Alright... Recently my office got brand new Windows 7 computers, Dell computers. Ever since I got mine, it's been randomly shutting down for no reason. The computer screen goes blank for about a minute or two and then it shuts down fully. It doesn't give a warning or a reason why this is happening, and my computer is the only one of 15 that's doing it. I only work four hours a day there and I'm the person who gets the least hours. I had the IT guy look at it and he supposedly fixed it. It worked fine for about a week, then it started shutting down on it's own again. I don't think it's the power cables, I checked the back of my computer and screen and both seemed fine. I also noticed the IT moved the computer back there also. Anyone have any idea what the hell's going on with it? I am not going to any new sites that I did before we did the transfer.
I see your point Digital... But as a person who used to play Halo and has friends who played it. It's kinda dying down. A friend of mine expressed zero interest in the next Halo game, he thinks the series is over, another who practically has memorized every book out there is not even touching a One or a four until he sees vast improvements and has shown little to no interest in the next game. Halo won't be the miracle game it used to be if there's people losing interest. Another factor is that: People didn't buy the Kinect because they didn't like it. They go a lot like me who don't like the fact there's a camera in your house, if I want to not have my webcam on, I close the lid of my computer even with the computer off because all it would see is my keyboard. My godmother has ductape over her webcam. When you have to pay a $100 for a device you don't want, it's going to make people not want to buy the system. Or even just have to pay less but still have it. I honestly don't like Kinect, my room is too small for one, only four feet of space. The whole appeal to it is baffling to me, and the games that come with it in a lot of the times for me look kiddie (Disneyworld), poorly made (Sonic Free Riders/Star Wars Kinect), or just a throw on to a game that doesn't need it. There are some good games that go well with the Kinect (Dance Central off the top of my head.) But for me, it's not worth the money and it's not worth looking at. I'm glad they're dropping it, I might even get the system now. But for me, the price has to drop more, I can't afford a $400 console. I can't afford a PS4 at the same price.
You REALLY have to fix this problem... I had a flea problem this winter to the point where my cat chewed his fur off near his rear and could barely sleep due to the fleas driving him nuts. That and ticks usually come with fleas, and worms... Both which are a severe problem for any animal. There's no "miracle cure-all" but here's what you can do to help: Vacuum every day, I mean it, every day, every inch of your house. Keep the vacuum or at least the bag outside, flea eggs/fleas CAN AND WILL live in the vacuum even after you clean it out. Do this every day, even if your parents don't think it's a "big deal". Under the furniture, especially, they thrive under there, and the furniture also. Even where an animal never goes, anywhere you step your body picks up the fleas/flea eggs and carries them around. Wash everything. Yes, everything. Rugs, clothes, sheets, bathmats, sweaters, you name it, wash it... I think at the peak we were spending 30 dollars at the laundromat washing clothes and sheets. Do this constantly, and keep it at the hottest setting possible, this will kill fleas, but you have to do it consisitently. Flea medication. Flea powder isn't enough, the animals have to have flea medication. Vectra for cats have worked fantastic for my cat, once a month and he's bounced back 100%, Frontline I heard is great for dogs, but I don't know if that works great. Call a vet and ask, make sure you pick it up at the vet and are VERY SPECIFIC on your cat/dogs weight. MAKE SURE YOU also put the right brand on the right animal. This is a MUST, if you're off by a few pounds, it could kill your animal or make them very sick. And only the vet office, there's a lot of places trying to pull "fast ones" on consumers. Fleas can hibernate. Turning your house into a freezer WILL NOT kill them, they can live two years in hibernation. Some people get fleas more attracted to them. My mom has a huge problem with fleas biting her, when I can be fine for weeks. It's odd, but I'm not surprised that she's being more affected than others.
Alright, I've been watching clips of The Matrix recently for the first time. (Yes, I'm one of five who have never seen the movie.) And I got curious about one early on question faced with Neo: The Blue Pill, or the Red Pill? If no one has any idea what the hell I'm talking about, the red pill is basically waking up and seeing reality as it is. Getting away from life as you know it and removing the "blinders" if you will and seeing what the world really is and continue with all the hell that you've seen of reality so far. The blue pill is basically you continue with whatever fantasy you live in or non-reality you live in and forget every truth that you've seen to convince you that what you live in is fake. You wake up as it was a dream. That was the whole thing in the Matrix, I'm just curious as a lot of people have been debating it on Youtube, does this concept apply to real life and how? If so, which one would you pick?
