I'll get mario 64.
uh huh...... I have not bought any games yet. I will this week end though.
Instead of telling you, look n your instruction booklet.
Do you have wireless internet?
Have you updated your Wii yet?
You share files? cheater! I did all myself.
But wait , you have TP right? I beat the Fire temple and going to the Water temple.
Yay, I'm not the only one with a Wii.
Happy Massive Turkey Genocide Day!!!
Oh it stops alright, wen the game creators stopped working on it [/joke] It goes on forever.
I added Guitar Hero because I am one on this forum.
Well isn't that nice? Stupid emulators......no work for moi.
Too bad for you..... I just beat the ****** Temple.
What on earth are you talking about?
Fine, I won't..... But yes you NEED an SD card.
Fishing IS fun! I caught a 14 inch Catfish!
When I have a bad day I'll be playing tennis on my Wii.
Aaaahhhh........Twilight pricess is the BOMB!!!! SERIOUSLY!!!! If I had a camera, I would show you.
Aahhh.....I love my new Twilight princess game......
Yep I got a wii. Anybody else who got it post here.