I like all the accessories (XD) And some of the shirts. And the street/trip pants.
Lol. Everbody loves me. >_>
This doest belong here. For it isn't intelligent. And besides, if your school can block proxies, they can probably trace your keystrokes.
I'll do it.
Will you be my mommy? XDDD
Stay with Sara. It brings back memories of you stealing our cookies on the old forum.
Woo. Rufus is one of those awesomly cool moms I bet.
Call the police.
You hurt your self alot. *covers you in pillow and put a helmet on your head* Hope you feel better.
Rly!? Stfu!
Bai. See you when you get back.
Have fun. Where ever your going. AND BRING ME A PRESANT WHEN YOU GET BACK! *hands bag of cookies for the road*
Hullo thar new BEST FRIEND! >_> Tee Hee. If you need help with anything PM me? kthxbai
hullo thar. Welcome to vids, and I would recommend to stop responding to every ones post because is it considered spam. *hands a cookie*
No. It won't you have to make a WHOLE OTHER ACCOUNT for the user portal. Please read some of the guides on the site.
Editz: VERSION TWO Yeah. I know its just text, but I like it.
Thanks. Plus the game is addicting to me. X_*
Wow. Thats kinda sad, that one of your friends did that to you. Well thats sucks. Would you like a cookie?
Try this: www.freerice.com