I remember as a kid going to something called the "D.A.R.E." program... That's basically it for my education on anti-drugs, though I think they covered it again in health class which was a requirement for any kid to graduate high school. Though driver's ed we had to watch a video about drunk driving, that video scared me into being sober. The sex ed thing here is a sensitive topic, mainly because some religions think it's just "taboo" to mention sex and/or birth control. I'm staying neutral because of my policy that I don't talk about religion with people, but that's one of the problems I heard. It's interesting about your drug policies, it's sorta like prostitution which is illegal here, but elsewhere is not only legal, but they have fantastic health care. A lot of the times I honestly believe the U.S. is still stuck somewhere in the 20th century.
I played pretty much all of them that were out at the time. To varying points, the ones I really didn't like I obviously didn't get as far as the ones I did. So yeah, I knew all the Final Fantasy characters in KH.
Not really... He lost all of the money he was going to get from ad revenues, etc... The companies dropped him as soon as they saw the picture. He might be worth some money, but not close to how much he could be.
The problem with drugs, and this goes for anything addicting: Is that they're addicting. Once you're hooked, it's very hard to break the habit and easy to fall back into it. Especially when you're in college and you're at a party or a rave/dance. It happens to any kid, any adult, anyone. It can happen just once and ruin someones life, even inadvertently. A few years ago I watched Micheal Phelps probably the most talented athlete of this time with millions of dollars being thrown at him. Six months after he won eight gold medals in a single Olympics, had hundreds of offers and deals on his plate... He smoked a bong at a party. Some college student took a picture of it, sold it to the press for god-knows how much. And BAM... His career was over for any sponsorship and/or advertisement just as quickly as it begun. Did he know this was going to happen? No. Was he stupid to still do it? Yes. He was a dumbass and his mom probably ripped him a new one over it. He did it probably because he wanted to or have some fun, but it still ruined him for a long time if not permanently because he was a college student trying to be "cool" or fit in. I really don't have a solution to know what will solve the drug problem. It's a highly addictive thing that many kids will at least smoke once and be addicted for their rest of their lives. It is a sad article, though.
I remember VGA raging about this... They're in Canada and Nintendo basically took their idea. (Sitting on a couch and playing video games with friends via video camera and capture card.) And took two obvious employees of the company sitting in two chairs playing video games on a tv and commenting on said game. They're not a huge fan of Nintendo nor Youtube right now due to all these policies. I'm actually not surprised they're doing this. Nintendo seems totally against change that will help them and benefit others without screwing people in the process.
I kinda was in shock on how he threw it at me... To be honest... He basically gave me an ultimatum after ripping me a new one about not trusting me anymore because I never was on and never spoke to him and how he was no longer trusting me amongst other things. Including saying I was basically replaced with other friends. I probably would have if he didn't say that first. I'm not trying to defend, but I honestly didn't know what the hell to say at the end when he threw that out there. Thanks... I appreciate your kind words and take them to heart.
I've known this guy for years, he helped me through a lot of rough ****. Including a lot of personal stuff and I helped him through all his problems. We even called ourselves bro and sis after a while because of how close we got. Recently I haven't spoken to him because he/I seemed either horrendously busy, or when I spoke about my recent problems at work/home, he got angry that I didn't take an invite to live with him or get a better job despite the horrendous economy around here. I spoke to him after about four months of not talking to him recently, he basically was pissed I haven't been around, he said he's found more friends now and he was looking for more. He still saw us as friends, but he didn't want that, he wanted more. EDIT: He's also been having a horrendous time himself. For about a year now to be fair. I told him how I felt, how sometimes I felt the same, but didn't want to ruin it between us. I didn't tell him that I honestly didn't want a relationship right now, the last one I had was crushing to me, and I realized after it that I needed time to regroup and mature and get more stabilization emotionally. He left after talking about how he gave me a "fair opportunity" and how I knew his "desires and wants." I honestly didn't know how to reply to something like that... It hurts like hell to lose him, though. Really hurts.