If I made it sound like that, I apologize... I have a tendency to put my foot in my mouth without planning to. I have had rotten luck with dances and dates with stuff like this with men treating me badly and maybe that's why I have such a negative view sometimes when I see stuff like that. And I hope I just didn't reoffend everyone. Apologies... *bows* Someday I'll tell you about the time I ended up with a busted lip due to my boyfriend accidentally hitting me... THAT was a fun night... But yeah... I see a lot of girls trying to fit into dresses... One got a size ten dress as a size two. But I still wouldn't like that in my arm, to each their own.
Not every situation, but some... Honestly, I didn't care about the prom growing up. But a lot of girls do... If someone did that to me on a night like this, I'd be pretty upset.
Then I'd see the humor... BUt seriously... Men have to show some class. My mom does alterations and can tell you how much girls dream about their proms and dresses. If someone gave me that on my prom night... I think I'd make sure he'd never have children... Seriously... And I'd slap him.
I was in Voc Rehab for a long time... I got really crappy jobs and was scolded for going beyond Community College. :/ The job coaching was okay, but they didn't like me finding a job on my on and the jobs they gave me were some of the worst I had. Alright, the worst I had before now. They never really did anything except find me crappy jobs, pay a semester of my Community college, and set goals they never really looked at again. They also didn't help me with transportation despite the fact me and my mom were practically begging for it. Another girl in the same program got her whole college paid, her car, and god-knows what else. I don't know how in the hell she did it, but I tip my hat to her. It works for some people, but it ****ed me over big time.
Maine is the worst about finding a job. I have several strikes against me already due to my limitations. (I have asbergers *can't work in a place like McDonalds or as a waitress due to the speed involved* and flat feet, basically when your foot has little to no support for the impact and weight you put on it every time you take a step. I can walk for hours at a time, but not every day and stay on my feet for long periods of time.) I took a summer job at a department store when I was younger and was in so much pain at the end of the day due to my feet I had to soak them for 45 minutes in incredible agony. It's also seasonal oriented, meaning that a lot of jobs are during the summer. Which I can't afford to have a seasonal job that I lose for a good 6-9 months of the year. There are other jobs, but they're hard to find and you're competing against a bunch of people doing the same thing I am. I was already planning at least mentioning it to my boss when I leave. I have a feeling she at least partly if not fully knows what's going on, but can't do anything about it. He amazingly enough was quiet yesterday and I feel much more relaxed right now than I did Thursday when I had him sneering in my face for limping around. I will double check on that info, I asked a lawyer, but he might not know or is irritated with me asking for advice all the time. lolz... Though I've only did it twice. But I'll check it out. Thank you. Reading past ALL the merchandising....... (And trust me, that article reminds me of the scene of SpaceBalls where Yogurt says they survive off merchandising and show all the stuff that they're going to sell after the movie comes out.) They're making... Another Shaq Fu game. I **** you not. Anyone who is like me and actually remembers it or has seen it on Youtube... It is considered one of the worst games ever made. I played it a few times and after getting my butt kicked every time on the first fighter, I gave up and went to a different game that was on display. It is infamous for how bad it is. And they're making a sequel, though I'm hoping it's a hoax. In any case, I look at it with a raised eyebrow, and walk away. At least it made my day.
Alright, I do want to say thanks for the advice, before I sound like I'm arguing against you, which I'm not, but at the same time, I'm trying to explain what I've heard myself. I honestly didn't think of what you did, and I want to thank you for it. I won't be recording him like taping a microphone in his office. I'm getting a small mike and putting it on my Ipod and putting it in my office near where the guy shouts. Considering at least a third of the office can hear him, it won't be a private matter and it won't be something that's considered "tapping" depending on my state, it's just he waits until my boss is gone to start doing this stuff and she's never caught him in the act. I wish she would, but he's making sure it's my word against his. The rest of the office doesn't dare step in against this guy after the last few times people did. As for the law, it depends on the state. I saw a thing that happened in Philadelphia recently about a kid wiretapping his bullies. I don't want to have the same happen to me, that's for sure. I am being extremely cautious about this, at the least, I want the info for unemployment if I get that far for a reason of my work ethic being so low due to hostile work environment. (Note: I haven't left my office in five months except to talk to co-workers and go to the bathroom.) I have been trying to keep out of sight and mind, which was working until about three weeks ago when he started screaming down the hallway how much of a POS I supposedly am. Not including the comments every day about me bullshitting about my wrenched ankle when I can barely walk. I haven't really thought of it that way. *runs hand over face* It does seem it could work, I just don't know what will happen if he finds out, or when, actually. This office is notorious of people listening in, even private meetings. (The issue with the minor is a perfect example.) I guess at that point, it would have to be turned over... I just don't know what he'll do to me in the process of finding out. As for the corporation, it's a letter and a bunch of numbers. I tried looking it up on my own with no luck, I would love to complain, especially since he's Dr. Jekyl to everyone else he meets and Hyde to me. But until I do, I need to have something in case if it comes to worse, which I'm hoping to doesn't. I also know if I do this, I'm out of a job a good long, time. This is something that is a huge black mark against employees. Public or private (ie: Courtroom) one of my classmates in college was struggling because of a lawsuit against Rent A Center, she lost her job and no one would hire her afterwards and she won it, but not enough to make it in life. I do agree on the law, and I didn't think about that part nor the definition of wiretapping. Sorry if I sounded like I was totally contradicting you there, I'm not, but I'm trying to keep my logic while understanding yours which is a massive help. I do want to make this clean and legal, the last thing I want to do is go to jail because of this.
