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  1. no-reality_allowed
    1. A chair.
    2. My phone.
    3. Yep.
    Post by: no-reality_allowed, May 6, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  2. no-reality_allowed
    1. Of course. I'd use it to make people think their friend hit them and cause a big fight.
    2. I think I'd like to be a palm tree simply to stay near the beach. Although a hurricane would make quick work of me I'd use that machine to hit it and make it think another hurricane had hit it so it goes away to fight it.
    3. Platypus no question.
    4. Just 2 at the moment. I had like 10 but I give away any I don't like/want anymore.
    5. Quirky, humorous, & charming.
    Post by: no-reality_allowed, May 6, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  3. no-reality_allowed
    I haven't been swimming as much and no I don't do that anymore.

    I concur.
    1. If the scenery is yummy I better be in candy land or else tree bark will taste horrible.
    2. Reno! The Genetic Opera. I'd play Random Graverobber Girl #4
    3. I love me some ham.
    4. Would you like a boot up your ass?
    1. When you buy me a ticket to tea land.
    2. I'm loving it.
    3. Not at all, I love being asked things.
    4. My new hat, tight jeans, a black shirt, and echo shoes.
    5. My cheese dip. It's just completely unique and I haven't seen anyone able to copy it yet.
    1. I have too many because I'm simply an awesome guy.
    2. Currently it's Croagunk. He just looks like he's taunting you while kicking your ass.
    3. Glorious cheese.
    4. Pattenson is an awesome dude, the others should say hello to Blade.
    5. If I saw her I'd turn the other way and leave. I consider myself a decent writer and I'm afraid I'd lose my creativity by being near her.
    6. Cin.
    7. I have no clue. It was a total surprise for me.
    Post by: no-reality_allowed, May 5, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  4. no-reality_allowed
    My favorite ghetto girl name is Bon Qui' Qui'.
    Post by: no-reality_allowed, May 5, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. no-reality_allowed
    English please.
    1. Of course I do.
    2. My school doesn't block anything because college people aren't little kids.
    3. The second option I guess.
    4. I've always found this annoying since if you legitimately like the person then of course you're going to comfort them whether you know they'd never like you or not.
    Post by: no-reality_allowed, May 5, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  6. no-reality_allowed
    I wish I had gotten that forward. My friends woke me up with some gummy bear sex image.
    Post by: no-reality_allowed, May 5, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. no-reality_allowed
    1. You're a pretty awesome dude and I enjoy your presence in topics.
    2. I was told it was because I wasn't liked much by the original people doing this thing and then people sort of forgot about me.
    3. REC simply because it was the first, and only, horror movie to make me have to turn the lights on while watching it.
    4. It's a dumb idea if you're dumb about it. As long as you can control how much you spend it's fun.
    5. Either D or G.
    6. 7. I've lost interest over the years because I've realized it's a waste of time worrying over what the government does. If they want to do something they'll usually do it and I'll know if it'll drastically affect me or not.
    1. I do not have any.
    2. Electricity because fuck your list I want to go all darth vader on people
    3. I'm craving popcorn, but that would require me to watch a movie.
    4. Invisibility simply to steal shit. Teleportation would also help.
    1. Yes and I hate that it's GH that got it first simply because I have not enjoyed the recent GH games. I was super excited for GH:Metallica and then realized that instead of filling the game with more Metallica they go and add shitty bands. I feel the RHCP game is going to suffer the same fate.