You'd be amazed... I'm old enough to remember what happened right after 9/11... Families of millionaires were asking for funds that were supposed to help the families of the poorer victims. (I.E.: The janitors/small business owners/firefighters.) So their children can go to private school and they can maintain the mansion and five jaguars they owned. Basically, to have the lifestyle they had before their husbands died. Hell, even the Red Cross took advantage of 9/11 by using a ton of donations for other causes when specifically advertising funding for 9/11. (Though the Director had a good point when he said: "The world doesn't stop spinning when four planes crash." At least in my view.) Or the movie about the flight that crashed into Pennsylvania. No one protested about that, and that made a ton of money, and it was historically accurate. Or the books... Etc... An interesting fact: A firefighter claimed in a documentary after 9/11 that the biggest piece of debris that he found was a keypad to a phone. That's not very big when you talk about body parts being shown. Maybe there were bigger pieces found, but I rely more on a firefighter than someone who's angry about the museum. I understand the reason for a gift shop. These museums are hideously expensive to run, and I wonder why no one protested about the Holocaust Museum, or most likely the Boston Marathon bombing museum that probably will come at some point. It sounds like it's being tasteful and it's keeping the expenses down while not charging a fortune for people to go in, or taking tax payer dollars to keep it running.
My mom's side came from Australia, so I have a huge diversity of races for half of my family. It doesn't go back far, just a few greats back because one of my ancestors was an Aborigini who was given to a white family as a slave as was common then. (Rabbit-Proof Fence is a great movie talking about it.) But yeah, I have a huge melting pot of different races, Native American (Eskimo), Aborigini, African American, and god-knows what else... The other half is Irish, on my dad's side.
Alright, I just got a mic and was testing it for recording when I realized the app I picked: ITalk Recorder which was HIGHLY recommended to be the recorder isn't compatible with my Ipod Touch Generation 2 despite it saying in Amazon it is and the best app to use. This is the message I get: "You need a more updated software version." I triple-checked my Ipod and even restored it with the Ipod still insisting that it's up to date. Am I doing something wrong? If I can't use it, can you recommend something that works for IPod Touch Generation 2? I tried others with the same results.
I'm.... Alright, I'm old... (YOU WILL NEVER GET MY AGE!!!!!!! :P *except a few who know it due to me not removing my age before* ><) Anyway...... I always am mistaken for someone much younger. It was about a year ago that they stopped asking for my ID when I went to wine tastings, and when they did see my ID, they always did a double-take and joked that I would always be checked. But I would never pass off as a sophomore in high school. Never. How in the hell does someone get to the age of 15 at 34??? Does make-up and everything else last that long for a day and working also? And no one noticed? And yes, I know there's a disease that keeps someone young looking for their whole lives. But I don't think they look that old.
Oh **** me... *kneejerk reaction* Seriously, all the changes on Youtube were by Google. The comments section now? Google, and they were TOO LAZY to make the comments section change over from the old one. So the old comments are IMPOSSIBLE to find the original comment with a reply. The forced Google+ BS that you have to have an account to EXIST on Youtube? Google... All the problems that gamers are having problems with copyright despite this being their paycheck during LETS PLAYS? Google. OR HELL, REVIEWS?! (Angry Joe, look if you don't believe me.) GOOGLE. Videos of people who made video games advertising said game being banned and spending 3 months trying to fix a problem? Google. Not including all the complaints, from videos, from posters, from everyone out there... They haven't lifted a finger to change it. Twitch is the biggest livestream video gaming site. I'm sorry about the rant, but seriously, I hate the fact that this is LEGAL for video games to be streamed and Lets Plays, and to get PAID for it. And Google is seriously screwing these people over for them to get more cash stuffed in their pockets. And do you know what? The gaming companies are getting MONEY out of this for free advertising. Seriously, this ticks me off. And yes, I am sorry for the rant, but I seriously am tired of seeing gamers being screwed over by Google, first youtube, now Twitch. ><
Your cable company could be doing it the opposite than mine...? I read it, and I'm throwing things out there. I just know I hated TWC for a VERY long time during the period. (I actually still kinda do... They keep on overcharging me, but that's a different thing altogether.)
I hate to say it, but... It could be your cable company... I had a ***** of a time with Youtube for a while with loading, (I have Time Warner Cable, and they said flat out they didn't want "competition" so they purposely severely downgraded the loading time on Youtube. And springboard doesn't work at all, ever. It is impossible to load one video on it.) I would call them and ask them what's going on, you also have to get the modem verified through them. I bought one on my own after the cable company gave me a hard time over the one I had that crashed. If that doesn't work, I'm sorry, but I can't help you.
Yes please... =3
The screen goes blank for a few minutes (it's a desktop.) Then the hard drive shuts down completely. I always have to press the power button to reboot it. I think it has to do with Google? I was looking something up yesterday and it crashed again, I experimented a little and almost every time that I started fiddling around with Google or just finished with google, it would crash. (it crashed four times yesterday, twice when I was experimenting with google. The other two were right after I used google.) I shifted to Yahoo and I didn't have any crashes all day today. I'm honestly throwing things out here. No one knows what the hell is going on with it and the IT guy is the bully at my work place. He already believes that I do **** with work and this is really starting to grate my nerves, not including soon he'll start hitting the roof about it for god-knows why. I think even the other person is starting to get suspicious because it worked fine for a week before starting to crash again. (And yes, I was using Google at that time.)
