I searched hissora on google and I got this: -link- Is someone out to get me?
I don't think I've posted these yet. Random newerish stuff. [1] [2] [3] [4]
Project I had to do for English class. .link. Critique?
http://hissora.deviantart.com/art/What-s-cooking-114809388 Lil comic I made cnc?
So today after school I was waiting for my dad to pick me up. My dad usually doesn't get off work until 4:05 and so I ait a while. Right around four, this chick gets out of her car, sets up a trifold on the grass and starts filming with this HUGE nice camera and starts smoking. First of all, smoking is illegal on school grounds, so wtf? I know i should've went up to Mr. Blank and told him, especially since I hate press. But anyway, some of the people who go to my school asked her what she's doing, and she said that she's filming for a story for a book in the school called 'The Boy Book'. We thought it was some nonfiction anatomy book or something, which would make their reasoning for it stupid anyway. Later when parent drive up, she goes up and asks them questions. My dad comes and picks me up and stick a camera in our car and tells us about the book and that it shows how, according to them, "how to get guys to like you to have sex, such as not stuffing your bra". My dad didn't want to make a comment since he'd never read the book, and you can't really have and opinion on their opinion that way. So I got home and looked it up. It's actually a novel where a fictional girl is making a guideline for how to get guys to like you. It's not that bad for our school's ages. Trust me, we have worse books. WAAY worse. And that's not even that bad. Now, for the rant part. Why do they care about a FICTIONAL book with guidelines and stuff. Because yes, some desperate girl is going to pick up that book and follow those guidelines. Well, maybe they might if they're dumb like crap, but I don't see why they would if their parent is the one to report it to the news. For your child really to do that, you'd have to some ****** parent, if you ask me. Channel 11 needs to do research. Yeah, yeah, I know, they're in it for the money. But stop freaking saying lies to people. Really. That's EXACTLY why I hate press. So if you hear about this, just remember this. tl;dr version: Channel 11 goes to my school, reports lies about a book in my school library, I rant about it. Anyway, discuss. ---> learn about the book_link_
of large mouths
I saw you on stage on saturday.
I was born on my birthday.
Is a grease wannabe.
Pretty please? click this link cnc?
I'm in a huge drawing mood and I need more practice with my tablet, but I can't think of anthing to draw. I usually jot down ideas in my sketchbook in what to draw, but I don't want to work on those right now. I either want to draw one of my characters or fan art, possible Silent Hill or kingdom hearts or something.
No kidding. There was like phlegm tuck in it cuz im sick and i closed my mouth and it made a "Meeeeewww" sound.
Looks like he's going to get tentacle raped.
Is probably the easiest show to be an artist for, because all the characters do is talk and hop around. And somehow....there's still the plot.
Okay, so I had one before, but my sister's boyfriend put it on there, but now that he's gone somewhere and I had to redo my computer, it's gone. I'm really tired of the original blue one, sooo~ How exactly do I change it? I know I have to download a certain file and replace it with something else on my computer and then I could use a theme made on deviantart to download. Anyone know how to do it?
Probably the coolest program ever. Vocaloid is a program where you can create songs with digital voices and such. There are about 6 characters and they all have different ranges and voices. Anyone heard of them?
I got bored last night and made some icons. Some are new and some are old. :] Vocaloids Air Gear You MAY use them, only on KHV if you credit. ;] cnc?
Every thread (on the first page) of the spam zone has been deemed terrible by popular vote with one star.* BOW AT MY MIGHT OF MAKING THREADS FROM 5 STAR REALLY GOOD, TO TERRIBLE. *Except one with three stars.