I got glasses
Very hard.
It's okay, though because I have a curious george band aid
Is a great show if you like people who talk really fast.
Its is not spelled Cheeze its or Cheeze itz or Cheese Its or even Cheez ItZ It's Cheez It. The point? I'm getting glasses next week. Wah-hoo
If the world ends tomorrow.... oh dear lord NO!! I'll never be able to sing my solo in my school's musical of Honk! as me as the Cat D: I wanted to just write a "GUESS WHAT THREAD" but this was sexier.
Not sure if this has been posted yet. If it has, feel free to delete. A 23% chance that the world will end tomorrow? Well maybe not. The Large Hadron Collider is supposed to shoot two atoms at each other and shatter each other, which could discover more about the earth. But there is a 23% chance that black holes will form. Some say they will last for only a fraction of a second and not cause any damage. But some say they will stay open longer and destroy the world. Tomorrow at 9 A.M they will start a test run with only 1/5 of the power to see if it is working right, and they will start it full power sometime this weekend, but it will take a few weeks for the machine to reach full power. So I doubt that with 1/5 of the power it could create black holes, so we are good until the weekend, when they start it full power, here is a link about it. http://www. nbc5i. com/news/17429097/detail. html?dl=mainclick Honestly, I don't really believe this. But hey, you never know. Discuss.
Be scared.
After much procrastination, I have a new drawing! XP Probably my best ever. http://hissora.deviantart.com/art/Speak-no-more-97278181 Uberly hardcore critique wanted!
My chair just meowed....
Subject: Tragedy Entries End: Sept 11 Discuss everything related to this week's sotw here.
SotW no. Thirty-Nine Tragedy entry_thread][Discussion_in_Discussion_Thread][Entries_Due_Sept_11_08 This week is about tragedies, perhaps in movies or real life. Entries due by September 11th.
Makes me cry everytime I watch it. And the evil fiance wears eyeliner ;o ohmegawd
My teeth hurt. -Hissora
Auditions for the fall musical at my school are Thursday and Wednesday and I HAVE to audition as a grade for theatre pro. Now I have no clue what to sing D: I wanted to sing 'Diamonds are a Girl's Bestfriend', but that's too high for me =X Help plox? I want a song perhaps from a musical that I can add emotion\action too. I'm thinking about a part from Fall For You by SecondHand Serenade.
I'ma copyright spam zone one day.
on my computer. It suuuuucks because I hate using my dad's.
The religion is Cinthishist.