I should post one of me playing GH or doing an iPod commercial, but fortunately, I do not have any of those.
you could have gone backwards.
WHAT?! I haven't seen it!
I'm between the ages of 5 and 60.
Me too. I'm getting Diamond rather than Pearl.
*Bangs head on the table*
I'm buying MYSELF a Christmas Present. A PS3. And I'll get GH2.
I'm a Sceptile. Beat that.
Just offering help. Accept it when it's needed.
Yes. If you die, come to me. I will save you.
"General Grievous"....hmm....I like the character, and his battle tactics are genius and amazing.
I think it's worth it. anyway.
YES! (So happy that he ran out)
Do you think it was bad to pass up on a VC card to get a 8GB iPod Nano?
What?! WHY?!?!?! It won't offend anybody!
I'm definately getting Mario 64.
Right now only games. But later on you can buy all sorts of stuff.
Yeah that too. And because I don't have to buy a wireless controller.
The fact that I can finnaly pwn my dad at sports.
So did I but my files got erased.