    1. Queen really needs one and I'm sure Harmonix will do it, The Offspring, and Vampire Weekend.
    2. Really you're going to make me piss people off? I will gladly oblige your request: Kay, Jeromeo, & some other random member. Probably Mish simply so I can kill her.
    3. I really want to take a tour of Europe because there are so many countries there that fascinate me.
    4. lol is this supposed to be a serious question? MS all the way.
    5. Final Fantasy Tactics. The ps1 not the gba version.
    6. Glorious
    7. They're silly but sometimes have a point
    8. Never listened to them much
    9. We need more of this
    10. I suck at them unless I cheat
    1. I don't like them, I love them. Oh and GD doesn't deserve a game for themselves.
    1. A greek sub... no wait some grapes.
    2. I haven't slept in possibly 2 days so I don't know.
    3. What objects to mess with when my friend and i visit our old teacher.
    4. I shouted "FUCK YEA BITCH!" when Jesse James won Deadliest Warrior.
    5. Probably when I was a child and was in trouble. I can't seem to find anything sad enough to make me cry, but I like to imagine things that might sometimes.
    6. I've got a few but the one that comes to mind is a recurring dream where I'm in a giant lake and being chased by a giant crocodile. I always get away.
    7. I would seriously try to car surf down the highway. If I survived that I'd chill with my friends and watch the explosions.
    8. A briefcase that refills with money when emptied, immortality while looking like how I do now, and if I can then an object that grants me unlimited wishes but if I can't do that one then the ability to see the future at my leisure.
    9. Valentine's Day comes to mind, but Twilight will probably be it since my friends keep telling me it's not that bad so I'm tempted to watch it. Plus shark boy got hot.
    10. Wait what? Oh that hat, for a moment I thought Jerome sent you the pic of my new hat. Sure you can keep the old one.
    11. I've never actually been scared, just incredibly nervous. My most nerve wracking moment would have to be when I did my first play and had the lead. I did pretty well.
    12. I laugh a lot all the time so I can't really answer this one. My friends and I come up with the craziest of discussions that make no sense at all.
    13. Pretty good actually.
    1. What part of whore are you from?
    1. No clue what that is.
    1. Sure but I think it's fair to let you know that I will probably cheat with you on other friends, steal your money, and eat all the brownies in your home.
    Post by: no-reality_allowed, May 4, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  8. no-reality_allowed
    Hopefully it'll be longer than 3 hours this time. I loved COO to death but being able to beat it on very hard in under 4 hours was a letdown.
    Post by: no-reality_allowed, May 4, 2010 in forum: Gaming
  9. no-reality_allowed
    1. You're pretty awesome. Definitely one of my fav members here.
    2. A gun that shoots shurikens and lightning.
    3. It's got one game, Talladega Nights.
    4. It works pretty well at breaking.
    5. Probably the Monster Hunter series since each game is basically the same shit but I still manage to sink 200+ hours into each game.
    6. Probably Pans Labyrinth, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, & The Good The Bad The Weird. Goddamn that last movie was just awesome.
    7. Street Fighter all the way since it's a much more polished game. MK just has the gore going for it.
    8. No I haven't yet. I still doubt I can sing even though she's somehow heard me when I've only sung for a few people and don't remember her being one of them.
    Why are you such a whore?
    1. Because I love bacon.
    2. Don't know you enough.
    3. Why would I prove you wrong, I'd just kill you.
    4. I don't know what worng means.
    1. <3 <3 <3
    2. Either provolone or mixed shredded cheese.
    3. White, but I like saying black sometimes to annoy the people who shout "BLACK IS NOT A COLOR!"
    4. I really enjoy whatever it is that girls are spraying on themselves.
    5. A girl who isn't picky at my views on life and morals, has a great sense of humor and is a blast to hang out with, will allow me to cook since I don't trust American girls with quality cooking, won't cheat on me of course, and won't toss my stuff out the window if she gets mad.
    6. My earliest memory is when I got my entire preschool class riled up and we all got into a huge fight.
    7. ugh too many memories, but the first one to come to mind would have to be when I sang a song to my class about having your dad walking into you masturbating. I told the teacher she could stop me when she wanted but she loved it. I was told to sing the song so many times during that year after that.
    8. I don't really have a favorite food because I lose appeal for foods the more I eat them, but bacon will always be at the top.
    9. I would love to take you dancing.
    10. I'm not sure but it will happen.
    11. Hell yea I'm happy. I think I was literally the last member from the old khv to not have had one.
    12. Oxford Comma by Vampire Weekend.
    13. I look forward to it <3
    1. Right now I'm seriously hating on Mickey Rourke seems he seems like a ****** after refusing the Iron Man 2 role because $250,000 was too little for him. I hate actors with a huge ego.
    2. Fierce and Fabulous come to mind.
    4. Why not?
    5. You didn't say it was lit so there's no harm in doing it.
    6. I enjoy both.
    1. How are the two even related? Oh well GA I guess.
    2. After reading the definition on UD I find it hilarious even if it's not true.
    3. Hell no.
    4. I don't view myself as a nerd at all. Playing games and going on forums doesn't really qualify you for nerd status in my opinion. I still go out and do stuff.
    5. Through the Looking Glass no contest. It was one of my first books I read when I was younger and I've always loved it.
    6. It depends on the teacher. You could be in your favorite subject and have the teacher totally ruin it.
    7. Single, why you wanna ask me out?
    My arse is in fool >:
    Post by: no-reality_allowed, May 3, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  10. no-reality_allowed
  11. no-reality_allowed
    Here you go.

