i feel like you just got that color out of my avatar. but im a nice guy and pretty much am willing to believe you.
eat some carrots i dont mean just "eat" carrots i mean LOAD UP ON THEM you'll thank me later.
[video=youtube;CD2LRROpph0]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CD2LRROpph0[/video] alright guys lets get down lmao man this song is so good making it my ringtone right now
gimme a color hotshot C'MON GIVE IT TO ME
The US has been on a downward spiral for decades. In my state for instance (Wisconsin), they recently passed a law (illegally, I might add) which cuts all bargaining rights away from the public unions. We've had super strong union laws for over 50 years and it was simply taken away when we needed it the most. New governor sucks. At any rate, this is just an example of what I'm talking about. Of course with this particular issue, it's pretty old and has been going on since the 80s, so forgive me if its a little broken. I think the main issue isn't that things are falling apart so much as there's nothing we can really do about it except "peacefully" (or otherwise) protest. Protesting is an extremely faulty counter mechanism which has only significantly impacted politics when riots or gatherings of more than 125,000 protesters are actively revolting. It used to be effective during times when police weren't as abundant, but I digress...
kairi is so hott omg !!!
i punched you there that is all
this is sexy mmmm
so wait i need someone to clarify. am i the little girl, or am i GETTING a little girl? either way pedophilia is imminent (don't tell anyone !)
and you are all my disciples begin roleplay
Art does not need intention to be considered artistic. I never understood why it was a requirement. My art teachers tend to say otherwise, too, which is the more puzzling factor.
This made me laugh. Quite a bit.
yeah dude you should try it it's off the hizzy bro
I pretty much knew all of the things in this article. Also, everyone should be aware of the corporatocracy by now. It's the only way you can really look at America these days. If it isn't corporately owned, it's probably 99% better for you and for everyone else. That's why we look down being healthy, it just isn't profitable like McDonald's. :) One thing everyone should realize however is that this article is a bit emotionally-driven, and that there are surely some blown-up exaggerations for dramatic effect. Although the author is pretty much spot-on, I wouldn't go around saying he's 100% accurate either. At least partially? There isn't an argument about America's food. To be certain, there are 450,000+ deaths from coronary heart disease each year. This is from various food issues such as overly processed meat to badly cooked foods in oils that cause cholesterol problems (such as McDonalds' fries). Plenty of people die, but until that number goes from 450,000 yearly to, say, 900,000, you'll just continue thinking it's somehow normal for that many people to die. While there are only about 70 reported terrorist attacks reported annually, and yet the dept. of defense has about 50% of the country's budget under its belt. what an odd imbalance, yes?
It's making out. It's about as meaningful as... well I'm amazed if it means anything to anyone.
I think the best thing you can do is change your scope on the subject of "being social." Right now you seem to think it's a chore trying to be "relaxed" and make it "flow naturally." Don't do that. I used to be exactly the same; very awkward, hard to criticism, awful at conversation, etc. An easy way to accomplish what I'm saying is to just let speech flow out of you, don't think necessarily about what you want to say; but as long as you know that what you're saying is relevant, it should be fine. Yeah you'll probably sound like a babbling fool for a while, but eventually you'll become aware of your social idiocies and they will start going away as you begin noticing them. In short, don't second-guess. Just go. It'll help you understand the "flow" that takes place in social context, which is really (personally, anyway) the foundation.
homophobia is kinda dumb.
Not a huge fan of the cinema borders :p I like the smudging and use of your typo. The type could have been executed a little better but overall it's nice, the coloring works. Your smudging feels a bit disorganized. The tag gets lost on the right side of the stock. Cropping it off just past the type would probably fix that. Something to keep in mind is your usage of highlights--usually when you have super bright whites and tans, you lose tons of information and it makes the whole thing look like it was brightened to 100% with a B/C adjustment layer. Try to avoid those types of highlights, instead make it a gradual movement from dark->gray->brighter gray->white, with as little white as possible. Capitalizing on your negative space adds a lot of drama, which is always fun lol It's classy, I like the style.