I'm afraid of turning to the law enforcement, last time I had a stalker following girls home and a dozen witnesses see him watching me through the store window where I worked and the cops made it sound like it was my fault it happened. A "culture issue" they put it. But I don't see anything else... I can't leave my office now, and I hear him cussing me out every day now.
Like I said: He is technically the owner. He works for the corporation that owns our firm. We're under something called an "umbrella corporation" from the gist of it, they are the owners of this place, but allow it to be run and owned by my boss. Including the money she puts in, they get the benefits from it, but allow her to run and own the company. This guy is an employee of this corporation and from what I've seen, can't be fired or rebuked a lot of the times because he has final say. Also, everyone who this guy has bullied has quit. The woman who had the matter spread to the whole office threatened to sue. I don't know what happened with that and we haven't kept in touch. I know she had rights in suing, the matter was actually about a minor and she asked for it to be private. A co-worker instead told the whole office and she quit due to the humiliation she felt about it, not including the boss didn't really do anything to the co-worker. I feel there's nothing else... No one else who can help me, I contacted a bunch of organizations and lawyers desperate for help with no reply. I can't even hobble around anymore with a wrenched ankle without him shouting about it. I'm serious... I heard him screaming about it because my ace bandage won't let me wear dress shoes and how much bullshit it was that I couldn't wear them. I had to walk to my boss to ask to wear my sneakers to the meeting yesterday and retwisted it without the bandage. And today I heard him shouting that I was walking around fine outside of the law firm.
My grandmother does the same thing. lolz... She is totally against giving more than a dollar or less to a waiter/waitress.
My mom has a flip phone... Loves the thing. She refuses to get a new one because she'd have no idea how to use it. lolz... She keeps on saying her phone is from the 1980's.
Alright, here's the problem: If anyone doesn't know, I have a very abusive co-worker at work. Very abusive, like flinching when he's shouting, hands shaking when I think of him entering my office, panic attacks on the way home, spending twenty minutes locked in the bathroom crying because I heard him cussing about me and shouting about me making mistakes and "showing she's wrong." I have gone to my boss three times with this with her doing nothing, apparently he's not the owner but an employee of the company our law firm works for, which I don't know the name of. And several organizations with no results. I'm going to get a tape recorder and record this guy next. The problem is, as soon as I do this, I'm done with this office. Even if I stay, my life will be pure and utter hell even more so when he finds out. And I can't afford to quit. If I show my boss and threaten to make it public with demands, it'll be blackmail, which I don't want to spend jail in. If I make it public and/or sue, it'll destroy the office. I'm sure a lot of clients will not tolerate what's going on in the office and drop us. There are a few nice people who work there, my boss used to be utterly terrible towards me, including accusing me of stealing dollar store bulk candy and microwave popcorn. But recently her attitude has changed, even giving me advice about my ankle now that I wrenched it and giving me rides home when it's been terrible weather when I can't get a ride, even when she's been horrendously busy. She's poured a lot of money into this firm and I know it'll destroy her financially if I sue and/or go public. There have been two co-workers who have been kind to me since I started and always lent an ear to listen to. Even on my worst days, I know that they care and give me support. I know they'll probably be okay, but I hate them just losing a job like this. The other side is that I'm not the only one this has happened to. I'm probably the worst with reactions, except a co-worker who was humiliated by another co-worker (not the same person) on an extremely private matter and was blown off when she complained. There have been other people bullied by this guy, especially if they start to show any friendship towards me. I don't want this to happen to someone else... So what do I do? There it is. :P Smartass... *swats affectionately*
I don't celebrate until Saturday. :P My town throws a huge festival with faerie gardens, a parade, a may pole dance, bands... And a ton of food. =3
Or guys who flip out about their mouse being touched. A computer mouse, get your mind out of the gutter. :P Seriously, Ctrl alt del did one.