Is a online game. For every question you get right donates 10 grains of rice to starving children in Africa, so I figured if we some of the forum to play it we can donate a crapload of rice. Put the website in you sig. If you can Please don't lock because of sorta advertising. That would be wrong.
Swordser2! Nice to see ya!
Zomfg! Satanist!
Bye. Have fun being grouned. D;
Ebay' em. Crazy fanboys will buy them. I sold on old GBA to gamestop and got $50 for it. So try there, just in case.
I might buy it. Not sure.
You have a TV in your bathroom?
Lol. It's still expensive. But, there will be riots for them at Chirstmas.
o_O(that kinda ruined Dumbledore's image for me, I always though he liked Professor Magonigle(sp?) But its cool how she is letting kids know that you can be a great person and be gay. Good for her.
Eh. I don't care. Nobody posts there.
A good place where I can get Live Journal layouts. Besides create-blog?
YAY! CORPSE! -gigglesnorts-
Thanks for scaring me. If it gets to New York. I am wearing one of those docter masks, and a band-aid when I get a cut. And roll around in a plastic bubble.
The colors! There're attacking! *runs*
Title. Do you? I do. Its just built into the wall and dose't work.
Are addicting to make. :D
Yosh. ^___^
List of Named Stars in Alphabetical Order ACAMAR ACHERNAR Achird ACRUX Acubens ADARA Adhafera Adhil AGENA Ain al Rami Ain Al Anz Al Kalb al Rai Al Minliar al Asad Al Minliar al Shuja Aladfar Alathfar Albaldah Albali ALBIREO Alchiba ALCOR ALCYONE ALDEBARAN ALDERAMIN Aldhibah Alfecca Meridiana Alfirk ALGENIB ALGIEBA ALGOL Algorab ALHENA ALIOTH ALKAID Alkalurops Alkes Alkurhah ALMAAK ALNAIR ALNATH ALNILAM ALNITAK Alniyat Alniyat ALPHARD ALPHEKKA ALPHERATZ Alrai Alrisha Alsafi Alsciaukat ALSHAIN Alshat Alsuhail ALTAIR Altarf Alterf Aludra Alula Australis Alula Borealis Alya Alzirr Ancha Angetenar ANKAA Anser ANTARES ARCTURUS Arkab Posterior Arkab Prior ARNEB Arrakis Ascella Asellus Australis Asellus Borealis Asellus Primus Asellus Secondus Asellus Tertius Asterope Atik Atlas Auva Avior Azelfafage Azha Azmidiske Baham Baten Kaitos Becrux Beid BELLATRIX BETELGEUSE Botein Brachium CANOPUS CAPELLA Caph CASTOR Cebalrai Celaeno Chara Chort COR CAROLI Cursa Dabih Deneb Algedi Deneb Dulfim Deneb el Okab Deneb el Okab Deneb Kaitos Shemali DENEB DENEBOLA Dheneb Diadem DIPHDA Double Double (7051) Double Double (7052) Double Double (7053) Double Double (7054) Dschubba Dsiban DUBHE Ed Asich Electra ELNATH ENIF ETAMIN FOMALHAUT Fornacis Fum al Samakah Furud Gacrux Gianfar Gienah Cygni Gienah Ghurab Gomeisa Gorgonea Quarta Gorgonea Secunda Gorgonea Tertia Graffias Grafias Grumium HADAR Haedi HAMAL Hassaleh Head of Hydrus Herschel's "Garnet Star" Heze Hoedus II Homam Hyadum I Hyadum II IZAR Jabbah Kaffaljidhma Kajam KAUS AUSTRALIS Kaus Borealis Kaus Meridionalis Keid Kitalpha KOCAB Kornephoros Kraz Kuma Lesath Maasym Maia Marfak Marfak Marfic Marfik MARKAB Matar Mebsuta MEGREZ Meissa Mekbuda Menkalinan MENKAR Menkar Menkent Menkib MERAK Merga Merope Mesarthim Metallah Miaplacidus Minkar MINTAKA MIRA MIRACH Miram MIRPHAK MIZAR Mufrid Muliphen Murzim Muscida Muscida Muscida Nair al Saif Naos Nash Nashira Nekkar NIHAL Nodus Secundus NUNKI Nusakan Peacock PHAD Phaet Pherkad Minor Pherkad Pleione Polaris Australis POLARIS POLLUX Porrima Praecipua Prima Giedi PROCYON Propus Propus Propus Rana Ras Elased Australis Ras Elased Borealis RASALGETHI RASALHAGUE Rastaban REGULUS Rigel Kentaurus RIGEL Rijl al Awwa Rotanev Ruchba Ruchbah Rukbat Sabik Sadalachbia SADALMELIK Sadalsuud Sadr SAIPH Salm Sargas Sarin Sceptrum SCHEAT Secunda Giedi Segin Seginus Sham Sharatan SHAULA SHEDIR Sheliak SIRIUS Situla Skat SPICA Sterope II Sualocin Subra Suhail al Muhlif Sulafat Syrma Tabit (1543) Tabit (1544) Tabit (1552) Tabit (1570) Talitha Tania Australis Tania Borealis TARAZED Taygeta Tegmen Tejat Posterior Terebellum Terebellum Terebellum Terebellum Thabit Theemim THUBAN Torcularis Septentrionalis Turais Tyl UNUKALHAI VEGA VINDEMIATRIX Wasat Wezen Wezn Yed Posterior Yed Prior Yildun Zaniah Zaurak Zavijah Zibal Zosma Zuben Elakrab Zuben Elakribi Zuben Elgenubi Zuben Elschemali choose one.
gewd, thelll wantz to join 2
Can I be the sun? Because I am Hawt? :3