Seriously... Call of Duty on X Games, this place is going to be mobbed by squeakers, teabaggers and prepubescent teens. I am amazed.
No, she forgot to put the order in for my mom. We've been there hundreds of times and never had that problem. We also waited over an hour for our food when we usually wait about half the time, and it was quiet, she also was pretty snippy towards us. We wouldn't mind with the waiting on a busy night, but when it's pretty quiet in a restaurant where it's known for slow service, it's okay... But we really just a bad waitress for once, it happens once in a while. We had her a few times before and she really wasn't paying attention to us before then and gave us bad service. My mom finally decided and she's REALLY against giving bad tips, to not give her one at all. We even had to go up and ask for a check, she still hadn't eaten when I finished my meal.
I know it's probably different in other countries/states. But in Maine the reason why they do it because Canada usually never tips at all. So instead of getting any tips, they'd get none if there wasn't a tip jar. I always leave a tip on the table. Canada has a higher wage for the waiters/waitresses were there's no need for tips. Hence the reason why there's tip jars.
A good way to see a problem of the advocacy is watching the movie "Miracle" where the U.S.S.R. at the time found loopholes to keep their players amateur despite them having decades of experience and domination in several sports, including ice hockey where Miracle's story takes place. Their hockey team was actually part of the army, but never got paid, so technically they were "amateurs". Being fair to the Olympics and countries like the U.S., in all the sports they compete in, they have a certain amount of athletes max. Five for Gymnastics, two for each event in swimming, four for all horse events, and usually two per team for back up in case if there's an injury, i.e.: A broken leg. This not only makes sure that the medals aren't swept off the podium, though sometimes it still happens, by one country, but keeps the events from running for more than two weeks. So the U.S. has to follow those rules and of course, select the athletes they think will win. The reason events like Cool Runnings and the swimmer happens is mainly because they have no one to compete against. The Jamaicans went into it knowing that they wouldn't have to do a tryout to make it, as did the swimmer, simply due to regulations that there was no other competitors entering those events. Which is a good thing, I love stories like this to happen. And I keep on hoping it does.
Alright, first a personal story from me before I ask the question: In 2000, I was watching the Sydney Olympics and during a 100 meter freestyle race, a young African athlete with shorts that barely fit him competed, his other two opponents got disqualified before the race and he swam alone. His style was awkward and slow, swimming well beyond the two minute mark before finishing the race. The crowd went nuts as he finished. Afterward, it was found he came from a country where he taught himself to swim, he had no coach, and he never saw an Olympic pool before. Nike actually paid for his country to get an Olympic pool after the competition. Recently I looked it up on Youtube because I always loved the story. I found it, but the comments were less than kind. I pointed out the origins of the story and someone told me at an Olympic level, someone shouldn't compete like that as a "lesser athlete". So, I have a question to ask: Should the Olympics accept anyone? From any country? Or should it have strict standards like the U.S. some other countries do on their athlete requirements.
I started using Firefox after a computer programmer friend said to me: "Dear God, you use Explorer?!" He had my computer at the time and installed the Firefox app. I never looked back, I always liked Firefox and this is another reason to do so.
I know places that leave a tip jar now because of culture clashes. You put money in and they split it amongst the waitstaff. It's again becoming very popular around my state which brings in Canadians by droves. I always remember on Third Rock from the Sun when Dick left a pile of ones out and every time the waitress made a mistake he removed a dollar bill from her tip. And he told her why he was doing it. It was one of the most memorable moments on the show. I have been a few places where usually the service is fantastic, but once in a while you just hit a bad waiter. I remember one woman who gave me my meal 20 minutes before my mom. My meal was cold, too... We got a free dessert due to our complaint and left her a horrendous tip due to her service. We go there often and knew it was bad luck, but we still thought it was terrible service.
I think this is hilarious... I grew up on this rumor and myth. To find out it's true makes me just laugh. I wonder how much money Atari spent on dumping these in the first place.