Sadly, most states say that dogs who bite someone and end up being caught by the police have to be euthanized. Most shelters won't even THINK of accepting aggressive dogs who are protective of their foods, even the Houston SPCA refuses to keep dogs that show any aggression towards food, much less bite someone. Most dogs, sadly, when they taste human blood, they're fixated on it. It takes years if it's possible to train a dog to get over the fixation. It's sad the dogs were euthanized, but as I pointed out in a video where an attack dog was euthanized: It's better to have a dog put to sleep than a 2 year old kid playing in the driveway being attacked by said dog. (I saw a video yesterday where a little boy was riding his bike in his own driveway and was attacked by a neighbors dog, requiring ten stitches. The only thing that saved him was his family's cat.)
I honestly think the Kinect as something like the Virtual Boy, THOUGH being fair before everyone jumps down my throat for comparing the two... The Virtual boy was much worse than the Kinect. Or Dreamcast, another comparison. Sometimes something comes out that either the technology isn't ready for, the public isn't fully ready for, or both. This has been shown tons of times before, I.E: Virtual Boy, which had 3D gaming barely down and caused severe eyestrain to anyone playing it. (I played a demo of it when it came out and felt very lightheaded after 30 minutes of playing.) Or Dreamcast which had a whole bunch of add-ons, Internet, cd, etc... Both of which didn't do well in the market because they were ahead of their age. Will it hit a point where it will actually be a great venture? Sure, look at the 3DS, hell, look at any system today that has everything and then some the Dreamcast offered. Will it have games better than Sonic FreeRiders and Star Wars Kinect? Yes, it will do so once programmers get a full feel of Kinect like controls that don't go nuts when you lean too far to the side... Or stand too close... Or too far... Or wear white after Labor Day... (I.E: VGA's Star Wars Kinect playthrough where Fraser battled with the Kinect for five minutes because it refused to sense him. Or when he does the X Box One day and he spends another 20 minutes wrestling with the Kinect's sensors to compare 2.0.) It just needs more time to develop, and there are some good Kinect games out there, but the technology is still new and still needs a lot more improvements to get a boost in the market. A lot of people have complained about the Kinect, including a lot of fair reviewers, (Angry Joe being one of the more vocal ones who loves the Xbox.) And for that reason a lot of people look at it and think: "Seriously, you're still trying to shove that thing down my throat for another $100?" Some will still buy it, but a lot will turn away from it. Microsoft thought they were ready for such a product, the public didn't and haven't seen anything to convince them otherwise, especially gamewise. Get a fantastic Kinect game, well-marketed and well-liked, and not Dance Central, but something very interactive that works, and make a few more kinect games that are fantastic, and you could probably turn this around. I remember when Star Wars Kinect came out and people were thrilled to play like an actual Jedi, then... They actually played it and heard other people play it, and it died down probably faster than it was hyped. They have the hype, but most of the time, they don't have the punch that follows it.
Dude... ALL articles for anything has the writers opinion added to it. Unless you somehow find the most neutral person on the planet, it's written by someone, meaning they're going to have an opinion. Just saying, hell, look at history books and you'll see that all the time. As for the rest, it doesn't mean Halo 4 was a "fantastic" game. People probably bought 4 after seeing the trilogy, I rented it due to the trilogy and semi-liked it, not as much as the other games, but somewhat liked it. It's like people buying a Final Fantasy game after seeing the previous ones, not liking it, and deciding to not get others. People buy a game from a series, thinking they'll love it, and realize that the series isn't as good as it was before, tastes change, people lose interest, a lot of factors happen. Granted, some people still do it in the hopes to see the series bounce back, though people do like the games now, it depends on a lot of factors, not just a name on the game. I have a lot of series come and go, hell, I've seen series with a name and face slapped on to make it sell better even though it's utterly different than the original. (Super Mario Bros 2/Doki Doki Panic, anyone?) I'm not saying Halo is going to make or break Microsoft, but it's probably not going to have such an impact as it did in 360 with Halo 3.
I'll ask my co-worker to do that... It's been sitting in an office since maybe the beginning of the year. (My boss is technophobic, so we didn't get it until the week that XP shut down fully, so it was there for about 4 months not being touched.) I don't know if they can open it because it's most likely store bought, but I can ask. Thanks, any other ideas if it doesn't work?