No kidding... =u= I get 70 a week for groceries and sometimes that's enough. >< And I don't drink coffee... But I do eat out often. Geez, that's not much money. I'm sorry it was so little. I would suggest stuff on sale and cheap things you know you can eat that will last you and are good for you.
Even if she's Dutch, Irish, purple, pink, blue... She should know about 9/11... The whole WORLD knew about 9/11 when it happened. Not just the U.S. and it's allies. She needs to know that there are more consequences than: "I can't believe you said that... My brother died in 9/11, I still remember that today." That gives her "ATTENTION" And that's what she wants. It's like a two year old throwing themselves to the ground and screaming and kicking at the top of their lungs for a toy in public. It's like those idiot teens who smash gallons of milk on the floor in ridiculous flips to get attention when it could likely kill them, they only do it because people notice them. An arrest won't hurt her and neither will banning her from the Internet and twitter, she will learn there's serious consequences to things instead of someone giving her what she wants: Attention. Also, note: What if she was serious? What if a moment she actually did it? In the vaguest possibility? There are six year olds who murder their siblings on purpose, kids underdeveloped brains can also do things that they don't know they're getting into, hell, some kids end up in prostitution and/or terrorist cells because they don't realize what the hell they're doing. It's realistic.
Honestly, even if it's a prank, teens at this age should know better than to do **** like this. If I were her parents, I'd ban them from going online for a long time, put a parental control on her computer monitoring what she does, ban her from facebook and twitter, and ban her from her cell and other such devices. It sounds harsh, but the social media, not totally at fault, is giving teenagers more and more free reign to do what they want without supervision, and this stupid stuff happens. Even if it was a "stupid" teen, everyone takes things seriously after 9/11, and she should know that at that age. Hell, just flying she should know that.
He's the boss'ish of the place. He is the official boss though he allows the owner to run it. So basically, he can do whatever the **** he wants, hence the reason for his constant bullying for the last five years without anyone actually stopping it on me.
Damned co-worker who hates my guts, he was sick, I'm sure he breathed all over my damned keyboard when I was out for a few minutes. >< I WAS JUST BOUNCING BACK, TOO!!!!!!! T_T
I feel your pain, dude... My mom thinks it's a bragging right of hers to know how to turn on a computer we had in the 90's. She still refuses to realize she needs to know computers for any job out there.
It'd probably be easier for him to just get a new computer. Maybe more expensive, but it'll make the data transfer much easier. Just a thought.
I liked it for it's time... But in the last year or so I've developed a strong distaste for it. My law firm used it and it made our computers horrendously slow and unreliable as the demands went further and further on it due to what we had to use for programs. Like the new phone system caused the computer to process like an 80's computer. I'm not kidding, it'd take you an hour to start your work, I wasn't the only one who complained about it, either. But my boss insisted that we use it until the day XP actually died. The new computers are much better with seven and process much faster.
Shouldn't this be in a non-spam section? Just wondering, maybe that makes me anti-spammer. :P *gets pointy objects thrown at me* JOKING, JOKING!!!! In all seriousness, it was like yesterday when my mom was talking about how Asian people are good negotiators in a parking lot and the guy who was parked next to us and clearly heard the whole thing was Asian and actually the guy she was referencing. She didn't mean it to be an insult, actually thought it was a compliment, but I told her kinda not to bring it up again because some actually do take it as an insult. People are always going to have assumptions about races and/or what should happen to other races, some of it is out of meanness. *first comment* And some of it may be out of sexism (second), but it could just be observations that they see over the years. Also, like I've said before: People repeat what they grew up with. Most of the time. If I was like what I grew up with, I'd probably be quoting the bible and saying how Jesus loves me a lot more. :P If you grow up in a family who hates white/black/purple people, then it's highly likely you'll do the same when you're an adult. Same with people who come from a sexist society
Make sure they do x-rays... *realizes I'm turning back into the mother hen of the forum* =u= Sorry, I get worried about peeps.
I would still have a dentist check it out. It could be something more serious, especially since you don't know if the dentists actually know what they're doing. This isn't something that you can blow off, not that I'm saying you are. I had one right before it was removed making my teeth crooked from trying to push in. I can't describe how painful it was.
If it hurts, you should have them removed ASAP. It can kill you if left alone when it hurts, I had a friend of mine who tried to do the same thing before I told her she would die from it because I asked my parents. I probably shouldn't tell you my experience until after you have it done. =u=
That's sad and scary... Me and my mom were talking about a week ago about tractor trailer drivers and I talked about how they're usually pumped with drugs they take to keep awake. (At least during the show I watched, it was about a decade ago.) They get paid per shipment, so they go as fast as they can with maybe three hours of sleep to none a night to get their shipments done, and most lie about their hours sleeping during mandatory truck stops, too. I wonder if that's the case in this one, the driver fell asleep at the wheel due to lack of sleep. My thoughts and prayers go out to the families of the victims.
Alright, this might be in the wrong section, so sorry... :/ My mom is CONSTANTLY being ripped off by her mechanic. Gas tank at least half full when she leaves it and empty when it's returned, (twice this has happened now), calling and hanging up on her to prevent pick up of her car, (she works at home and knows who calls when,) calling once and hanging up, which she challenged both and he blew her off, this time they took three days to repair an hour job with a broken window and ignoring her concerns about having her car back so she can use it on the day they FINALLY returned it, and charged twice as much as the first estimate to have it fixed, and this isn't the first time this has happened, jobs not fully fixed (and this is the brakes, we got it back today and it still smells like they're burning when he said it was an oil leak, though they feel and sound repaired, despite his claims they weren't the brakes.) Hung up on when calling and asking for estimates, leaving early without calling her and hanging up on her (again) when the boss isn't in. Not including he took my e-mail address without permission when I was interested in a scooter from one of his other owned shops and keeps on e-mailing me with hints to promote him and deals. Despite my e-mail back telling him to remove my address from his mailing list. So yeah, I'm trying to find her a new mechanic, but this guy is sworn from hell and back again to be the best mechanic and most reliable service in the area by a ton of people. I seriously want to get her a better mechanic, we can't afford to keep on being ripped off by this guy, does anyone have any tips on what to look for?
It would take me a lot of convincing to try FFXII again, first game of the series that I bought new on first day, first game of the series numerically I couldn't stand even halfway through.
I never really watched the show... Just the return of CgI sends a chill of fear down my spine. Course, people think it's the best thing in the world. ><
I had a cat once that weighed six pounds and brought home a half-dead crow. People called him "Little Hitler" because of his attitude and little mustache.
I'll smuggle myself in a suitcase... SHOW ME THE HORSES!!!!!!!! *sees all the members who saw me as admin staring at me* ............. What............? Horses are above acting professional.
.................... I hate you........ I love horses... I want to go. T_T
That is good. =3 *pets kitty laying next to chair*