I absolutely loved it even though it's getting trashed by critics.
Play them all and see what you like. If you want to be a pro play Spy like real men.
Yes I have good sir, but you must admit the name is quite catchy.
I hope you all know the Wild West was nothing like the game or movies make it out to be.
Prince of Persia. Glorious Chesty Jake <3
It's been a while since I read the book but I don't remember waves of skeletons and death eaters chasing Harry during the first half of the book. I like the new Gears style gameplay but now that it's going to become a spamfest of enemies in each room seems kinda dull. Then again all they did in the first half was walk around so I guess it's better than that.
I laughed until he started talking. Do they not teach grammar in schools anymore?
Hey Treyarch remember those infinite spawning enemy locations you leave in all your games that keep spawning guys until you pass a certain line? Yea get rid of those because they fucking suck and make playing on Veteran no fun. Not going to happen. Plus sidearms? You seriously get pissed at dieing to a pistol? Ok I agree with this if it's done well and doesn't revert to everyone hiding in a bush and waiting. lol what's wrong you can't shoot a guy running right at you? I used to rock this shit all the time until I found the glory of the M16. Equip Stopping Power if you want to do that. If the .50cal could kill 1shot in the chest then everyone would run around with it. Impossible to do. Yea this.
I'm watching this movie for glorious Chesty Jake. He's just so damn adorable. You don't go into a videogame inspired movie expecting a faithful interpretation, you're supposed to go in expecting a decent action flik and that way your hopes won't be crushed.
It's good to know we have at least 1 person visiting.
You do know Marvel and DC copy each other when one of them releases a new successful character right?
Sure is some slow motherfuckers in here.
Didn't Harmonix say RB3 was going to be completely different from the previous games and actually be a platform to learn instruments on? That could explain the keyboard.
My copy should be coming today. At least it fucking better since it arrived in a city an hour away from me yesterday. Amazon are geniuses, I'm never doing the free shipping ever again.
I highly doubt it. That was one hell of a typo :>
I want to actually give it to somebody who has the game and will use it >:
And wants the Air Racers dlc I've got a code to giveaway. First person gets it, no playful tricks this time.
I read a quote from the magazine that mentioned an emphasis on arctic levels. Hopefully they're pulling an Uncharted 2 and only hyping up that fact they have arctic levels but actually have a diverse amount. I liked the variety of environments in Killzone 2.
You should all be talking about Breaking Dawn. The director said he's going scene for scene from each book so I can't wait for the vampire teeth C-section scene.