Well... As long as you had fun. =3
Thanks, you too... Do anything big? =3
Sorry, life has been eating away at me... D: And good... Just a bruised tailbone on Sunday.
I have sympathy towards the cops in this one, in a way... A lot of cops do sadly shoot first and ask questions later when it comes to kids waving toy guns around. It is such a big deal everywhere that I have seen tons of shouting matches over if people should carry guns to movie theaters just in case someone has a gun. (The Dark Knight Rises where an unfortunate movie theater shooting happened and a lot of people were on the bandwagon of carrying guns into the theater. Yeah, there was many arguments about that, not just over a kid waving a toy gun in a dark movie theater.) What bugs me is that he had a psychiatric evaluation a few months/years ago, (I didn't see all of the news.) And the police force at that time said he was too unstable to be a cop. He didn't have the temperament or mental stability to be one. The report went on to say there was no chance in heaven or hell that he would ever be stable to be a cop. And yes, cops have to be mentally stable to be a cop. A guy I used to know was a schizo, I would never want him or several other people I know to be a cop. If they were, I would admittedly be worried if I ever ran into them in uniform, especially with a gun. Shortly after this report was given, he quit from the force and moved to the town/city where he got his job back. No questions asked, hell... I don't think they even looked at his previous report before taking him in. This would've all been prevented if someone asked a few damned questions about this guys history. Or did another evaluation on him. It's insane.
If you REALLY want to see controversy, go to "So you're a Cartoonist?" And see all the comments on women wearing cosplay uniforms and having males take inappropriate pictures and how wrong it is. The comments are far nastier than anything that I've seen with this guy. INCLuding several claiming woman: "asking for it" because they wear such uniforms. I worked at retail also, it's a hellish job. You're underpaid, targets for the managers who when they have a bad day just start screaming at their most hated employee, and the customers are usually extremely rude to you and treat you the same way as the managers. I feel bad for the kid and agree he was just doing his job and didn't ask for this. They should really remove it and at least ban the account who did it. Or a temp ban on the inappropriate comments.
Interesting... I like the development into different powers. =3 Looking forward with more.
I'm alright peeps, bit sleepy. :P Thanks for your support.
Didn't know where to post this, but... I just wanted everyone to know that I'm going into surgery on Tuesday. It's another mole removal, but due to the circumstances which I won't talk about except with my close friends, they're going to put me under for it. I don't know what's going to happen... There's a lot that can happen, being honest. Even in a standard procedure like this one. I just wanted to let you know, if I don't make it... This website is my pride and joy... The staff, the members, the way it's been running for over six years without me hovering over it. I'm proud of all you guys, and I wanted you to know that. Also: PLEASE DON'T SEND ME HUNDREDS OF PM'S AND MESSAGES!!!!!!!! I honestly appreciate your concern/support, but I don't appreciate it that much. :) Take care peeps. Keep the site going. I'll post maybe this week or weekend if it goes well. It's on my right arm, so...
There's also something called: Reasonable force. Not only for the police officers, but people too. If someone breaks into your home and it's boobytrapped while you're gone, and their legs are blown off by a shot gun. (True story in my law book.) They can and will have the right to sue for damages to the robber. Reason: The person being robbed wasn't in danger at the time of the robbery. They cannot set up something to cause damage to said robber unless they're in danger themselves. If the robber walks in with a gun and you're on the other side of the door with a gun and blow his legs off. Yes, you aren't held responsible because you were in danger. It's the same for a cop: If someone attacks, armed or unarmed, they are allowed to use reasonable force, meaning enough to bring the person down without going excessive. I.E.: The Rodney King beating... If they surrender, the cop isn't allowed to keep on going including shooting the said perpetrator. It's law, it's what all cops and people have to follow. And in any case, the cop would at least be suspended for his actions. If not worse. Even IF he lost his head. Due to the fact that he shot someone surrendering and made a poor judgement call. As for the press, they're under the first amendment too... And should be allowed to be left alone. I see a lot of heads rolling for this.
It doesn't matter how the person died... The first amendment makes it clear that you are granted freedom of speech. Same for religion and press... That's why the Ku Klux Klan lasts as long as they do because of the first amendment... Same for cults, religions, etc... Unless the supreme court or 75% of Congress changes it, it's still the same thing. These people are not rioting, they're not throwing stones, they're not shooting guns, which is another amendment, The right to bear arms... They are marching down the streets in peaceful protest or at least not doing anything to the cops. And the cops are beating them to keep their mouths shut. Here's the thing, though: ANYONE, ANYTIME, CAN PROTEST SOMETHING PEACEFULLY. Granted, the middle of the night bathing in a fountain to express freedom and probably how drunk you are does legally count for an arrest or a warning. I know, I saw it happen. But all the same: If there was no shooting going on, if they decided: "It's unfair how they treat us... Lets protest." By the first amendment, they can. The same reason a KKK member can walk around a public place and hand out pamphlets. Or a Jahova's Witness can bang on your door non-stop to try and sell you stuff as long as it's public property. It's their legal right within the United states. It's NOT legal for the cops to come in and throw tear gas, arrest people and bully them for them not doing anything wrong other than protests. Iit doesn't matter BEFORE, it's the NOW that is causing the stir.
