Yeah.....but! If you want more space, then I suggest you buy either a flash drive or an SD card. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a Wii to pick up.
You know, you have an excellent point there my good friend.
No. I reserved it. Ha! Check out my Wii threads in the gaming section.
Both are optional, Wii has a 512MB memory. But you might need more. Which is where the SD card comes in. It's almost here!!! Wii!!!
I think this is a better search....
Will you move it please? And to the other guy, EVERYONE knows NOT to call me GG.
You didn't bother to read my sig didn't you? It says "Do NOT call me GG!" I'm **** about that. It's okay, you probably didn't know, just don't do it again.
Okay, I'm on a Sidekick and I'm testing if it works. And I'm guessing it works so, uhh... Go crazy! This was just a test. Sorry if I put it in the wrong board.
I use to play Magic. Not that much though. I was a Yu-Gi-Oh! Player, I kicked butt, and also Pokemon. But I sucked at Magic. goodnesss............AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! Free bird is hard. Try doin' this!
Nice! (I ran out of things to say)
I played it again at Best Buy, It's freakin' sweet!
It is possible. I'll go and find more vids....
I haven't bought it, so to etertain you, Watch this!
1 thing I tend to do is, in my Woodshop class I grab my project and act as if it was a GH controller. And stupid stunts.
I agree! (ignore these four words)
Beat the S*** out of your bbrother.
HOw origional......funny, funny......Har hare.
I also played War Pigs