Holy Zarquon that was amazing. I'm almost tempted to drop the books because I honestly can't believe that there could be a better ending to such an amazing story. Also, is it bad that I honestly think Random is a rather pretty name for a girl?
The pieces of my brain are all over the room because my mind was just blown.
I know there aren't a lot of people around here who go to the RPA, but this is going to be different in that it's more of a proper RPG than just a collaborative story with role-playing elements. It's like the difference between Dwarf Fortress and Dungeons and Dragons. Post your here if you're interested and I'll change the thread to a discussion/sign-up thread once I have four or more players.
I think I might be living the dream.
I put in my Shiny Gengar code and then decided to screw around for a bit because I haven't played in a while and then HOLY ****ING **** my first random encounter was a shiny Venipede.
King Arthur and four of his most trusted friends go to visit the castle of his cousin by marriage, Sir Frederick. It later turns out that Frederick's castle is haunted by the spirit of Arthur's mother-in-law.
West one Aisle five eight Bay two seven Slot foxtrot two "Jennifer, repeat" Pick black zero nine three "Grab five one" Three six echo five "Ready" Pick white D K nine "Grab six zero" Four six delta three Just thought I'd give you guys some insight into what I do for money. Drop totes Drop off totes. Confirm? Confirm. Scan tote to close Scan tote to close "Complete" Complete. Confirm? "Confirm." Set up totes. Scan tote Tote open, scan tote Tote open, scan tote "Complete" Complete. Confirm? "Confirm" Aisle
. . . . . . . Not really, but take that feeling you've got now and keep it in your mind because if you really admire George Takei like I expect many of you do, that's how I feel about what's going on with Amanda Bynes and her schitzophrenia. It makes me really sad to see a person who once filled lots of people's lives with joy reduced to this. I wish her mother would wise up and put her back on her medication because it's clear that she's really struggling with a lot of things that don't need to be wrong with her. I know she's not a minor anymore, but there's got to be some way that someone can step in, right? They say she was put on psychiatric hold, but those are just rumors and they can only keep her for a year or so anyway. I never thought I'd actually care about the goings on in a celebrity's life any more than any other stranger, but this really does make me sad.
He orders a drink.
I'm stuck in a bug on the Daily where I died but my grenade killed the boss right after so I can't just respawn and I need someone to finish the mission or revive me because there's still one more thing I have to do before the mission is complete. My PS3 name is KeybladeSpirit if you're willing to help.
Am I really supposed to believe that the kids in How I Met Your Mother don't know their own mother's name?
Adeptus Evangelion is a mod of Dark Heresy designed to allow campaigns set in the universe of Neon Genesis Evangelion, so anyone participating will need to find a PDF of the Dark Heresy Corebook (or better yet, buy a copy!) and I won't be providing one here because that would probably be against the same rules that forbid links to ROMs and ISOs and porn and stuff. You can find the PDFs specific to AdEva on the TVTropes page I linked. The 1d4chan wiki page is also a useful resource. We'll be using the 2.5 release, not the Borderline edition. If there were some kind of dice roll BBcode we'd use that, but since there isn't I'm going to use this online dice roller to evaluate any and all skill checks. I'll use screenshots to prove what numbers come up. I will also need some private words with each of my participants so we can set up each character's role in the story. Those with bigger roles will have a lot more to do and, if there are enough players, those with smaller roles may replace certain major NPCs. These characters will have a lot of predefined characteristics and any skill checks involving them will be done via PM in order to preserve their "non-player" status. We'll also need an Operations Director and 4-6 pilot who will be in correspondence with me just a little more than usual. In this particular campaign, the OD probably won't have a big role to play, but that may change depending on a lot of factors. If I have everyone's cooperation, I should be able to finish the campaign in about a week. To whet your whistles, here's some of the non-spoilerly stuff that I've got so far. I started off with a pretty straight adaptation of Attack on Titan, but since then it's grown into something more original even while the basic premise remains the same. The mythology that I've filtered the story through is that of the Bartimaeus Trilogy, written by Jonathan Stroud. Spoiler: Setting In an alternate history, the aftermath of World War II sees many important cities (holy cities, major national capitals, etc.) totally cut themselves off from the world for fear of being corrupted by yet another war. Before long, these cities became collectively known as the Holy Cities. History moves more or less normally until 1993, when their fears are realized in the form of monsters popping up all over the world. Dubbed Great Spirits by a committee of London's highest ranking magicians, these monsters overtook the rest of the world within weeks, leaving only a few cities alive thanks to a major technological development derived from the mystical traditions of each Holy City's primary