☑ Forced to do menial tasks with little to no thanks. ☑ Terrible pain all down my left side. ☑ People always seem to think that even my best mood is a bad mood. ☑ Very good at using elevators. ☐ Robot
Fate has ordained that the men who went to the moon to explore in peace will stay on the moon to rest in peace. These brave men, Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin, know that there is no hope for their recovery. But they also know that there is hope for mankind in their sacrifice. http://www.archives.gov/presidentia...tennials/nixon/images/exhibit/rn100-6-1-2.pdf I found this and just felt like sharing.
I don't care if it's Western, Eastern, anime, cartoons, 2D, CGI, or anything else. I don't care if it has a good story. I don't care if it has good plot. I don't care if it's two days old or 100 years old. I don't care about anything but how mautiful the animation style is. I don't even care if it's pornographic (but please recommend those via PM because of the site's rules). The Animators Expo has spoiled me and I want more. Give me all you've got.
I think it's time for me to enter the wonderful world of self-taught base jumping.
Do you say Dragon Ball Zed instead of Dragon Ball Z?
I hate you. I HATE YOU!
I just discovered that all these years I've been using a stolen catchphrase. On leaving a room inhabited primary by my friends, I often say, "Later taters." I thought that I had just come up with it myself because it just sounded like a funny phrase. Only now have I realized that this whole time I had actually gotten it from Rikku's line in Kingdom Hearts, right before she, Yuna, and Paine leave Sora and co. in the Hollow Bastion castle tunnels. My whole life is a lie.
It's about a person slowly going insane as it forgets key parts of its external identity, including gender, race, sexuality, and other things. It starts off being played by a relatively regular black man, but over the course of the movie it's sometimes portrayed by an extremely similar looking white man in some scenes. This happens in other ways too. In some scenes it's played by similar looking trans-men and trans-women, one of each for as many races as I can find good actors who look similar to original. Sometimes the actors are in colorface to look like other races. There'll be a sex scene where its partner changes its apparent sex and gender with every shot. In the last half hour the same idea from the sex scene comes back, with the protagonist changing to a different actor in different makeup (and sometimes with no makeup at all) with every new camera angle. This is taken to even greater extremes when the protagonist sometimes isn't even human, but an animal, mythological being, or even an inanimate object. However, even while the what of the protagonist's identity is constantly in question, the who remains the same. It always likes the same kind of music and TV, for instance. At end, when its body is flashing between black/white/man/woman/trans/cis in a padded room, it's still humming the same song that was briefly heard as its ringtone near the beginning of the movie. Good idea, yes/no?
I hate shows like that.
This week's episode almost brought me to tears. Spoiler I really wasn't expecting Tsubaki to break like she did today until next week's episode.
where you are the only person whose normal walking speed is greater than two feet per hour. That's how I feel every day because everybody walks so slowly. For the last time, I am not in a hurry. This is just how I walk!
I'm a Rhythmia junkie. Over the past three weeks I've had over 11 kilos and keep going back for more every day. I do it at work, I do it in car, I do it in bed. I'm doing it right now. It's gotten to point where my dealer's been giving me CollectaCards to keep me coming back for even more. I do it competitively too. Hitting those triggers perfectly even when they're zooming in at me and spinning all over the place is such a huge rush. I need help.
living with my parents, and not even close to getting any kind of credentials required to start an actual career. I should NOT be thinking about how much I want kids right now.
Is it "das nutella" or "die nutella?"
It's "where fears and lies," not "reverent light."
on some level you don't actually feel sad or disappointed or anything and that part of you is just faking it because it makes you feel special to play the victim? Today I feel like that because my first reaction to receiving one particular gift that I was really only half disappointed in was to make note of it in a humorous way, then assure the gift giver that it's okay and all it means is that I have a new series to start collecting rather than a new addition to the series that I was looking to continue and no, really, I don't want the receipt so I can exchange it I really do like it it's just that I wanted the 3rd and 4th volumes of the spin-off series rather than the original but really it's fine and like you said it was the store clerk who led you to the wrong item so it's not even your fault so you shouldn't be sorry about anything and look I'm sorry I said anything just forget about that and let me be thankful already. Basically, I feel disappointed about something that I'm not actually disappointed about and that makes me think that maybe I only feel disappointed because deep down I want to feel like I was wronged in order to justify I don't even know what. Is that a thing that other people get too?
Happy Festivus, everybody!