Shoot an arrow at the sun. At that one lake for the water dungeon?
Where are you getting this from?
Well, Wii-motes are 40, not 60. Nunckuk is 20, not 15, heh. 20 for the Classic con. too. AND! Wii-motes and Nunchuk are not, I repeat NOT! A complete set, it's just an attachment. But it is in-expensive for a system at that price.
Hmm... I wonder why you like that name......
I'll ONLY tell my nick name. MR. SANDWICH
Okay. Well it is the cheapest Blu-ray player.......but who uses Blu-ray anyway?
I respect your desicion. Mine would be.... Wii Xbox 360 PS3.
Okay. Did you reserve it?
For now I'm getting TP.
My friend uses "Nobody" Ha... "Grande Hot chocolate for Nobody!"
No I'll be getting... LOZTP SSB Red steel Mario galaxy, when it comes out.
What name do you use at Starbucks? I use this one.
Yeah, I'll still be going as "General"
Guitar Hero 2 today!!! Yeah! I played YYZ!
That's on more often kay?
That is me, seriously.
I've got another one! HAPPY HOLLOWEEN!!!
Not really but, whatever floats your boat.
Kind of.......maybe......maybe not........
They do evolve BUT! When you beat the game.