All my friends and family die.
If that counts as me having that happen today then yes... Have you ever walked into a rather large concert pole >_>
Annie, are you OK Will you tell us that you’re OK There’s a sign at the window That he struck you A crescendo, Annie He came into your apartment He left the bloodstains on the carpet Then you ran into the bedroom You were struck down It was your doom :D
No...but I have fallen off a chair in the middle of class. Have you ever been run over by a parked car?
Yeah... I normally dont do yeti like calls when I make a mistake.
were high on soda and candy...what do you expect... I have no freakind Idea what were doing.... >_> I am Frodis...durh.
I bet if they did this the deaths from drinking and driving would skyrocket. And plus most 18 aren't responsible enough.
*sobs* ;-;
No habla espanol O_O Welcome to the forum! *hands a cookie*
YOu have...cows? *steals one*
*growls* /fillerz/
Not you, Misty.
Really...I want to know if you smoke crack today. I am not a kitty D:
Hola. >_> damn I have been found out D:
I always wanted to know what would happen if you wrote down "Attacked by rabid squirrels"
Misty doesn't count, because I know her in real life. :b err... I think it was RIS or Rikku.
Trigel = angel and triger.
Your a guy? O_O
XD Kay. Thanks. Nice diagram.