I can't decide. Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler
lolwut ?
How about you send it to me so I can help you count it all?
shit suxI love playing devil's advocate. I wonder if there's anybody on the previous theme who can still read this...
oh yea those. I'll stick with my belt buckle morpher.
I will be Aqua.
It looks familiar but I can't put my finger on what it is...
Worst male MC ever :l Plus is he wearing a hardhat? Maybe that's going to be a replacement for the HM Rock Smash?
Not sure if troll, but 10/10 anyway :l It's the fact that I have to get rid of one of my moves that's the problem. I don't want to get rid of a move that I really like/need for one I'll use for a second. Especially if it's a move I can't buy at a store as a TM.
All I'm going to say is that they better get rid of those stupid HM moves. I hate having to give my favorite guys on my team some stupid move just because I need to get past a rock or some shit. They could replace them easily with things like a flashlight for flash or the character could learn martial arts for strength and move rocks themselves.
If JP gets it in the fall you can definitely expect it in Q1 of 2011 for America. What's more interesting is that this is the first step in a new generation without being on a new handheld even though Nintendo has announced the 3DS for next year. This kinda proves that the 3DS will support DS games.
http://www.pokemon.co.jp/bw/index.html It was only a matter of time. America is probably going to rename it Ebony/Ivory because we can't have any fun. oh and if you get white version you're racist. Spoiler I'm getting white but will probably feel guilty about it later and purchase 5 copies of black
Holy shit at OP's sig.
The sex scene when Edward breaks the bed and Bella's spine was so worth it. Especially when she said that she wanted to do it again.
Mewtwo erased all memories of what happened at the end of the movie.
I'm gonna post the pic there and thank them for it sometime. Then criticize them for liking ****.
Yea especially considering that pic only has 2,725 views & 2,268 downloads... wait when the **** did that number skyrocket? Did somebody post the...