayed here the longest. We're a legend among hobo groups. Most of them died out in a year. But we survived and became,' The Boardwalk Hobo's.'
In that pic you look A LOT like Haley Jole Osment. That pic rox.
This is kinda spam.......Like lots of spam. I don't know why. Yeah, that's a cool name I guess.
First of all, I was cut off from the Bill Gates family due to me going bankrupt. He told me he didn't need my bad influence upon himself. Secondly, it was a rare foot phungus that had a cancer in it that infected all of the major organs and, basically, injected them with poisin.
Allright, here we go again: Type: Sig Stock: http://blog.yam.com/onion_club/2a367286.jpg Size: 360x140 Background: Leave it at same background Text: My username in the bottom right corner. Text other: I plan to follow my heart...To follow my dreams. Anything else: Nothing. Just follow that.^_^ Thanks Cheal.
Rikku died of a foot fungus. I was Bill Gate's brother and invented Microsoft with him.
I like the one you have now, but the third one is pretty funny.
No, Jenova isn't anything! Me and Rikku got together and got married. Jenova went, married Sephiroth, had Cloud. Sephiroth was killed by Zach and Jenova died of a foot phungus. Nextly, Cloud got married to Tifa, they had you guys. Tifa got killed in a freak grass accident. Cloud got sad and moved to Asia. He left you guys alone and unaided. A man found you one day named, whdqiwp hydoqyo eqyry, he took you to an orphanage and you stayed there for two years. I came along, a rich and famous billionare, and I adopted you two. One day you guys went out to play and died by a rare foot phungus, just like Jenova. I got sad and spent all of my money to clone you and bring you back to life. And then we became hobos and here we are.:D
Nope, I only saw Jenova one night. We went out for a minute and I dumped her for Rikku. She went off to Sephiroth, had Cloud, Cloud married and had you guys, then Cloud died...So Cloud's step-wife, Marry, went to my hobo box and gave you guys to me. Then, I sent all of you away to Hobo military school. You guys died the next day, I was sad. Out of sadness, I spent one millions dollars to clone all of you. Then we turned into hobos. Thats the whole story.