    Post by: no-reality_allowed, May 3, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. no-reality_allowed
  13. no-reality_allowed
    Dress up like a storm trooper.
    See a bunch of nerds drooling for a steel replica of the Master Sword from Zelda at one of the booths for $30.
    Get in line to arrest them for treason against the Empire.
    Spend half an hour arresting them all.
    See that someone who got away actually bought that silly sword.
    Shoot them.
    Start walking back to my shuttle feeling accomplished and step in shit.

    Thread by: no-reality_allowed, May 3, 2010, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. no-reality_allowed
    As long as the patrone is flowing it's all good.
    1. It's a toss-up between The Offspring and Red Hot Chili Peppers. They're the only two bands I consider perfect and can listen to all day.
    2. ugh too many to seriously list, but right now my current flavor is The Good The Bad the Weird.
    3. It was actually a random thought. Many people thought it was some deeper meaning so I made up a deeper meaning. It just popped in my head and thought it would cause a good reaction among people who read it. I'm actually starting to hate it but don't feel like changing it because if I do then I'd have to change each profile at other sites with the name. I think I might have OCD or something.
    1. I'm indifferent towards you, but leaning towards good impressions.
    2. Because reality limits creativity.
    3. Nope because I own dat ps trippal.
    4. Xbox? More like BROKEBOX AMIRITE!
    5. I only have a ps3 and wii so ps3.
    6. iPod no contest.
    7. iPod Touch because you could get phone capabilities on it without having to pay that stupid data fee the iPhone requires.
    You're a crazy goose who pumps me full of nostalgia every time I read your name cause I AM REPTAR AND HEAR ME RAAAWWWR!
    1. I don't know you enough for that question.
    2. Probably either Rhinestone Eyes or Plastic Beach from Gorillaz.
    3. Well I'm sitting here eating cereal and watching the Fresh Prince so yes it is a good day thank you for asking.
    1. Don't know you enough.
    2. Hell yea I like Pokemon.
    3. That's a tough one. Well in each game I always strive to have a Hypno, Starmi, Donphan, and Kingler on my team so I guess those but right now it's Croagunk.
    4. the Feast from Subway.
    5. Computer.
    6. I found it when KH came out and I downloaded the videos so I felt compelled to contribute by gracing this site with my registration.
    1. Of course not, did you not read my name? It's a statement and I'm telling you it's not allowed.
    2. It better be a damned good one. I haven't played it in 7 years so I don't know what overpowered card I'd like to be turned into. Back in my day Exodia and Blue Eyes were the bees knees so it better be them.
    3. I live in Florida so I love alligators.
    1. You're pretty awesome. I think that's more than enough of an impression.
    2. Offspring or RHCP.
    3. I've helped produce music and I've never bothered learning how to work the tech. I simply tell my friend who does how I imagined the songs and he's good at interpreting my nonsense.
    4. I don't have a definite favorite since I love so many but if I had to choose 3 it'd probably be Shadow of the Colossus, Uncharted 2, and Duke Nukem Forever.
    5. I've never done this before so I don't have any.
    6. Not really, I'm a pun master so I enjoy a good pun.
    Post by: no-reality_allowed, May 3, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  15. no-reality_allowed
  16. no-reality_allowed
    It's about damn time I got a turn.

    1. I'd keep my decapitated body running towards them just to amaze them at my amazing cardio skills.
    2. Sure why not.
    3. The animals won't be contained in a cage. Instead the zoo is one big beach with a mountain in the middle w/ a waterfall. You can chill with the animals and even swim in the water with them. You must sign a release form before entering.
    4. Forever because it has more letters than Fervor.
    5. Futuristic furnishings as long as they're the rounded futuristic kind. I don't want to poke my eye on those sharp futuristic tables.
    6. Salmon because bears eat them and as we all know bears are awesome.
    7. I'm not even going to bother googling what those words mean.
    8. Fuck cans.
    9. Fuck canvas.
    10. Fighting an uphill battle ONLY if this is playing in the background.
    11. I enjoy sand castles so that option.
    12. Well this is a silly question. If I had food to eat in I wouldn't need to go get carry out.
    13. Boolean of course.
    Of course I do silly
    Post by: no-reality_allowed, May 2, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  17. no-reality_allowed
    The Good, The Bad, The Weird.

    Post by: no-reality_allowed, May 2, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  18. no-reality_allowed
    My shower just has a drain so fuck those doctors >:
    Post by: no-reality_allowed, May 2, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. no-reality_allowed
    Fucking this 1000 times. Never have I been so mad in a music topic.
    Post by: no-reality_allowed, May 2, 2010 in forum: Music
  20. no-reality_allowed