cultural traditions. In most places this was a religion of some sort, but London is unique in that its citizens believe in magic, and through that magic the Pentacle System was created. Named the Absolute Territory (AT) Generator (or ATG for short) in most Holy Cities, this machine was mysteriously developed independently by each of the Holy Cities in the mid-to-late 80s for one purpose: To keep everyone else out. Until then, each city had been protected by walls, which still stand today to mark the edge of each ATG's field. As it turned out, this would prove crucial in helping those cities survive the Spirits' attacks as most Spirits' Pentacles aren't powerful enough to penetrate even the outermost of any given city's AT field. This goes double for London, which is protected by three layers of Pentacles and still Spirits seem to gather outside even more than other cites. The denizens of the Holy Cities enjoyed relative peace while London built up a military to deal with the inevitable day when the massive amounts of Spirits would find a way to attack. This went on until... Spoiler: Where You Come In In 2000 AD (now called 0 After Impact, or AI), the Transcendant Spirit Ramuthra appeared from off the horizon, used its Positron Beam to destroy Bulwark Nathaniel's Pentacle System, and released many Lesser Spirits inside the area that was once protected. Ramuthra and the swarm were defeated by London's military, but the population was drastically reduced and the lack of a Pentacle forced them to retreat behind Bulwark Ptolemy, where the Spirits couldn't get to them. In 5 AI, Prime Minister Kendrick Deveraux held an event within the limits of Bulwark Bartimaeus to announce the establishment of the Mandrake Defense Initiative (Mandrake or MDI for short), a paramilitary force whose stated goal was to install the latest version of the Pentacle System on Bulwark Nathaniel, and drafted much of the population into it. Along with MDI, two prototype mecha called Afrits (originally a ridiculous backronym, A.F.R.I.T.S, that hasn't been officially used or recognized since the initial reveal) were revealed and the plan to take back Bulwark Nathaniel was underway by the next year. Unfortunately, the undertrained recruits failed in their mission before they even hit the halfway mark, leaving the party's two half finished Aftrits dead in a strange and beautiful monument to those who passed that day. Now in 15 AI, four (or more) angsty teenagers and their caretaker must protect what's left of their world from destruction at the hands, claws, tentacles, other appendages of all kinds of Great Spirits. Who are they? How will their destinies be shaped? That, my friends, is up to you. IF you want to sign up, fill out a character sheet (included with the AdEva PDFs, I'll upload an example sheet later), then post some general character information like physical characteristics and personal background information (but NOT the character sheet) in this thread and PM me the actual character sheet as well as information on how involved you want to be in the plot. Please note that I will need at least two pilots to be main characters. If you choose to be a pilot you are liable to fill an important role if everybody says they want minimal involvement.
Basically, I'm adapting a recent anime into what I think is turning out to be a pretty kickass Adeptus Evangelion campaign and I want to know what people think. Adeptus Evangelion is a mod of Dark Heresy designed to allow campaigns set in the universe of Neon Genesis Evangelion, so anyone participating will need to find a PDF of the Dark Heresy Corebook (or better yet, buy a copy!) and I won't be providing one here because that would probably be against the same rules that forbid links to ROMs and ISOs and porn and stuff. I will also need some private words with each of my participants so we can set up each pilot's role in the story. Those with bigger roles will have a lot more to do and, if there are enough players, those with smaller roles may replace NPCs who would have died anyway. We'll also need an Operations Director who will also be in correspondence with me just like the pilots. In this particular campaign, the OD probably won't have a big role to play, but that may change depending on a lot of factors. If there were some kind of dice roll BBcode we'd use that, but since there isn't we'll use an online dice roller and go on some combination of screenshots and the honor system. If I have everyone's cooperation, I should be able to finish the campaign in about two weeks. How about it?
So I'd like to take this time to remind y'all that there is a spooky skeleton inside all of you. Make me proud, guys.
He felt way too human and that made him a great character (my favorite in his seasons besides Rory, in fact) overall, but he seemed more like a Companion than a Doctor. Most of his time on the show felt like it didn't have a Doctor and that really messed up a lot of what was great about it. I also noticed that Tennant wasn't as great as I remember. He was a fanboy and played the role like a fanboy. He was a better Doctor than Smith, but not by much. Eccleston's Doctor held up, though.
What can you steal without getting trouble? Second Base.
I just don't understand how something like this is possible.
I'm planning a trip there for sometime late next year to visit a friend and would like to start getting information early. Would it be in my best interests to bring clothes made of flame ******ant textiles? The name "Scunthorpe" has kind of a fiery sound to it.