Plushies are so cute. ;] CLICK ME Critique please?
You just lost it.
Okay so I was goingthrough my favorites just now and I come across a video by CardGamesFTW (the creator of yugioh abridged's youtube) and I've seen it before and I wanted to watch it again, but it say, "This video is not avaliable in your country." wtf? O.o
Touch me baby, Tainted Loooooooooove
:] [1] [2] When I'm sick, I seem to be more creative. Critique is loved!
How could calling some one a cigarette insult someone?
yaay pyramid head chibi thing HARHAR Critque is all i want
I know you are tired of me obsessing over Gorillaz. BLEH Critique pl0x
That david bowie can sing.
You're pretty awesome.
;d .
next semester I have to take keyboarding. Why does it have to be required? When will I EVER have to have skill of typing on a keyboard? =_=
ran with scissors on the sims 2 and died.
new stoooffff Personally I only like the first one. [1] [2] [3] Critique Please
My friend got a gorillaz dvd thingy and it has all this special stuff. Well we watch a video on it, trying to figure out what the text appearing said... and we were like pronpuncing each letter as it came on the screen trying to figure it out.. it was hilarious.
Lovely movie. Honestly made me cry. Anyone seen this one? What'd you think about it?