Alright, peeps... I know this doesn't apply to all countries. Canada I know for one, doesn't have to tip because of the wage being much higher there than the U.S., which leads to culture problems when they visit the U.S., *lives near the border and has seen it happen often at restaurants* Do you tip your waiter/waitress? How much? What do you think is a good tip? When do you tip and when do you not? Do you think pay should be raised so tips should no longer be a factor? I never worked as a waitress, I don't have the organized mind nor the speed to be one. But my mom was one for a while and I always appreciate the work others do for me and will try to tip fairly. I usually do fifteen to twenty percent as my mom does, sometimes higher if the service was amazing. If the waitress/waiter was truly horrendous and never checked on us and it took a long time. (And sometimes forgets our order period) I go to ten percent to nothing depending on how bad it was. I think that's a good tip range, though if it's a buffet style and they're just giving you drinks, I tip only a dollar or two per person. I usually put it at that standard, though I've seen people tip a lot more, one guy who I dated always insisted at least over fifty percent to over a hundred. The service was always fantastic, though. Sometimes when I get take out, I have to give exact change because some restaurants take the change as their own tip, no matter what bill you give them. Which I don't believe in period due to the fact all I'm doing is waiting for them to cook the food and leaving. As for raising the wage, I would like to see it happen, but a lot of business simply can't afford it. They depend on the people who go there to pay the waitress for their services. If they are tremendously rich, yeah, they should have a higher wage. But if they're just a small restaurant that can't afford it, they should contribute to the pay of their staff.
Omg........... That is some disturbing and crazy ****.
It's basically a reward program, not something where it's: "This school is doing badly due to lack of funding, we need more money put into it." It's more like: "If you do better on your own, you'll get more money for your schools as a reward. If you don't, you get less of a reward." So basically you need to do well in your schools to get more money as a reward. Hence the reason it's so rampant with cheating.
No child left behind... I'll try to keep this neutral, because I'm against this myself... Is basically a reward program that gives schools with higher scores more money/bonuses than ones with lower scores to fund their schools via yearly standardized tests. So if School District A averages a 90% district-wide against School District B that scores a 60%, school A will get much more massive funding than school B. The problem is with it is that when teachers, principals and superintendents put pressure on themselves and others to cheat and most likely pressure the students. The first state to implement the policy was Texas. The cheating started quickly and grew rampant very fast, one of the biggest problems I heard is that the same teachers and superintendents are the ones GRADING the tests, also there's from what I hear no supervision when these tests are taken other than the teachers. This allows the schools to basically make the scores look better than they are so they can get the better funding and of course bragging rights. That's what I heard, anyway. It might have changed due to Washington not doing the tests, but that's the gist of it. I'm not surprised it's failing, though... It didn't sound like a program that would work in the first place. It sounds like a problem from both sides from what it sounds like.
Having seen both sides, one time a bully spit all over my mom's windshield and only the police responded to our calls after spending four hours trying to contact the school over a bully. And seeing them it was my fault that a guy clearly stalking me and had about a dozen witnesses saying that he was in broad daylight, not to mention following other women home being blown off as: "It's a culture difference, he doesn't know how to seduce women here." Not including what the police report said despite my clear testimony and several witnesses saying something completely different than what was said. There are good cops and bad cops, there are some who really care about their jobs and the people they're trying to save. Others are just bullies or sexist, one of the biggest things people have to realize, any job like this one at least for males are filled with testosterone. They need to be considering what they're handling, shootings, rapes, murders, robberies, and when it involves innocent people, ESPECIALLY kids, they are going to use a lot more force than if it was just them. Cops are trained to protect themselves and innocents first, if it's a criminal, dog, cat, hamster... It's always the criminal who will go down the hardest. Yes, some will abuse their power, obviously, does it make the whole police system corrupt? No, it makes them human.
I still see people posting spoilers on Roosterteeth for season 11 when it ended six months ago and you have access to it on their website. *rolls eyes* I generally ask people if they want to be spoiled. The problem for me in Red vs Blue for a long time is that I'm a sponsor... Meaning I get it two hours early, I love it, but none of my other friends have access. Luckily, I managed to find someone to talk to. Before that I had to ask my friends to block me because I would've spoiled them. lolz... I think it depends on the person, I personally love spoilers, but I know others hate it. I know if they want to play the game and I'm telling them about it, I never really go into what happens into the game except a few things. Sometimes I go in-depth if the game is fantastic and the person really wants to know. I do warn them and ask them if they want me to continue, my friends are so used to it by this point they understand I ask. I rarely, if ever, post spoilers on a forum or a message board. Petitions for the Principal being fired and the charges being dropped against he child being charged. I hope both pass, there should honestly be a fundraiser to get this kid a good attorney to go to state appeal court. If not the supreme court.