I remember as a kid the L.A. riots in the 1990's... Which happened due to the fact that an African American, Rodney King, was beaten to near death by police officers, all white, publicly for resisting arrest for speeding or something. He did have a history of violence, I do admit, but an all-white jury, despite major publicity of the event on all the news, on all the newspapers, on everything commenting how wrong the cops were, including blow by blow detail on a camera, declared all the cops innocent. Rioting happened for five days after that, some of the worst rioting in history. Mostly by African Americans. I am not saying either side was right for what happened, King was noted for a history of violence. Here's the main issue with what is different between Ferguson and L.A. The rioting should stop, I do agree... If there's rioting, it should stop. If it's people walking down the streets protesting without doing anything OTHER than that, say throwing rocks, stabbing, knives, looting, shooting... What mobs CAN AND WILL do in a mob mentality, let them protest. A guy on crutches was shoved around in one of these peaceful protests before being arrested, a guy who couldn't stand on his own two legs. Was shoved around by FULL GROWN police officers, trained officers, mind you... And thrown in jail for protesting peacefully. I have recently had an encounter with three cops, and note: My last time working with cops was horrible. In front of a dozen witnesses claiming otherwise, they claimed a foreign worker who was watching me through a window, making lewd gestures, and following teenage girls home in his own car, and going into my workplace and trying to drag me over the counter for god knows what... Said that it was a "Cultural misunderstanding" and: "He doesn't understand how to get women in this country." And blamed me for the whole incident in the police report that really pissed me off because they said he was just hugging me when he was trying to drag me off and I felt "uncomfortable". And again, in front of half a dozen witnesses who saw his behavior themselves and testified with my story that I was correct... Three cops stopped me walking home when I was having a severe panic attack, all three promised legal action if I wanted to press charges due to my condition at work. In five minutes, they promised me something that no one else outside the office did: A way to stop the harassment without quitting. One gave me her card and promised to do something if I asked. With that, I finally got the leverage to turn around the situation. There are good cops and bad cops out there... Ones who actually help people and ones who blame victims for the crime, beat people for resisting arrest to near death, shoot unarmed people dead, and beat people who are trying to peacefully protesting. But the bad ones have to be ousted, or we might as well go back to the deep South in the sixties with what happened back then. If you really want to see how bad a peaceful protest can end, look up the African American protests of the 1960's... If you can stomach it... Most of it is too gruesome to think about, let alone see.
Wow... That really sucks... :(
That's really cool, well... Sorta. :/
Wow... That's pretty bad. All we did was feel it. lolz... My state never gets earthquakes so even a small one you would really feel.
Wow... My state had an earthquake about two years ago. I think a 2.2.
Ah... I live on the other side of the US... So I didn't know. =3
Geez... I hope you're okay. D: I'm glad the fire didn't hit you. I have three friends in Seattle I worried about myself.
Not much... Been keeping track of Red vs Blue and rp'ing with some friends. What about you? =3
I am against religion totally, so apologies if I get really into a rant here. I do bring up some personal experiences, and some will probably be disturbing: You have been warned. My dad met my mom in a cult. My mom's sister joined and my mom joined shortly afterwards. My mom soon was trying to get out of said cult and convinced my dad and sister to leave also. My dad currently is a born again/evangelical Christian who when speaking about said dad had a counselor literally cringe who has had probably about 20 years of experience when I mentioned what my dad is like about religion today. One is being how he put $15,000 into the church which half was my mothers in two years, and still now probably has put about 20-50 dollars a throw every time he goes. (I **** you not, I seen him do it myself.) There are maybe some people you can't save from a cult: The biggest problems with the people who join is that they are heavy followers. Easy to brainwash, easy to convert, easy to follow someone's lead, no matter how insane they are. The cult mentality is very ingrained early and if my mom stayed, I would probably be married to a 60 year old with the leader as my father with about 20 wives. He almost hand picked her himself. My aunt is about as insane, though as much richer, when it comes to religion. There are other people who join cults, I'm not zeroing in on one particular group, but a lot of cults seek out people like my dad and aunt to swell their ranks. And most of the time, sadly, no matter what you do or try, it usually never works. At some point, they'll go back, or they'll find something different close to said religion. Like my dad and aunt did. I admire them for trying, but really, sadly at the end, it most likely is a short term solution. There's really not much than can be done if they have that type of personality. If they are just young and making a mistake, or like Patman said, grew up with it and are just now realizing there's something wrong with it, and/or it's brainwashing. Then kudos, there are people who can snap out of this kind of thing, but it's extremely hard to do so. That's why cults have worked EXTREMELY well, and they continue. Look at Jahova's Witnesses, actually, don't, you'll probably never get rid of them.
Nice work... :) I really enjoyed it and can't wait for more. Sorry I couldn't be a Beta, me and grammar have a severe dislike for each other. It's really interesting. =3