CALL YOUR FREAKING PARENTS. Or get a neighbor. OR stop making things up if this inst true.
Eh. Give him a puzzle. Call your parents.
I have really bad nightmare once in a while. For example: This clown that kills all my family and friends. And when I go to tell a cop the cop turned into the clown and kills me. (BIG PROBLEM WITH CLOWNS) ---------- Driving down a road at night as we pass over a bridge. The person driving has a heart attack and we drive off the bridge and drown. ----------- Most bizarre: I hear a knock on my door. I look out side and she the power rangers. They run inside my house and start fighting this monster plant like thing. And the red ranger throws me over his shoulder and carries me up to my parents room. Then justs out the window.
I was just going to change my sig. O_o Anyway. Welcome back. *hands a cookie*
Ok. So. I followed this tut. I think I did everything right, but when I refresh the brushes box, my brush doesn't show up. Help? (the brush is more than one layer and I saved it as gih) (stfu Misty :b)
Where did you go? D:
No. T_T Sorry.
Raoti. >__>
Misty: Go play in traffic...>_>
Clowns. Bad childhood experience. And my family being killed while I am upstairs in the shower. Don't ask.
Like those stalking 6th/7th graders. >_> Depends on the class. Mostly the kid that zones out. And it SORTA quiet.
I do not find this ammusing.
*hands ice cream* ^_^
Running crew for the play> opening night. Just all the excitement, when the people come in and...the cast members running around, while you get to chill mostly. Unless you have to test the 9-volt batteries for the headset. The smell of dried paint and makeup. At the end of night, cheering about a successful play and no disco balls fell on peoples head.. And, the famous arm warmers.
Awww... Vivi... who could hate you! Your a teddy bear!
Fuzzy socks.
*le gasp* F**** THAT SH!T~! >_>
*shoots self*