i was in school during the 1990's... It was the same thing, though the COPS did actually DO something back then. Hell, one teacher I had encouraged the bullying. Screamed insults in front of the classroom at me and encouraged the other kids to bully me. Even formed a: "I hate Sara Club" which my best friend at the time joined and told me she did in a note. My mom almost decked the teacher and physically threatened her if she did anything to me again, she would make her life a living hell for every moment afterwards. That's what finally stopped it. Though the bullies continued, one of them actually stuck a stick in my spokes of the back wheel of my bike when I was trying to get away from her at full speed on my bike. I crashed to the pavement with no helmet on. Luckily I was in a public street and the neighbors heard me screaming bloody murder from the shock of the impact, I was okay, a bump on my head and several scabs. i don't know what they said to to the bully afterwards, but my mom threatened to call the police if she got near me again. She never touched me after that, then later a kid spit all over my mom's windshield. The cops stepped in for that one and got the school to stop it. I can't imagine what it would be like today if ONE incident the cops said: "This is your fault, you provoked her, you asked her to put that stick in your spokes, you weaved into traffic to avoid her causing the accident and you're being arrested for reckless endangerment." Or: "You parked your car where he could spit easily, and you were parked illegally, sorry, you have to go to jail while the bully walks away with nothing." I'm sorry, this does hit me hard personally, so... This... This just shakes me to the core. This kid reminds me of my brother, someone who had cigarette burns on his arms, someone who for his senior photo had him slumped against his locker crying with his head down, shown to the whole school and laughed at, someone who got smacked on the back of head constantly, and he had a disability. And the teachers didn't do ****, not one ****ing thing... I asked my mom once... After Columbine... If my brother would've done the same thing if he had the chance... If he knew... And she said most likely he would've. The fact this happens to this kid... And charged, and TRIED and declared guilty... I can't go on... But I wanted to pass this on.
Geez, this means easter you're going to be alone... That sucks... Same for me, but I'm at least going to have the money to buy stuff to make a great meal. :( And there's more than frozen ****... You could probably get some really cheap steak and maybe some chicken. I could get steak for me for 3 bucks sometimes. It was pretty good, too... Course, you could always just buy a huge keggar and sell tickets at the door for a huge party and get tons of money that way.
I could say something here about this, but I'm not, as this is not the time nor place to talk about pedophiles. If there is someone in town who is actually taking kids and doing god-knows what with them, by all means, report them. If they're just on the list because anyone who does anything with an underage child at any age, even 18 and the child was 15 and it was consensual, the 18 year old is put on the list... And no one has any complaints, it's a different story. There's a huge difference between the two. The FBI tries their hardest, I've seen them nail down things with terrorism and pedophilia. Is life fair and rainbows and sunshine and forgiveness? No, hell, when I was in high school some kids got arrested for moving the boulders in front of our school, that's all they were doing. Why? Because it was the time of senior pranks, and they were doing their senior prank for the year with them. But two weeks before that some other kids vandalized the school, throwing bricks at street lights, graffiti all over the place, and smashing windows. Seniors were at the top of the suspect list because of what the graffiti said, and were those kids who were moving a few rocks around going to do the same as vandalism? No. Were they right to do what they were doing despite it being just a prank? Probably not due to everyone knowing about what happened in the damned school and teachers warning against pranks that year due to it. Did that stop them from pulling it anyway and getting arrested despite teachers clearly saying: "You will get arrested for pulling any pranks this year."? No. When bad things happen, whether it's a small prank or a bomb threat sent to an airline, if things have happened before that have seen serious damage done, it will make people jumpy and take extra action to stop it before it happens again, even if it's something small and the person is 14 or 60. It's better then ending up with smashed windows or blowing up planes.
A note today: An 18 year old with an underdeveloped brain last year on this day dropped off a bomb in the middle of the Boston Marathon finish line. Dozens of people were killed and at least six lost their legs in the explosions, my Godmother was a mile away from the finish line looking for her niece and missed the explosion by ten minutes. What if that 14 year old kid, just for a moment, had that same thought going off in their head when they made that threat and it was blown off and something actually happened? What if that kid who was 18 sent a threat on Twitter to Boston and it was ignored because: "He's just a kid, he won't do anything." **** happens, even if it's fake, even if it's just a "joke" it has to be treated seriously. It's not something you can say: "Well, it's freedom of speech." Yes, we have that, but we also live in a country where over a decade ago four planes crashing changed our whole country. A year ago on this date, kids around most of the members age called themselves the: "Marathon Bombers" and sent Boston into complete and utter shut down when they decided to see how much "attention" they can get for their country. How much "attention" they can get themselves. It's a part of life now, and if people don't know that, they should sure as hell learn fast that this country, despite all the constitution rights, has LINES and LIMITS that can never be crossed, because if we ever ignore those lines and limits, we could end up with so much more tragedy.